Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered

Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered

Differences in Remastered Edition?
I know BS1:DC added a second storyline for Nico (which actually spoiled an amazing game, if you ask me), so what does BS2:M do to the original?
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I don't see anything added to it. Only the presentation of conversations is different. Probably there is more but that's what I have noticed.
They also added the diaries, the hints, the unlockable comic book, and they changed the UI a little. In the original the inventory appeared on the bottom of the screen, and the settings were on the top. I kinda liked that UI better, but the new stuff was good.
Thanks, Johnny. Sounds good!
To be honest I'm not sure the remastered edition adds much to the originals. Ideal if your new to the game though. I think the smoking mirror has to be one of my favourites, I must have played it some many times in ScummVM
i prefer the original, but i can play on steam, i must use scummvm.
i tought remastered means better grafic, but that is not what i see, still, greath to play it again after lots of yearsss gone by
There are plot and dialogue cuts like in BS1 Director's cut?
A lot of people complain about the BS1 remaster having things taken out. I havne't read much about 2 and 3 though. I have 1, but I think I will buy the triple pack for $1.99 since it is cheaper to buy that than it is to buy 2 and 3 alone at $1.19 each and BS 1 is $0.99 alone too on here if you don't have that either so you save about $1.40 buying the triple pack.

Of course this series and the first 3 in particular are always VERY cheap anyways. The originals are on and probalby only cost about $2 for all 3 together too.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: TITOMOSQUITO187; 2015. jún. 18., 7:02
There was a bunch of stuff ADDED for the BS1 director's cut. As for things "cut", I don't believe it was anything significant... although die-hards like me missed it.
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