Lonely Loom
There were only 5 entries, so I felt it was necessary to make it feel better...
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Menampilkan 1-12 dari 12 komentar
Hastings 7 Sep 2012 @ 5:25pm 
Agreed. Such a beautiful game.
agentmith 8 Sep 2012 @ 9:05pm 
I really enjoyed this game. I wish they had finished the series.
I know. I would have loved it.
pseira 6 Jan 2013 @ 7:50am 
One of the first adventures i ever played and one of my favorites.
I even bought the CDROM version when it came out
ijuh 20 Jan 2013 @ 9:25am 
The first PC game I LOVED. It came with my parents' first computer back in '93. Still have the CD in a box at my feet as I type.
I still have the cassette tape that came with the discs. Voice actors and everything :)
Indeed. I think there were actually plans of making additional games based on the different guilds in the game (i.e. the Guild of Blacksmiths and the Guild of Shepherds) - but sadly they didn't go ahead.

"Welcome to the Age of the Great Guilds!"
Arafasul 2 Jun 2013 @ 3:03pm 
I was 8 when I first played this game. In first grade, I was prone to putting on plays that were half made-up on the spot, and this was one that I decided needed to be done.

I'm still sure neither the kids I drafted 30 minutes beforehand or the teachers who willingly let me drag the whole class into the library knew what the story was. I used a yardstick for Bobbin's distaff. My actors read from a handwritten transcription of the casette tape on Legal paper. I remember it being a sublime triumph, but it was probably a trainwreck.

Terakhir diedit oleh luluchanelxo; 2 Des 2013 @ 4:35pm
Diposting pertama kali oleh holydust:
I was 8 when I first played this game. In first grade, I was prone to putting on plays that were half made-up on the spot, and this was one that I decided needed to be done.

I'm still sure neither the kids I drafted 30 minutes beforehand or the teachers who willingly let me drag the whole class into the library knew what the story was. I used a yardstick for Bobbin's distaff. My actors read from a handwritten transcription of the casette tape on Legal paper. I remember it being a sublime triumph, but it was probably a trainwreck.

Thank you holydust, you truly made my day! Makes me wish I was one of those actors and you were in my class. That, and I wish I had your teachers. That's one trainwreck I would have been honored to have had a part in. X) And I mean that; because my first trainwreck was known as the troll in "The Three Billy Goats Gruff". It was late elementary school or early junior high; maybe neither, since I was homeschooled, and everything sort of ran together. Though this game must have come out on, or before my second birthday. I really miss the 90s. Thanks to everyone for making the LOOM hub a little less lonely.
Terakhir diedit oleh Exxor: Killer Drake; 10 Feb 2014 @ 10:52pm
n8thesk8 11 Feb 2014 @ 12:13am 
Just finished playing through expert mode for the first time in.... huh.. probably at least 14 years. I played the original in 1990 when I was about 12 years old. Adventure game's like this one were absolute imagination fuel for a young kid. There's a little bit of adult material, humor, and great fantasy, really miss game's like this. This was my first run through of the "Talkie Version", I remember hearing there was going to be one when I was a kid and it only took me at least 22 years to get around to it. Haha.... side note, I had that casette tape of "Loom".. it's probably in a box somewhere in my "archives". Play on Late 80's/Early 90's Adventure Game Kids!!
toadhunter 13 Feb 2014 @ 12:31pm 
I played it at the age of around 12-13 and was mesmerized and deeply moved by like no computer game before and none after either.

Showed it to my friend several years later and he was as spellbound as I was.
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