Worlds Adrift

Worlds Adrift

Asked steam for a refund
Hopefully steam will come out of it as a good guys. Will tell you all how it went.
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Well, second time they refused my refund-request. I will now go and look out for others willing to sue steam.... contact me if youre within the EU ;)
Steam can't help you if a dev decides to stop working on a game. This isn't the first EA game doing this.
Origineel geplaatst door SAUVAGE:
Steam can't help you if a dev decides to stop working on a game. This isn't the first EA game doing this.
Ah actually no true.
Steam is the one with all the power.. they are the broker in the agreement.
They are the ones who say yes or no to a refund.. its certainly not up to the dev who would ALWAYS say no lol.
It all depends on the consumer law for digital goods in your country.
These are the laws that steam HAS TO follow in order to be able to sell in each country.
Even if Bossa has no money.. steam still has to refund.. and they will then take action against Bossa.
The price to pay for being the middle man!!
I did already ask steam for a refund. They denied it. Will be talking to a friend who is a lawyer, how I'll proceed. Good that EU Law protects customers. I'll get my money back somehow. They either have to deliver a product or give me my money back. But at the end of the day I learned a lesson, never buy an early access again and skip this dev.
Steam refunds are automated..
It looks at 2 things.. time played and time since purchase.
We are all over those.. however each refund request that is denied gets reviewed later by a real person.
Just put in the refund request and be patient.

Once the refund bomb hits it will be all hands on deck from steam staff just to clear the backlog.. eventually they will just set it to auto refund when a request comes in.
Origineel geplaatst door Aldo:
Steam refunds are automated..
It looks at 2 things.. time played and time since purchase.
We are all over those.. however each refund request that is denied gets reviewed later by a real person.
Just put in the refund request and be patient.

Once the refund bomb hits it will be all hands on deck from steam staff just to clear the backlog.. eventually they will just set it to auto refund when a request comes in.
Exactly this. Automated denied but if enough people will erqeust refund Steam emplyees will check what is going on.
Under UK law they are supposed to offer us refunds as we paid for a digital item and they have abandoned it and left us with nothing.
Origineel geplaatst door Korben:
Under UK law they are supposed to offer us refunds as we paid for a digital item and they have abandoned it and left us with nothing.

Under the consumer rights act you're entitled to a repair or replacement, if this is not forthcoming you can request a refund within 30 days. Bossa are offering refunds for a 30 day period.
We negotiated a 1 month refund policy with Steam which is outside of their normal procedure.

You should not be denied a refund in that case.

If you have been automatically denied please contact us with your Steam details and proof of purchase at and we'll chase it up.
I might not get a refund, but I will never touch a Bossa Studio game again. The team have shown they are not interested in delivering on a finished product. I feel robbed.
i think it states somewhere in the early access rules that its not guaranteeing a game is released and refunds are not guaranteed if youre outside the refundable period already.

though, the devs could be the good guys but yeah not gonna happen.
Origineel geplaatst door NynjaSquirrel:
Origineel geplaatst door Korben:
Under UK law they are supposed to offer us refunds as we paid for a digital item and they have abandoned it and left us with nothing.

Under the consumer rights act you're entitled to a repair or replacement, if this is not forthcoming you can request a refund within 30 days. Bossa are offering refunds for a 30 day period.

Check this out, you will find that companies are still liable after the 30 days.
Origineel geplaatst door TescoClubCardUK:
Origineel geplaatst door NynjaSquirrel:

Under the consumer rights act you're entitled to a repair or replacement, if this is not forthcoming you can request a refund within 30 days. Bossa are offering refunds for a 30 day period.

Check this out, you will find that companies are still liable after the 30 days.
You, and everyone else posting stuff about digital rights, may want to read the EULA about the use of the game, rather than the ownership of the game. I'm aware of how the DRA works, everyone on here screaming 'lawsuit' is going to be wasting their money. At the end of the day, if Bossa wipes the account they're 'allowing' you to use for a fee, you having the software on your machine doesn't make any difference one way or another.
You're not buying the game to own, you're paying Bossa to let you use the game for as long as they want. It's standard MMO boilerplate.
Origineel geplaatst door BossaKirk:
We negotiated a 1 month refund policy with Steam which is outside of their normal procedure.

You should not be denied a refund in that case.

If you have been automatically denied please contact us with your Steam details and proof of purchase at and we'll chase it up.

Your game is/was full of inconsistencies Kirk. If anything you should just own up to those inconsistencies and allow for refunds outside of the 1 month time frame, especially if you consider it will be unable to play the game anymore even for people whom bought it prior to one month ago.
I have already started a lawsuit and followed up with my Lawyer under the Digital Rights Act. They should be sending letters out soon.
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Geplaatst op: 29 mei 2019 om 23:33
Aantal berichten: 63