Life is Strange™

Life is Strange™

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Whiskii Apr 23, 2015 @ 5:55am
The Voice Acting and Dialect
So I was reading the reviews on this game and decided to check out the 'unrecommended' section, to see how anyone could have anything bad to say based on this game, and a lot of the 'cons' seemed to stem from the voice-acting and dialogue.

Did anyone else think this was off/corny?

Personally I was quite shocked and impressed at how well the voice-actors performed. I thought they sounded and spoke like real teens/rebels/upper-class ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, etc and that their internet slang and other such use of modern terms was spot-on, in spite of many of the reviews stating that 'it sounded like the writers were forty, watched loads of teen drama and just threw out modern terms, trying too hard to sound cool and up-to-date with young people nowadays'.

However I found that these in-game teenagers/students sounded spot-on and real and as though their characters were acted out and the speech was written or improvised by themselves.

What say you?
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Showing 1-15 of 37 comments
DarLeroux Apr 23, 2015 @ 6:11am 
I thought the voice acting was amazing! Granted, I'm not a teen girl, lol, but imho it was as good if not better than any other game I've played.
The Amazing KMan Apr 23, 2015 @ 6:30am 
Maybe they did sound like teenagers, but I still thought the dialogue was pretty corny at times. Although IMO, it's not nearly enough to ruin the game for me, as everything else the game does right completely makes up for it.
Last edited by The Amazing KMan; Apr 23, 2015 @ 6:31am
ManIkWeet Apr 23, 2015 @ 10:17am 
I am more bothered by the lip synchronization to be honest...
Though the words they are using are quite dated at the moment. Might make sense at it takes a long time to properly develop a game...
Jenenser Apr 23, 2015 @ 11:31am 
Yep, a minus for the synchro, but in the end they'd end up with 95-97/100 in overall score.
Hot Gunt Apr 23, 2015 @ 11:35am 
Hella awesomesauce epic win top kek natural writing with this kool kidz talk bidness.
Whiskii Apr 23, 2015 @ 11:40am 
I didn't even notice the lip-synch to be fair. I don't know why, I must not look at their mouths when they're talking. Isn't it a French game anyway.
SuperbCaturday! Apr 23, 2015 @ 12:41pm 
Hella cash, hella ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up, hella hella hella hella hella hella hella hella
Detweiler324 Apr 23, 2015 @ 12:48pm 
SOMETIMES the dialog is very, very bad, but it becomes less noticible. The voice acting itself I thought was very good.
Last edited by Detweiler324; Apr 23, 2015 @ 12:48pm
Shy Monkeys Apr 23, 2015 @ 1:22pm 
I only ever really had a problem with the dialog in the first episode, most of episode 2 was fine. Voice acting is a small problem but not much of one, only a few characters stick out. Lip synch is horrible, but I've gotten past it.
ExuberantFool Apr 23, 2015 @ 3:27pm 
I wasn't at all bothered by this either. However, English is not my native language. If the game had been in my native language, I probably would have cringed at a few lines. But that's not how my brain works. I don't literally translate the words. Not trying to brag, but I am proficient enough in English to just grasp the meaning straightaway. At the same time, things that might sound corny to a US/UK audience don't sound that bad to me exactly because I don't translate in my head..

Kinda hard to explain, but suffice to say that the dialogue never once bothered me. (It's only when I stop and think about the trucker line that I realize how that might sound like bad writing to a English-speaking person).
Roselion Apr 23, 2015 @ 3:55pm 
I think they nailed the awkward teen slang. Most teenagers are trying to be cool without succeeding. I've also been told that in the Pacific Northwest (the game takes place in Oregon) teens still use words like "hella". So who knows, maybe, although still cringeworthy, the dialogue is being true to it's environment.
ToxicTuna Apr 23, 2015 @ 4:19pm 
Originally posted by Roselion:
I think they nailed the awkward teen slang. Most teenagers are trying to be cool without succeeding. I've also been told that in the Pacific Northwest (the game takes place in Oregon) teens still use words like "hella". So who knows, maybe, although still cringeworthy, the dialogue is being true to it's environment.

THIS ^^^. I was reading an article about this game and the blogger/reviewer was from Oregon and was so happy with the dialect because it was EXACTLY how kids talk over there. I was bashing the dialect as much as everyone else till I read that. The game devs actually did a lot of homework..and I applaud them for it.

Funny little story actually..I was playing an online game yesterday and someone said "wow thats hella cool." I'm like, "Are for from Oregon?" He was SO shocked.. "How did you know!?!" So yes, this is the way they talk. Its hella weird...

Priest of Dagon Apr 23, 2015 @ 4:43pm 
Originally posted by Prey4Me89:
Originally posted by Roselion:
I think they nailed the awkward teen slang. Most teenagers are trying to be cool without succeeding. I've also been told that in the Pacific Northwest (the game takes place in Oregon) teens still use words like "hella". So who knows, maybe, although still cringeworthy, the dialogue is being true to it's environment.

THIS ^^^. I was reading an article about this game and the blogger/reviewer was from Oregon and was so happy with the dialect because it was EXACTLY how kids talk over there. I was bashing the dialect as much as everyone else till I read that. The game devs actually did a lot of homework..and I applaud them for it.

Funny little story actually..I was playing an online game yesterday and someone said "wow thats hella cool." I'm like, "Are for from Oregon?" He was SO shocked.. "How did you know!?!" So yes, this is the way they talk. Its hella weird...

"Hella" is definitely part of the vernacular here. I really don't hear it as much as when I was a teen but it's still around. It seems to be used much more frequently in California, which is where the word originates.
Originally posted by Roselion:
I think they nailed the awkward teen slang. Most teenagers are trying to be cool without succeeding. I've also been told that in the Pacific Northwest (the game takes place in Oregon) teens still use words like "hella". So who knows, maybe, although still cringeworthy, the dialogue is being true to it's environment.

To an extent but I'm not entirely sure how that would cover or justify phoentics. As someone who has Tinnitus I have tendency to play and watch most things with subtitles on. As such when playing episode one when talking with the character who the phrase the cool kids this is actually written in the subs as Kool Kids despite there being no difference to how the first word is pronounced and as a result no justification as to why it is spelt as such in the subs.
Iralius Apr 23, 2015 @ 11:06pm 
While I do think the dialogue in the first episode had some moments that were cringe worthy, I think Dontnod learned a bit and toned it down in the second episode. I don't think I ran into any moments during episode 2 where I found the dialogue to be corny. Does anyone else agree with that or did I just get used to it?
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Date Posted: Apr 23, 2015 @ 5:55am
Posts: 37