Distant Star: Revenant Fleet

Distant Star: Revenant Fleet

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Mynx Jul 9, 2015 @ 9:42pm
No 'Back' Option
I like the game alot, but this is something that ticked me off, I was about to reach the end area, 1 sector away, but while in this sector I was hailed by a cargo ship that was in need of help to get rid of some Orthani that were keeping them from getting their medical supplies and one of the options was to attempt to scare away the Orthani, so I clicked that cuz I really don't like escort missions since the ships always move so slow and I was hoping to get out of it without fighting, well I look at the options that the crew gives me and I don't like either of them, One was to fire warning shots at the Orthani in attempt to scare them off, but there is a chance I might accidently hit the cargo ship that was behind my fleet... not gonna question that cuz it's a game, anyway the second option was to bribe the Orthani but that would cost alot and since every game has their different opinions on what 'Alot' actually entails I didn't want to take my chances since I was near endgame and alot probably ment alot more than alot when you first start. Looking at both I didn't want to choose either, but for some reason there is no way to go back on something you havn't even done yet so I chose the shoot to scare because my thoughts were 'What's the worst that could happen? I accidently blow up the cargo ship and I don't get any supplies or credits', but after clicking the option, the text comes up 'Your weapons have succeeded in scaring off the Orthani. . . but they also heavily damaged the cargo vessel resulting in numerous casualties. High Command insists you give up all your credits and supplies as compensation.' WHAT THE HELL! It's my first time I'm about to beat the game and I get screwed over entirely because I can't go back on wanting to shoot at them!? And seriously all of my stuff!? 45,928 credits and 11 supplies gone to a severely damaged ship, what are they gonna do, have a feast of 11 crates of supplies before they die? Bathe in the mass amounts of credits I just handed over for them? Why the heck couldn't it have been something more reasonable, like I don't know force me to back track alittle so they can get safely to a station, or at least slim down the cost to HALF and not ALL? OR AT LEAST put a back button in for stupid things like that, you have the choice to scare them off but you dont want to so why can't you just say 'Screw it, battle stations'? Why do you have to try and get rid of them without battle when all you did was consider your options? And when the options of one thing aren't to your favor why cant you go back to the other option? I know it's a game, but is it really too much to ask for alittle realism here? What commander of a fleet would just risk something like that because he is forced to refuse to consider his other option again.
< >
Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
Bonzai101 Jul 10, 2015 @ 1:47am 
Bit harsh I must say, it really shouldn't be all your resources but............

You can't take back what you do in real life.............................. its done and you face the consequences..........

Also can you use paragraphs next time, wow thats a big wall of text.
Last edited by Bonzai101; Jul 10, 2015 @ 1:48am
Mynx Jul 10, 2015 @ 1:54am 
But that's the thing, nothing was set in stone, all I did was click the option to decide to try andscare them off, but i hadn't done it yet that's why I think we should at least get a choice to go back if the choice we made wasn't absolute. Now things like choosing to hail the cargo ships instead of the pirates, thats absolute you cant just shut off coms and hail the other without pissing a few people off, but weighing your options shouldnt kill you completely.
Bonzai101 Jul 10, 2015 @ 3:14am 
Not quite sure what you mean here, you pick an option - face the consequences.

Its pretty simple.

To me though, being realistic, high command has sent you on an absolutely vital mission with limited resources, do you really think they'd get you to compensate the traders in wartime?

I think not.
Eandaen Jul 10, 2015 @ 5:17am 
There aren't many brutal penalties like that in the game - the story event you mention is the harshest one. There are loads with positive outcomes as well (and the story events have a chance to succeed or fail).

With regards a back button, it's not something we're looking at implementing. It would change the flow of the game too much.
Mynx Jul 10, 2015 @ 6:03am 
I dont mean adding it in at all is a must, all im suggesting is things not be so harsh when you just want to weigh your options and are forced to take a terrible path, when doing that you should consider all options, maybe at least allowing to see the options of your choices for avoiding fight instead of the option to decide to do that, i mean its just alittle unreasonable you dont get to weigh your options properly and it makes everyone just want to take a straight path rather than experiment with what they can do
Mynx Jul 10, 2015 @ 6:18am 
I understand I'm being a whiny priss here but you can at least understand my frustration
Last edited by Mynx; Jul 10, 2015 @ 6:18am
Eandaen Jul 10, 2015 @ 7:38am 
Yeh I totally understand your frustration - I screamed at the monitor the first time it happened to me too! :) But things like that don't happen very often and when they do, they're balanced out with the occasional free Dreadnought as a mission reward. :)
Mynx Jul 10, 2015 @ 3:52pm 
Yea I think I had a chance to get one, the commander noticed a ship docked at I guess a space brothel? And I had the option to send a team in to take it, but my team was killed I guess so I had to pass it up
Tim Dec 12, 2015 @ 6:31pm 
I've only played through the game once, but i didn't encounter any negative outcomes. I totally would have got wreaked like you.
Hey devs,
why don't you introduce some lesser punishment earlier on to get people used to the idea.
SpectralShade Apr 14, 2017 @ 5:46pm 
Originally posted by Bonzai101:
Not quite sure what you mean here, you pick an option - face the consequences.

Its pretty simple.

To me though, being realistic, high command has sent you on an absolutely vital mission with limited resources, do you really think they'd get you to compensate the traders in wartime?

I think not.

I think the issue is, that when he saw the 2 options, he would have prefered to just engage the enemy in battle rather than try either of those 2 options. Realistically, nothing should prevent him from saying: "Screw it, I'm not going to risk hitting the transport and I am certainly not going to pay those swines. eat hot plasma orthani scum!"

The forced choice is very "gamey" and totally immersion breaking.
< >
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