oct 14
[SPOILER] General discussion about gameplay findings + The website.
- Immediately going outside and finding Bev has the ending play out, and it afterwards shows you a note in your locker.

- Interacting with the note in future playthroughs yields phrases such as "But that's not what happened, is it?" before playing a static noise and closing the game. I don't know if this happens if you interact with the note on a first/clean playthrough. You can see the note in the locker in the steam trailer, but whether or not it's attainable in game I can't say.

- There's not many places you can go. The downstairs hallways, out the front of the school, the janitoral closet (hallway you spawn in - no light coming through the door window), class 114.

- You can find a crusty rag in the janitorial closet. If you grab it and wet it in the cleaning bucket outside of room 114, you can wipe off the homophobic comment written on Bev's locker.

- Sometimes dialogue changes. Usually the red paint on the wall of the janitorial closet returns a message about it being red paint. I did have it say "Blood." once, however. Interacting with things multiple times may be important.

- In class 114 you can retrieve your MP3 player. It has 2 songs available, and 2 corrupted songs (unknown if you can do anything to uncorrupt them).

- Some fun things you can do: you can find some already chewed gum under a desk and it'll lower your health if you eat it. You can find 7 dollars in your desk.

- On the steam page for the game, there's a screenshot that shows Bev standing in the janitorial closet with what appears to be a giant vulva painted on the floor, and multiple nods to menstruation. No idea how this can happen in game so far, or if it's in game at all. It's worth mentioning this is an ominous room, as there's always the same droning noise as there is on the main menu present here.

- There's a single floorboard in room 114 that has a unique hole in it. Is this relevant in any way? I dunno, but I sure did notice it.

So this is tied to an unfiction story called pyonpyon, you can find it mention in the steam page if you want the precise name.

To give a brief overview, our protagonist (14 going on 15 at the beginning) is a girl who sees a very anxious girl who bleeds during class (either menstruation or self harm). Chi starts talking to Bev and eventually befriends her, but notices some points of concern (such as Bev rarely eating). They become very close very quickly.

Chi had been exploring her sexuality via written fiction, and impulsively kisses Bev during a romantic moment, but this freaks them both out and causes a wedge in their relationship. After Chi keeps trying to contact Bev, they do resume contact, but things are still rocky. The last straw is when Chi tries to protect Bev from bullying, but instead gets herself and Bev suspended. After that Bev stops contact and avoids Chi at school altogether. That's where the game begins.

We learn that Chi's blog is a major strain on the relationship. Her broadcasting the intimate details of their life has been detrimental - it caused Bev to endure homophobic abuse, felt violating to have her life aired without her permission, and saw some of the less-than-flattering things that Chi said.

There's puzzles on Chi's blog.

- The first diary entry has been put through some kind of cipher (probably substituting letters for other letters). It's "ZIT VGKSR OLFZ KTQS" repeated multiple times.

- A simple one is in one of the earlier entries that has some letters in smaller script, spelling out BESTFRIENDS.

- Throughout the website, it seems there's text that are in the wrong colour compared to the letters around them. I've found the letters "usptr". Either I'm missing more letters, or it's also encoded, possibly the same way as "ZIT VGKSR OLFZ KTQS".

- There's a page called /y2k that has a large flashing static pattern (it's genuinely hard to look at, probably not epileptic friendly) with multiple clickable smaller boxes of static laid ontop. Most of them lead to /nothing - a fake 404 page. The 3 unique ones I found are /something (it shows what's presumably a scary version of Bev), /ID (which has an embedded song and a gif of a computer with that same colourful static, with what looks to be a face within it), and /never-gonna-give-you-up/ (a very low quality nightcore version of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up").

- Don't know if this is a puzzle or just a neat thing; the diary links to multiple of Niomi's songs, and even the game itself!

- There's a contact page. I don't know when this unfiction project began so I don't know if emailing Chi will result in anything, or if the time has passed (if there was a time at all).
Last edited by Minimalist Memes; Oct 20, 2024 @ 3:12am
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Showing 1-15 of 70 comments
Minimalist Memes Oct 20, 2024 @ 3:53am 
Note: A reddit thread called "pyonpyon87 (ARG probably??)" solved a few of the things I brought up as mysteries.
I put zitvgksrolfzktqs into a Keyboard Change Cipher and if u put it qwerty to alphabet it translates it into theworldisntreal. I also used the contact though idk if it will do anything. Btw idk if u have already found this but for /something there is morsecode below that translates into youdonthavetoleavethiswayebunny the only connection i can see is bunny referring to chi since it's her favourite animal and in the blog bev said that chi would be a bunny if she was an animal. Might be some type of trauma demon haunting her since the person in that image might be bev before the you know what.
Minimalist Memes Oct 27, 2024 @ 4:07am 
Originally posted by Omor:
I put zitvgksrolfzktqs into a Keyboard Change Cipher and if u put it qwerty to alphabet it translates it into theworldisntreal. I also used the contact though idk if it will do anything. Btw idk if u have already found this but for /something there is morsecode below that translates into youdonthavetoleavethiswayebunny the only connection i can see is bunny referring to chi since it's her favourite animal and in the blog bev said that chi would be a bunny if she was an animal. Might be some type of trauma demon haunting her since the person in that image might be bev before the you know what.

Excellent finds!! Thank you for your contribution!!
DunkTastic Oct 27, 2024 @ 4:24pm 
I know I said this on the reddit thread but the favorite song keyboard code translates to /confession which doesnt appear to be hiding anything, i havent checked the 3 other codes in the song yet but i will somewhat soon
DunkTastic Oct 27, 2024 @ 4:25pm 
Was looking at /ID as well and the static at the end is probably a code albeit i skipped to the end
idk if this has been found but /chichi exists and it has some kind of teaser. also some letters are subtituted by numbers, they are 1213 in order. considering it's a teaser of some sorts maybe it means 12/13 or december 13th.
Last edited by SigmaSigmaBoySigmaBoy; Oct 28, 2024 @ 1:55am
i just put pyonpyon.blog/2002/13/12 into the link and it transfers to the blog but a lot of things are missing. it only has the diary entries and everything is put as uncategorized. no about me or contact or anything. above it says year 2002. and I literally just saw this but it says pyonpyon98 instead of pyonpyon87 on the logo
edit: you get transported to that page using any valid date in 2002 as far as ive tried so still a dead end with 1213.
Last edited by SigmaSigmaBoySigmaBoy; Oct 28, 2024 @ 2:15am
DunkTastic Oct 28, 2024 @ 1:40pm 
Originally posted by Omor:
i just put pyonpyon.blog/2002/13/12 into the link and it transfers to the blog but a lot of things are missing. it only has the diary entries and everything is put as uncategorized. no about me or contact or anything. above it says year 2002. and I literally just saw this but it says pyonpyon98 instead of pyonpyon87 on the logo
edit: you get transported to that page using any valid date in 2002 as far as ive tried so still a dead end with 1213.
I think the /chichi was known but that website is new maybe a test one?
Edit: Just put in november 11 1111 and it brought me to that site as well
Last edited by DunkTastic; Oct 28, 2024 @ 1:43pm
Minimalist Memes Oct 28, 2024 @ 11:23pm 
Putting in /2002 shows all posts from that year, and same for 1111. I can't tell if it's intentional or if searching by year just breaks the site formatting.

Interesting find about /chichi !! Considering the disc below it, maybe it's another song that'll come out? Since music is an important thing to the author, and has been linked all throughout the blog.
DAEDRICswat Oct 29, 2024 @ 9:18am 
I'm investigating, and threw in my gf who is an Escape Room and what not expert to crack this down.

There is more to this-
DAEDRICswat Oct 31, 2024 @ 3:48pm 
New related video on Niomi Twitters.
hi. i am currently investigating this entire story for a video essay and i'd figure i'd update since this discussion was posted.

the full album, "chichi", came out on 12/13, which essentially wrapped up the story. it's very good and i would highly recommend spending an hour to listen to it. the youtube video was beautifully created and has some details that give lore in the lyrics and visuals.

as far as the blog and game go, the blog hasn't changed other than the chichi page now leads to the album. the game files have some interesting secrets if you want to check them out, as i haven't seen any discussion of the game files.

the last bit of information i am yet to figure out is the code at the end of the spacehog video. also dunktastic, how did you get /confession? i've been trying to figure it out for myself but i can't get anywhere.

anyway, hope this discussion has a good day, and if you have answers please reply!
yoo, will you upload the vid on youtube? I'd be interested in it ngl.
harperette Jan 23 @ 11:48am 
the website's been completely redesigned!!! probably new stuff to find there but i don't have time to look around rn lmao
So I got an unfortunate news, until there is an update in the game, there isn't much in there at all. If you know a bit of RPG maker, you can open the files and see the sprite. Most of the image used on the game page aren't there. Should have been step n.1 to investigate this whole thing, but there isn't anything in the game itself, other than what people already found.
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Date Posted: Oct 20, 2024 @ 3:12am
Posts: 70

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