Fireworks Simulator

Fireworks Simulator

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
PierreFM  [developer] Nov 27, 2014 @ 12:42am
Dear Community,

should someone of you having trouble playing the game, here you will find an overview of all known issues and possible solutions. This FAQ will be constantly updated by the team.


Liebe Community,

sollte jemand von euch Probleme beim Spielen haben, findet ihr hier ein Übersicht aller bisher bekannten Probleme sowie möglicher Lösungen. Die Liste wird fortwährend aktualisiert und durch neue Lösungsansätze ergänzt.

Known issues and possible solutions:


Where can I find more information about the game?
You can find more information about the game here:

Who can I contact when I have a question?
On STEAM we have the following contact persons: p_mf2 (from rondomedia), PsychoCow (rondomedia). For technical support please contact the rondomedia support:


I have technical issues with the game. Where can I find help?
For technical issues please contact the rondomedia support:

What are the exact minimum system specs for this game?

OS: Windows Vista/7/8
Processor: AMD/Intel 3.0 GHz quad-core processor or higher (Intel Core i7 1st generation or AMD FX 8350 or higher are recommended)
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI/NVIDIA graphics card with at least 1 GB VRAM and DirectX 9.0c and Shader Model 4 support (ATI/AMD Radeon HD7850 and NVIDIA GeForce GTX560 or higher)
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 600 MB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Additional Notes: Mouse and keyboard

Which information should I provide when I need to contact the support?
Please provide a short problem description and a DxDiag text file incl. your system configuration. This will help the developers to take a deeper look into the specific problem.

My Game crashes upon start – what can I do?
The game has been tested on many different OS/PC configurations in order to minimize this issue. But it can happen that some user has an untested setup. If you are having problems with crashes upon start it might help to deactivate the “Deepguard” feature of F-Secure virus program.

I have no sound in my game - What should I do?
Possible solution 1)
- right click on the speaker icon in the taskbar (near the time icon)
- choose Playback devices
- right click on Speakers
- choose Configure speakers
- choose Stereo

Possible solution 2)
- right click on the speaker icon in the taskbar (near the time icon)
- choose Playback devices
- right click on Speakers
- choose Properties
- choose Advanced
- choose Default format: 16 bit, 44100 Hz

I've bought the game but Steam says "Requesting Key"
This Steam Support article offers a solution for your "Requesting Key" problem:


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Showing 1-15 of 32 comments
TooTall_Nick Nov 27, 2014 @ 5:53am 
Is this where we can ask questions?
Cairn.L Nov 27, 2014 @ 7:02am 
Hmmm, I found a bug actually.
If you select a save and delete it, and then load it, you will stuck on the loading screen.
PierreFM  [developer] Nov 27, 2014 @ 8:05am 
Thanks for reporting this! Yes you can ask questions here if you like.
Šmïffŷ Nov 27, 2014 @ 10:48am 
i got error code 51
PierreFM  [developer] Nov 27, 2014 @ 10:50am 
Do you use Deepguard from F-Secure? It might help to deactivate it or set an exemption for the game.
Šmïffŷ Nov 27, 2014 @ 10:53am 
it normally comes up with the option
Šmïffŷ Nov 27, 2014 @ 11:03am 
its not that
BigPapaGun Nov 27, 2014 @ 4:35pm 
i found a bug if you're in the middle of making a firework you save and leave to main menu go to configurator make new firework leave go back to your game the firework you created are placed in the senquencer but their location in placement is only a black void nothing else and if you selec them in the senquencer and go to placement they disapear when you clic on it i hope you can undertand english is not my native language
DerHyphon Dec 5, 2014 @ 1:39pm 
Ran into the Void Location too.

More bugs are randomly moving tiles in sequencer, making other effects invisible and destroying save-games

You cannot overwrite a saved game. Savegames with same name are diffrent, even saved with less than one minute difference.

Vanilla fireworks are deletable and cannot be restored.
Last edited by DerHyphon; Dec 5, 2014 @ 1:41pm
Steph Dec 23, 2014 @ 3:43pm 
Since no one has answered my question on the thread I made, I will ask here. Is there a way to view your sequence from a certain point in the song so you can sync it better? And if not, will this option be updated in a later version? It's quite annoying to have to view from the beginning of your track just to see if the end is in sync. I've put tons of hours into this game already, most of it having to rewatch my fireworks over and over to see if parts were syncd.
nOObStyLe Dec 26, 2014 @ 1:09pm 
Originally posted by Steph:
t's quite annoying to have to view from the beginning of your track just to see if the end is in sync. I've put tons of hours into this game already, most of it having to rewatch my fireworks over and over to see if parts were syncd.

The same applies to me. :(
LeRoy Jenkins Dec 30, 2014 @ 3:15am 
Is there a way to chance camera angles when viewing the display??
Steph Dec 30, 2014 @ 12:04pm 
Originally posted by dallas49m:
Is there a way to chance camera angles when viewing the display??
Only way is from dragging them onto the top line in sequence editor. (The recoder icon in sequence editor bottom left)
-=SD=-Marcel Jan 2, 2015 @ 3:05am 
I can see the glow the high 8" mortars leaves on the surface but i can't see the effects / explosion in the air. It was working before but not anymore. I tried to reïnstall a couple of times even once where i deleted all my saved effects etc. My PC has way more power then the recommended hardware. What to do?
p_mf2 ... will you be putting in a 0.0 sec option for the ignition method... it should be there considering that I am stuck using the indiviual option when i want a rack all to detonate at the same time.

please can you add a 0.0 sec ignition method in to the sim so they all detonate at teh same time rather than in a que. ??
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