Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers

Bark Suggestions. Best barks will be added to the game
To keep it easy to navigate, stick to this simple template:

Location (planet, orbit etc), crew member's traits/bark conditions.
Bark text.


Wild planet. Other fascinated trait.
Xenos are not evil. They are just misunderstood.


Planet. Low crew HP.
Ouch. Someone help me down the ramp.

Trait list for the reference.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Event Horizon; 16 lipca 2018 o 8:42
Początkowo opublikowane przez Trese Brothers:
Początkowo opublikowane przez TheTraveler:
can we have better ship encounter options for diplomats with high negotiation atm its limited to bribe or fight mostly

We're keeping this thread on topic. I'm happy to answer elsewhere

I just added 50+ rumor barks from the thread to the game! Huge thanks team :)
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 128 komentarzy
Trese Brothers  [producent] 16 lipca 2018 o 8:44 
Other types of info you might use --

Cadar Planet, XYZ Trait

or ...

High Military Planet, XYZ Trait

or ...

Farming World, XYZ Trait

Event Horizon 16 lipca 2018 o 9:16 
Wild high risk planet. Another crew Other Fascinated.
I hope *name* 's fondness for Xeno won't cost us our lives.

Wild high risk planet. Xenophobia.
Stay close. Xeno can be around every corner.

Planet. Another crew Drunk
Nary an hour has passed and *name* is already deep in his cups.

Planet. Another crew Spice addict.
Don't you worry, I'll keep *name* 's spice habbits in check.

Planet. Another crew Seedy
"Name" always knows where to find the choiciest Halls!

High tier Planet. Worldsick
I wish I could stay here. But the void beckons.

High tier Planet. Worldsick
I almost forgot what the sky looks like.

High tier Planet. Worldsick
The touch of wind on my skin. I missed it.

Small planet. Gravity sickness.
Big or small, the gravity pull is nauseating all the same.

Planet. Earthbound Friends
I'll join you soon. Have some friends to visit.

LordofSyn 16 lipca 2018 o 9:25 
This needs to be added to the forums too. Great thread.
Event Horizon 16 lipca 2018 o 9:48 
Planet. Another crew Earthbound Friends
Has anyone wondered how does *name* have friends in every port?

Planet. Acrobatic.
Many Spice Halls seek me for my feats of agility. Maybe some day.

New Planet. Adventurous.
New star ports, new people. This is what life is all about!

Old Planet. Adventurous.
We've been here already. Let's not linger.

New Wild planet. Adventurous.
I wonder if we are the first to step on this planet.

Old Wild planet. Adventurous.
This place still has its secrets. I'll lead the expedition!

Planet. Reveres Authority.
Behave yourselve, people. The captain's reputation is on the line.

New Planet. Bandit.
Another star port, ripe for the taking!

Planet. Fatalistic.
We may have survived this time. But will it last?

High tier Planet. Fleet footed.
I think I may go for a run.

Planet. Focused
Don't forget why we are here.
Event Horizon 16 lipca 2018 o 10:06 
New Rychart Planet. Spice addict or Seedy.
Rychart spice! Easily worth the troubles getting here.

Rychart Planet. Other crew Spice addict or Seedy.
"Name" always says Rychart spice worth its weight in gold.

Low tier spice Planet. Gossip.
This Hall's spice may have gone stale but the rumours are always fresh.

High spice Planet. Gossip.
Good spice has always been useful for loosening tongues.

High spice Planet. Jaded.
You call it the best Halls in the quadrant? Blargh! I've seen it all.
Trese Brothers  [producent] 16 lipca 2018 o 10:08 
@watcher - great work here :D
Event Horizon 16 lipca 2018 o 10:14 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Trese Brothers:
@watcher - great work here :D
Thanks. I think I'll take a break, will continue tomorrow. Hoping to see at least some of these lines in uncoming updates.
Event Horizon 16 lipca 2018 o 18:11 
Quick question. Is it possible to implement barks on these conditions: officer, low hp, low morale, low crew morale/hp?
Trese Brothers  [producent] 16 lipca 2018 o 18:22 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Watcher:
Quick question. Is it possible to implement barks on these conditions: officer, low hp, low morale, low crew morale/hp?

Yeah, the bark system has a lot of context it could check. We aren't checking these today, but if we could in the future.
Event Horizon 16 lipca 2018 o 20:47 
General rumor barks:

Radiation storm
Void readings are off the charts, a storm is brewing.
We are in the eye of the storm, have to move quickly or suffer consequences.
Never I long so much for a star port as in the midst of a storm.
In this storm we must rely on our skill and resolve more than ever.
The void itself tries to purge us with this storm!

Pirate fleet
Many a scum has gathered in this quadrant at once.
The void is teeming with pirate ships in this quadrant.
Has there always been so many pirate sightings in nearby systems?
We are getting many distress signals from merchant ships. Let's be cautious.
The local trade is crumbling under recent pirate onslaught.

Heavy patrol
Tensions are high, the local military is on high alert.
It's never simple to turn easy profits when military starts looming over so diligently.
Right now we are safe from anything but the military fleet.

Xeno fleet
Xenos are stirring, both in the void and on land.
The sightings of Xeno ships are flooding the coms. Stay alert.
The quadrant is awash with Xeno. There is no escaping a battle.
Another wave of Xeno is plaguing both gravs and spacers of this quadrant.

Merchant Fleet
The quadrant is bustling with spice and credits.
The coms are alive with merchants' hails and salutes.
Many merchants have come here to reap profits and will fight dearly for them.

Artifact Find
It's a planet rush as in the days after Exodus!
All kinds of star traders are coming here for easy riches.
A trade in artifacts may not always be legal but it sure is profitable.
The riches may already be unearthed but not yet properly secured.

Ostatnio edytowany przez: Event Horizon; 17 lipca 2018 o 6:07
Event Horizon 17 lipca 2018 o 9:50 
Ion storm
The system's star is acting up. Harmful for anyone but xeno,
All hands on deck, we are entering the ion storm.
Steer true lest we will add to the orbiting wreckage.

Trade blockade
If we are to land, we'll have to run the blockade first.
Where legal trade comes to a halt, smuggling flourishes.
The space trade may has been hampered but the life goes on for gravs.

Meteor storm
Buckle up and hold tight, meteor field ahead!
I haven't abandoned a life on one rock just to get crushed to death by another!
I hope gunners are ready, there is no avoiding some meteors.

Pirates have overrun this system. No avoiding combat if we decide to linger.
Local Faction will pay dearly just to thin down pirates' numbers.
The local military has sure slackened their grip on the system.

Xeno spores
By the void! It's raining xeno!
Xeno spreads like a plague, neither the void nor a planet guarantee shelter.
Xeno take no prisoners. It's either victory or death with them. Or running away.

If we try to land we'll get shot down, no doubt about it.
With the surface locked out there is not much to do but to gallivant on the orbit.
Medicine evolves but so do diseases. Epidemics are bound to happen.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Event Horizon; 17 lipca 2018 o 10:21
Event Horizon 17 lipca 2018 o 9:52 
Would be nice to know if I'm moving in the right direction, would really suck to write a few hundred lines just to find out they don't fit in~
Event Horizon 17 lipca 2018 o 9:54 
Btw I tried to add hints about rumor effects, hope it shows.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Event Horizon; 17 lipca 2018 o 9:55
Trese Brothers  [producent] 17 lipca 2018 o 10:20 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Watcher:
Would be nice to know if I'm moving in the right direction, would really suck to write a few hundred lines just to find out they don't fit in~

You're doing great. Biggest thing is keeping the bark simple, a single clause or thought. You got that down.
Dr. Spendlove 17 lipca 2018 o 16:52 
Holy cow, a lot of these are really good.
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Data napisania: 16 lipca 2018 o 8:40
Posty: 128