4089: Ghost Within

4089: Ghost Within

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phr00t  [utvikler] 2. jan. 2015 kl. 19.27
Common Questions & Answers: Please check here first!
I'll try and keep this post updated with anticipated & popular questions.

I'm having trouble opening 4089!

Check this post: http://steamcommunity.com/app/329770/discussions/0/627456486887900004/

I purchased elsewhere, can I get a Steam key?

Yes! If you purchased on BMT Micro before 4089's release, you should already have a Steam key in your inbox. If you purchased after 4089's Steam release, or you can't find your Steam key, let me know! Send me an e-mail, phr00t at the usual gmail dot com, and I'll look you up.

If you purchased on IndieGameStand, you should be able to redeem keys on that site, since I've uploaded Steam keys there already.

How do I get the Steam overlay to work?

I recall this being a problem with my previous games, 3089 & 3079, because of how Steam handles the launching of my Java applications. Unfortunately, I haven't found a solution & the overlay likely just won't work.

Can I have a map?

This one has been a tough feature request to consider... adding a map system isn't always straightforward. I'd much rather have the world itself be easy enough to navigate without a map system. Here are some of the things I do to keep the world simple so you shouldn't need a map:

1) The world is generated in relatively simple paths, not complex mazes.
2) Door labels turn green when you've entered a room, so you know when you are looping back or going somewhere new.
3) Door labels count up the distance away from the starting room. This should help you follow the path deeper and deeper until the final room.
4) Door labels also have a letter that differentiates rooms that are the same distance away from the starting room (e.g. 3A and 3B are both 3 rooms away from the start, but different rooms).

I've never come across a "C" room (or more), so there shouldn't be more than 2 of the same rooms from the start (which means it shouldn't be a maze).

I recommend looking up for vents if you are getting stuck!

Maps can be tricky to navigate & understand in 3D space, so I'm trying to "KISS" (Keep It Super Simple).

How do I create & share my own content?

First read this: http://4089game.wordpress.com/content-creation-guide/

Use NotePad++ to display/save files properly: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/

A quick way to get to 4089's installation directory (to see current content you can copy & modify), run the game in "Windowed" mode. Then, click "Room Viewer". The "Rooms/" directory should appear. You can copy a room file into a new one, then enter its name within 4089 to see & modify it. You could also go to the parent directory from "Rooms/" to see all the other content folders, like "Items/" & "Robots/".

When you have something to share, I'd recommend uploading your text files, sounds, models (and whatever you created) to Google Drive & then linking it here in this forum. You can also post them to my Facebook page wall here:


... and I can work on adding it to the homepage here:


I recommend packaging everything you create into a ZIP that includes all the files needed in their respective folders.

How do I install new content?

First, find 4089's installation directory. The easiest way to do that is to run the game in "Windowed" mode (uncheck "Fullscreen" at start) & click "Set Mod Dir" on the main menu. This will pop up 4089's directory. Unzip or copy mod files into a new folder within the 4089 directory. Then, enter in the name of this new folder into 4089 as the mod directory.

When mod files are copied in, it should look like this:

<4089 directory>/<mod directory>/<mod files>

For example, if you entered in "hcatguns" as the mod directory, the directory structure would look like this:

<4089 directory>/hcatguns/Items
<4089 directory>/hcatguns/Textures
<4089 directory>/hcatguns/...

4089 is so different than 3079 & 3089!

The biggest difference is the environment -- 3079 & 3089 are "open-world" games, while "4089: Ghost Within" is set inside the Overlord's ship. Many other things are similar, like customization via stat points, grappling hooks, randomly generated items, enemies & more. I want each game to feel unique in the series, so player's never feel like they are buying & playing the same thing again. It is also fun to explore new ideas & present them to you. 4089 is meant to be leaner & get the player right into the action. While many will like the changes, not everyone will, and that is OK. "4089: Ghost Within" likely isn't the last game of the series, so keep an eye out for updates & you may just see what you liked best in the next game, even if it wasn't in 4089.

Why is there a Borg ship on the logo?

It looks like a Borg ship, but it isn't. The cube is a pretty common shape & it is just coincidence. The procedural nature of the game generates rooms within a cubed space, so it makes sense to have the Overlord's ship be a cube. Also, the logo is a throwback to the 3079's logo of a cubed world. We did emphasize the neon nature of the ship to help differentiate it visually. There is no connection between 4089: Ghost Within and "The Borg" beyond a cubed spaceship.

The artist has a response to this too:


Another 3079/3089/4089 game? Are they complete?

I love futuristic procedural games & these are the games my fans want. I also try and make each one unique from the last, so although it is "another" game of the series, it feels fresh.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion & definition of "complete". As was said with 3079 & 3089, if I kept developing the games until everyone agreed they were "complete", they would never be released & I could never move on to new & exciting projects. All planned features have been implemented & all moderate/major bugs will be squashed, as will be with all my projects. Swawa3D gave 4089 a great set of content to build on, from the start, so nothing should feel incomplete. This is the most polished title at release yet of the series. However, like I've said, I can't please everyone! I thank everyone else for your support, and I am definitely open to feedback & more importantly: suggestions to improve.

Will 4089 have multiplayer?

After much consideration, I decided multiplayer wouldn't be a good fit for this game. Similar games like Eldritch don't have multiplayer either -- mainly because of shorter individual play periods, tight spaces & stealthy elements. Also, and most importantly, 4089 is so modifiable: it might get tricky to make sure everyone has all the same content to keep things in sync. I may revisit this feature for another title with a proper, supportive environment for it though!
Sist redigert av phr00t; 20. jan. 2015 kl. 9.30
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hipp0cat 11. jan. 2015 kl. 16.00 
Sorry if this is a wrong thread to ask, but there seems to be a typo in weapon configs. There's a parameter called "beam_alhpa" in gun.txt, gun-iris.txt and railgun.txt. Is this intended? Is it safe to make new weapons, or will this parameter be renamed?
phr00t  [utvikler] 11. jan. 2015 kl. 16.34 
Opprinnelig skrevet av OSAhipp0cat:
Sorry if this is a wrong thread to ask, but there seems to be a typo in weapon configs. There's a parameter called "beam_alhpa" in gun.txt, gun-iris.txt and railgun.txt. Is this intended? Is it safe to make new weapons, or will this parameter be renamed?

Good catch! beam_alpha is the correct variable name. The current gun.txt / gun-iris.txt etc. are broken. I'll fix the files to use the proper beam_alpha variable -- looks like the number needs to be changed too. I may have to tweak how the alpha of the beam works now that we've realized current weapons were not using that number.
DJDel 11. jan. 2015 kl. 17.45 
Hi phr00t,
I am a big fan of all of your games but when I saw 4089 come out 2 days ago, I saw that there was no multiplayer, and in your games I have allways enjoyed playing with a friend. Will there be multiplayer?

Thanks for reading,
Andrew Michel
Mary 12. jan. 2015 kl. 9.39 
yh i agree yr multiplayer should be in this game...dont mean to ut preassure on you phr00t, but im guessing alot of people want multiplayer it would attract a lot of players too!
phr00t  [utvikler] 12. jan. 2015 kl. 9.50 
Opprinnelig skrevet av LiberalSlovak:
Hi phr00t,
I am a big fan of all of your games but when I saw 4089 come out 2 days ago, I saw that there was no multiplayer, and in your games I have allways enjoyed playing with a friend. Will there be multiplayer?

Thanks for reading,
Andrew Michel

After much consideration, I decided multiplayer wouldn't be a good fit for this game. Similar games like Eldritch don't have multiplayer either -- mainly because of shorter individual play periods, tight spaces & stealthy elements. Also, and most importantly, 4089 is so modifiable: it might get tricky to make sure everyone has all the same content to keep things in sync. I may revisit this feature for another title with a proper, supportive environment for it though!
Mary 12. jan. 2015 kl. 11.55 
i dont know how to mod. how can i do it?
phr00t  [utvikler] 12. jan. 2015 kl. 11.58 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Leekheadd:
i dont know how to mod. how can i do it?

Have you read & tried the steps in this original post about creating and adding content?
Mary 12. jan. 2015 kl. 12.00 
are they at the top....i'll look now...
Mary 12. jan. 2015 kl. 12.04 
ok found it can i use the files from the version when 4089 wasn't on steam? i diddn't get any files this time round
Sist redigert av Mary; 12. jan. 2015 kl. 12.04
phr00t  [utvikler] 12. jan. 2015 kl. 12.44 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Leekheadd:
ok found it can i use the files from the version when 4089 wasn't on steam? i diddn't get any files this time round

Which files are you talking about? You should be able to use either, though... versions are very similar & for modding purposes, shouldn't make a difference.
hipp0cat 12. jan. 2015 kl. 13.22 
Is there any way to create explosive projectiles except from making them "lobbed" and "lob_explode_on_contact"? I want to make a rocket launcher kind of weapon, where projectile flies in a straight line and explodes. "lob_explode_on_contact" doesn't seem to work without "lobbed". Also, any way to change trajectory of grenades? Apparently "projectile_speed" and "projectile_distance" don't affect "lobbed" weapons.
There's also a minor bug: grenades always have fixed direction, regardless of player's direction. So non-symmetrical grenades may fly sideways or backwards.
Sist redigert av hipp0cat; 12. jan. 2015 kl. 17.07
phr00t  [utvikler] 12. jan. 2015 kl. 18.26 
Opprinnelig skrevet av OSAhipp0cat:
Is there any way to create explosive projectiles except from making them "lobbed" and "lob_explode_on_contact"? I want to make a rocket launcher kind of weapon, where projectile flies in a straight line and explodes. "lob_explode_on_contact" doesn't seem to work without "lobbed". Also, any way to change trajectory of grenades? Apparently "projectile_speed" and "projectile_distance" don't affect "lobbed" weapons.
There's also a minor bug: grenades always have fixed direction, regardless of player's direction. So non-symmetrical grenades may fly sideways or backwards.

"Explosive" is a possible weapon upgrade that can be applied to any weapon type, so any weapon can become a rocket launcher. Perhaps I can add a variable that forces a weapon to always have a special upgrade already applied, kinda like launchers always have "explosive" +2.
hipp0cat 12. jan. 2015 kl. 23.28 
That would be much appreciated, thank you (also the same with other specials, please).
Sist redigert av hipp0cat; 13. jan. 2015 kl. 0.41
hipp0cat 24. jan. 2015 kl. 12.32 
First of all, not a question, but related: game doesn't load Robots from mod folder.
Now, is there a way to adjust yellow sparkly cone under an enemy? Or disable it without making the enemy flying or stationary.
What does limit_head_movement actually do? I would very much like to forbid my monster to look down entirely, any way to achieve that?
phr00t  [utvikler] 24. jan. 2015 kl. 12.57 
Opprinnelig skrevet av OSAhipp0cat:
First of all, not a question, but related: game doesn't load Robots from mod folder.
Now, is there a way to adjust yellow sparkly cone under an enemy? Or disable it without making the enemy flying or stationary.
What does limit_head_movement actually do? I would very much like to forbid my monster to look down entirely, any way to achieve that?

OK, I'll look into robots in the mod folder. I can add a variable to disable the yellow cone thing. I'll call it:


... so feel free to add it to your robots, and it'll work soon.

limit_head_movement is suppose to do just that -- prevent robots from looking too harshly up or down. I may have disabled it if robots are attacking though, so they can still engage a player directly up or down (but let me know if something would work better for you; love your content!).
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