Manuches Nov 28, 2018 @ 8:12pm
Example for a retexture
Is there an example that I am missing that is for a retexture only. It seems like all the examples are to create a copy of a weapon. I don't necessarily want to change any stats, just change the texture.

Also If I wanted to retexture the interiors are there any examples for that? I can open the example in Unity and have extracted al the assets but I don't see any templates for things like changing the animations or interiors. I'd also like to adjust some 1st and 3rd person melee anims.
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king bore haha Nov 30, 2018 @ 8:35pm 
From what I know, it's only possible to change certain kinds of textures (some more easily than others).

You can change weapons and armor textures pretty easily. Our resident developer Mr. Podunkian dumped the original weapon and armor textures, and new textures are decently simple to implement.

For non-weapon/armor item textures, It's possible, but fairly complicated because it wasn't actually implemented. You either have to make a brand new model, or dig through game resources for the original model, replace the texture, and then reimport it as a new model. Kind of a pain, but it is possible.
There are also hairstyle and body examples in the modding resources, but I don't know if they can actually be implemented (probably not, from what i've seen).

For animations, the modding script fields that control weapon animations are accessible, so it should be entirely possible to implement new animations. However, I'm not aware of any examples for the original animations so I would have no idea how to create the animations to begin with.
It would be possible to go through the game files and get the original animations (which we even know the exact names of because the mod scripts reference them by name), but that is also kind of a pain. If you do wanna try to go down that route, let me know and I might be able to help.

And I think that's it. Not ideal, I know, but it's good enough for most things.
Last edited by king bore haha; Nov 30, 2018 @ 8:35pm
king bore haha Nov 30, 2018 @ 9:13pm 
Oh, and I forgot to mention it, but to change the texture for an existing weapon the code would look like this:
local original_weapon = GetItem("Kitchen Knife"); //This is the name of the original weapon you want to change, change it into the object name of the weapon you want to change. Note that this isn't the in-game name, but the object name. Most are the same though. For the exceptions, see the list I made in https://steamcommunity.com/app/327510/discussions/2/1709564118765954153/ local weapon = original_weapon.GetComponent("Weapon"); //gets the "Weapon" component weapon.replacementTextures = {LoadTexture("TEXTURE_NAME.png")} //This sets the weapon texture. Change "TEXTURE_NAME.png" to the name of the image file within your mod folder directory. You can also use asset bundles to improve performance, but you don't have to bother unless you have a lot of textures. weapon.Register(); //register the weapon.
Last edited by king bore haha; Nov 30, 2018 @ 9:19pm
Manuches Dec 1, 2018 @ 7:27am 
Thanks so much King Bore, Appreciate it.
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