Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm

Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm

KajFlo 11 mar, 2017 @ 2:45
How good is the AI ?
Hi !

I have bought the game but i still wonder about how good the AI is.

I only played the tutorial scenario and it says the tutorial is not well balanced but i saw the AI rushing into a town with tanks first. Dont know much about Soviet doctrine.

I could still refund thats why i ask the question now before playing some more and slipping over the 2h limit.

So is the AI good int his game with the latest patch ?

Do they just rush you or do they make clever use of the terrain, flank you, use covered approaches and withdrawal if they hit a wall of steel or do they just keep pushing till everyone is dead ?

It looks like a very good wargame but most wargams suffer from a bad AI that just rushes you and dont cares about their units or some real combined arms maneuvering.

And how is Infantry ? Are they as nasty as they should be in forests and towns ?

How well is morale simulated ? Will units break and run sometimes or always fight till death ?

Is Inf vs. Inf just a matter of minutes till everyone is dead or is there hour long combat with suppression, regrouping, outflanking...going to happen like it should be ?

Just found that while searching the forums.

Thats exactly what i dont like and is what i fear to see ingame, especially for the soviets, tunk rushes till there are no more tanks and scouts not breaking contact once targeted but just sitting there to get killed (which i saw happening in the tutorial).

I have read that that the AI is generally not good defending and the the AI plays the NATO just like it plays the Soviets with human wave like attacks.

Also, i have read the AI does not do defend/withdraw and this will only be in the new game, or was this patched into Red Storm with the latest patch ?
Senast ändrad av KajFlo; 11 mar, 2017 @ 6:51
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Mad_Russian_OTS  [utvecklare] 11 mar, 2017 @ 8:39 
The AI is primarily set to follow Soviet doctrine of the 1970 - 2000 time period. Which is basically WW2 Soviet doctrine on steroids. The Soviets believed in one thing, ATTACK!

The AI will adjust it's actions according to your own. It's not scripted but has it's actions determined by a variety of situations. As those situations change the AI can, and often will, adjust to your moves.

Good Hunting.

KajFlo 11 mar, 2017 @ 12:11 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Mad_Russian_OTS:
The AI is primarily set to follow Soviet doctrine of the 1970 - 2000 time period. Which is basically WW2 Soviet doctrine on steroids. The Soviets believed in one thing, ATTACK!

The AI will adjust it's actions according to your own. It's not scripted but has it's actions determined by a variety of situations. As those situations change the AI can, and often will, adjust to your moves.

Good Hunting.


Thanks, but still refunded because it sounds like another of these games justifying a bad AI that only rushes you with "Soviet doctrine".

Especially since the AI seems unable to play well with the NATO forces.
Senast ändrad av KajFlo; 11 mar, 2017 @ 12:14
Mad_Russian_OTS  [utvecklare] 11 mar, 2017 @ 12:55 
Everyone has their opinion of what a 'bad AI' is. In our case, we have modeled the Soviet doctrine, in the Cold War period, as historically accurately as possible. We understand that won't be attractive to everyone.

Southern Storm will use a much wider range of options for the AI to engage with.

Good Hunting.

Senast ändrad av Mad_Russian_OTS; 11 mar, 2017 @ 12:56
ctcharger 11 mar, 2017 @ 17:37 
Just purchased it while on sale. Also bought the old scenarios redone of which I played the first one. Wow! What an experience! I saw no major issues with the Soviet AI although I did see some with mine! I did have one good idea which totally worked which saved me. What I didn't plan on was the other wave of guys coming around which caught me off guard and I paid for it. 2% more effectiveness would have netted me a tactical victory though. (could have used those 2 A-10s sooner!). As for the Soviet AI, not really sure what more you can expect them to do. They don't have the training center like we do, this is the start of the war, Germany is pretty much an armed camp, and the Soviets only get one chance at victory so they will attack with speed, not much skill, and little regard for losses. Any delay means the combine economies of the free world gear up and take them down, or you go nuclear so bad choices all around if your initial surge fails. Those Soviets at the end of WW2 were the product of 4 years of hard core experience, these guys will not be that experienced and will have to learn on the job with a HUGE time crunch against NATO no less. And well, besides that, I am just training before I dip my toe in the PBEM water which is my favorite way to play. I always want to try games like this but usually quit after I play them a few times. Crap interface, crap manual, way TOO much detail, no fun. Not the case here! I even printed out the battle summary at the end just so I could remember it. This is PC wargaming done right, just a great first experience.
KajFlo 12 mar, 2017 @ 3:04 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Mad_Russian_OTS:
Southern Storm will use a much wider range of options for the AI to engage with.

Good Hunting.


Then i will wait for that game. When will it release on Steam ?
ctcharger 12 mar, 2017 @ 7:00 
decided to accept an PBEM challenge, getting your butt kicked early and often I figure is a great way to learn. So far it looks pretty seemless and easy to use. He turned off the staff can call for artillery strikes so I am guessing I have to pay attention to see if any HQ pops up.
ctcharger 12 mar, 2017 @ 7:16 
Southern Storm is where exactly? Southern NATO or Arab-Israeli?
Cap'n Darwin  [utvecklare] 12 mar, 2017 @ 7:26 
Southern Germany (NATO). Adding in Canadian, French, East German, and Czech forces. New maps in the South.
ctcharger 12 mar, 2017 @ 7:31 
That's what I initially thought although maybe further South than that. Looking forward to it!
KajFlo 12 mar, 2017 @ 8:06 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Cap'n Darwin:
Southern Germany (NATO). Adding in Canadian, French, East German, and Czech forces. New maps in the South.

Will it instantly release on Steam ?

Or first on Matrix only and then after months on Steam ?
Mad_Russian_OTS  [utvecklare] 12 mar, 2017 @ 9:33 
The release schedule will be determined before the game goes on sale.

There is no date for any of this yet.

Good Hunting.

KajFlo 12 mar, 2017 @ 9:37 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Mad_Russian_OTS:
The release schedule will be determined before the game goes on sale.

There is no date for any of this yet.

Good Hunting.


Definitely sounds like a game i will look into once its released, especially if you say the AI will be much improved and more nuanced.
baddoggs 12 mar, 2017 @ 18:48 
My problem with the Ai is not the enemy but the one for YOUR side.
Playing a small op, I had a platoon of mech inf on each flank for a classic
envelopment when a flight of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ choppers arrived the IFV's promptly
stopped the advance and spent the rest of the game shooting the helo's.
Thats bad right? well the rest of the inf joined in disregarding the enemy inf
completely. Worse still i had dedicated AAA to deal with it but they never
got the chance. This is both stupid and annoying, Is there a fix or can
you somehow put a priority on ground targets. I mean ALL my units except
the AAA was engaging those ******** choppers.
Senast ändrad av baddoggs; 12 mar, 2017 @ 19:01
baddoggs 12 mar, 2017 @ 19:07 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Mad_Russian_OTS:
Everyone has their opinion of what a 'bad AI' is. In our case, we have modeled the Soviet doctrine, in the Cold War period, as historically accurately as possible. We understand that won't be attractive to everyone.

Southern Storm will use a much wider range of options for the AI to engage with.

Good Hunting.


I thought the soviet Ai was ok as Op Force. Did the things you expect the soviet
armies of the 80's to do. Recon far ahead good mix of IFV's and MBT's moving
in support. Arty works better than i expected (minelaying is priceless) and the
harassment from helo gunships and airstrikes was a challange. As a former soldier
my time of service was mid 80's to early-mid 90's so i know the period well. I spent
time as int officer at Btn level and Op's officer at Rgmt level so i have actual Exp
with the tactics and doctrine of the period. I must say, VERY well done. I love this
game allready and i only purchaced it yesterday Lol. My ONLY problem with the
Ai so far is.

Ursprungligen skrivet av baddoggs:
My problem with the Ai is not the enemy but the one for YOUR side.
Playing a small op, I had a platoon of mech inf on each flank for a classic
envelopment when a flight of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ choppers arrived the IFV's promptly
stopped the advance and spent the rest of the game shooting the helo's.
Thats bad right? well the rest of the inf joined in disregarding the enemy inf
completely. Worse still i had dedicated AAA to deal with it but they never
got the chance. This is both stupid and annoying, Is there a fix or can
you somehow put a priority on ground targets. I mean ALL my units except
the AAA was engaging those ******** choppers.

There needs to be some kind of override to prevent/deal with this issue.
Totally screwed my ambush, had them trapped in a vally, they were able
to escape with ease on bloody foot Lol. My AAA did not fire a single shot...
Senast ändrad av baddoggs; 12 mar, 2017 @ 19:15
devin.bass 12 mar, 2017 @ 22:09 
nothing wrong the AI, pretty darn good in my opinion.
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Datum skrivet: 11 mar, 2017 @ 2:45
Inlägg: 51