Everyday Genius: SquareLogic

Everyday Genius: SquareLogic

Game crashing with Access Violation exception (0xC0000005) in nvd3dum.dll, progress lost
Having problems where my game crashes in Windowed mode if I minimize it. All progress in that session is lost. Make sure to save progress if you have to minimize the game
Původně napsal YanishaDrake:
The game generally does not take kindly to getting minimized. Playing in FullWindow mode and Alt-Tabbing out is safer in my experience, but crashes may occur even then, losing progress on the current puzzle.
So manually saving before minimizing can still be advisable.
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Tento příspěvek byl autorem tématu označen jako nejlepší.
The game generally does not take kindly to getting minimized. Playing in FullWindow mode and Alt-Tabbing out is safer in my experience, but crashes may occur even then, losing progress on the current puzzle.
So manually saving before minimizing can still be advisable.
Try setting the game to windowed in the ingame options and then use borderless gaming to maximize it again. So far my game hasn't crashed once since I made this change.
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