2064: Read Only Memories

2064: Read Only Memories

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NNTB Nov 3, 2018 @ 9:25pm
(possibly spoilers?) game was decent but wish there was some balance to the sexual nature of the game.
nothing wrong with pushing that x characture is gay or whatever. but the relationships pushed in your face are all homosexual. even in the pub crawl in the end where you givin a male npc to hit on but no diolgue tree to say you dont swing that way. and not 1 girl characture / love intrist. i thought for sure they would have one but the only one that it could have been "jess" seems to just hate your guts.

other then that you have 2 bartenders that brodcast thier love for eachother, and 2 punks that hint at it with the name sake drop of "why dont you have the code name star..." really subtle guys >.>

keep in mind i am not upset some charactures are gay. i just wish there was some balance.

but that aside its a decent rip off of snatcher even emulates the shooting mechanic well.

< >
Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Ciaran Zagami Nov 4, 2018 @ 11:29pm 
Honestly the 'sexuality' of the game gets kind of annoying when EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER is either implied to be bisexual, homosexual, or trans.

I kind of get why gender is such a big deal with Turing since it is a machine even if it thinks like a person but the way its constantly pushed in every character and so many interactions (so much so that every wiki page doesn't list the character's biological gender but rather lists their pronouns) makes every thing feel akward in a way I can't quite explain.
NNTB Nov 6, 2018 @ 6:16pm 
honestly i would be fine with it if there was more of a mix. also no one was in a relationship with thier ROM. which i find hard to belive. (even before all robots get robo saipence. if you picked that ending)
dnru Nov 18, 2018 @ 12:20am 
It's a San Francisco thing. The city just historically has a very large gay community.
havoc7777 Jan 1, 2019 @ 5:09pm 
I see it as another version of this

Both are a look into what the future holds for everyone if policical correctness continues to spiral out of control.
Wintery Jan 28, 2019 @ 10:20pm 
It's a publisher known for LGBT-friendly titles in a game set in San Fransico... That's a bit like buying a game from a japanese commpany set in tokyo and complaining there are too many Japanese people.

That said, I was going to use Snatcher as an example and remembered half the cast was occidental, including a (spoilers?) Russian protagonist, French contact and a few others, so you're not ENTIRELY wrong but it's a bit different with LGBT-focused games, because they've been so under- or badly-represented in so many games developers with an LGBT focus tend to make that their primary focus.
krikit Feb 25, 2019 @ 9:56am 
It's a futuristic San Francisco, and considering the current LGBT+ climate I don't find it that hard to believe the future will be much more open with sexuality and gender identities. I'm more concerned about the furries than anything lol
Si Apr 1, 2019 @ 9:55am 
Originally posted by rachel:
what a complete non issue

Non-issue to you. I've not played much of the game whatsoever, but you can't say his opinion is a non-issue because it's not to you. It clearly is an issue or he wouldn't have made the post.
badfluffy Feb 26, 2020 @ 2:27am 
Originally posted by NNTB:

keep in mind i am not upset some charactures are gay. i just wish there was some balance.

Well, the game takes place in San Francisco and I'm tempted to say now you know how most LGBT people have felt for hundreds of years with the heteronormality in movies, games and other media, but really since the game is absolutely not about romance or romancing characters, I think "balance" and love interests were not necessary.

By the way, if you're a woman and not interested in male characters, there is no alternative option either. Whatever.
MAKAIROSI Mar 4, 2020 @ 10:50pm 
I don't really care about that. To be honest, i bought it knowing it would be like that. I too would wish there were more heterosexual people so i could identify with them, but then again, you could reverse that when other games don't contain a single homosexual character (or contain them in stereotypical ways). So it doesn't really matter to me. What matters is the story, the world building, the mechanics etc.

I think it's the right of the creator to create whatever they feel like. And here they're talking about a future where you can even modify your genes and splice them to have cat ears and stuff. From the beginning the game is saying "anything goes".

My only problem with the game is that the click-select action mechanic feels very dated in a bad way. But again, that's what the creator probably wanted.
Vinelias Apr 8, 2020 @ 10:18pm 
At least now you know how we feel when we play any other game
Rude Boy EEEE Sep 9, 2020 @ 5:58am 
I thought about this for a bit, but if you think in this light, it makes sense:
I'm a straight guy, and I've played tons of JRPGs where you got a male character who can romance females, but no males. Persona, for example. And I loved most of them. I guess if the character in this game is gay, it's just a change of perspective, in a way. Like how a straight woman might feel playing Persona games. That's the way I see it, at least. I have the game on Switch (got it with Vall-Halla), so I'm gonna play on there and see how it goes. Seems promising, so far! I'm sure, if the narrative is good enough, the sexuality of the MC won't matter much to me.
< >
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