The Exiled
Shame that the game is DEAD :(
shame that the game is dead .. :( .. i think that we need more games like this
< >
Показані коментарі 16 із 6
Bring some peeps that want to actually play and I'll be on more (and bring enough to make it even numbers.) If it becomes active again.

Sadly most groups form up, gank, and run into someone actually good... Then they kinda ragdface
Цитата допису SethSamson:
shame that the game is dead .. :( .. i think that we need more games like this

The soundtrack alone was so good, shame it's not available for download :(.
And the combat oh god so satisfying.

This game still has so much potential. If only the Dev had more manpower and resources.

I jumped in late when the player base had already declined. However in the few moments that I did experience the game how it was supposed to be. That was so much fun.

RIP the exiled, a game that showed me how fun open world pvp can be.
If only I had the music theme from the main menu
Автор останньої редакції: Zartas; 2 трав. 2018 о 4:33
People are still keeping an eye on this... sadly not enough consistent PVP for me to keep logging in.

Even if I had to 1v4+ (1v12 when the group of 8 and 4 got together was probably the limit. Had to bait them out hardcore style) again I'd log in for ♥♥♥♥♥ and giggles lol

But I do miss the really good groups of 3ish that would give me a run for my money :(
< >
Показані коментарі 16 із 6
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Опубліковано: 5 квіт. 2018 о 9:15
Дописів: 6