Latest update break windows 7 compatibility
First error: XInput1_4.dll, then need API-MS-Win-Eventing-ClassicProvider-L1-1-0.dll, api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1.dll
Installing KB don't help

Event after that, game crashes with "This application was ubale to start correctly (0xc000007b)"

Please even if you don't want to fix for old system, just stay old game version under beta program at steam...
Messaggio originale di Laddo D:
I've added the branch "Windows7CompatibleOldBuild", which is just version 1.0.16. You can activate it by going to Magicmaker and clicking properties>betas and selecting "Windows7CompatibleOldBuild" in the dropdown.

Since this is an old build and I am no longer capable of testing build stability on Windows 7, I cannot vouch for the future stability of this build. If you use this build, you are accepting that it may be buggy and will not be maintained. If you want version 1.0.17 or any possible future updates, you must upgrade to Windows 10 first.
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Laddo D  [sviluppatore] 16 apr 2021, ore 9:51 
Sorry about that, due to my old windows 7 machine breaking down its basically impossible to continue to support windows 7. As you can imagine Microsoft does not make supporting old versions of Windows very easy.

I'll look into setting up your suggested solution, fortunately I keep a separate copy of each version. But I really recommend upgrading to Windows 10, as Windows 7 is unsafe to use past Jan 2020 when Microsoft fully ended support for the OS. Its a security risk, and problems like this are going to become more and more common for you.
Thanks, i know everything about security, i sysadmin with 10years old exp. But i prefer using isolated windows 7 machine for game as long as i can, and linux for work and other.

It's slightly archaic and i know, time when i can do it flowing away, but at current state w10 give too big annoying and almost nothing advantages.
(MM first cool game that can't be run at w7 vs many game can't run on w10)
Huh, that's annoying I was just considering reinstalling this. With all of Win 10's patching issues, telemetry concerns, and that it runs substantially slower than 7 on the same hardware my next upgrade is to build a linux box for practical matters as well, and leave my 7 machine as a dedicated gaming rig. I have no problem with formatting the thing on a regular basis if it catches some virus or another, Win 10 basically has a 50/50 chance of doing that anyway with its updates.
Apologies for the double post. After spending...longer on this than I really should have. It's possible to revert to the previous version.

1. Download and install the dotnet core runtime and SDK from Microsoft[] if you don't already have it set up.

2. Download and unzip DepotDownloader[]

3. open a command prompt from the folder you unziped DepotDownloader into by typing cmd into the navigation bar.

4. run DepotDownloader with the following command, putting your username and password <where noted>. It'll ask for a steamguard code if it's enabled and there will be a new device email waiting for you.

dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 319250 -depot 319251 -manifest 3516367366983997007 -username <username> -password <password>

5. There will now be a depots folder in the folder you unzipped DepotDownloader into, go down a couple subfolders run, model.exe, and enjoy.

With a bit of digging into SteamDB any game that you own can be reverted to any patch with this method. Cheers :stein:
Unfortunately this method work only short time, i do it for many games, and after short period old deploys removed from steam server.

It's reason why i ask @Laddo_D to upload old build as beta program, if he can't just fix a problem.

PS: it's why i make manual backups of some steam games...
Laddo D  [sviluppatore] 20 apr 2021, ore 9:00 
This has been one of the things I've been looking into this week, I anticipate having a solution for the public either late this week or early next week.

I would prefer to find a way to make 1.0.17 functional on Windows 7 but I'm probably not going to do it since I no longer have a way to test windows 7 and I don't want to deploy an update I can't test extensively.

I want to spend some more time researching/considering it. If all else fails I will create a separate branch that just contains 1.0.16
Uno sviluppatore di questa applicazione ha indicato questo messaggio come risposta alla discussione originale.
Laddo D  [sviluppatore] 23 apr 2021, ore 8:47 
I've added the branch "Windows7CompatibleOldBuild", which is just version 1.0.16. You can activate it by going to Magicmaker and clicking properties>betas and selecting "Windows7CompatibleOldBuild" in the dropdown.

Since this is an old build and I am no longer capable of testing build stability on Windows 7, I cannot vouch for the future stability of this build. If you use this build, you are accepting that it may be buggy and will not be maintained. If you want version 1.0.17 or any possible future updates, you must upgrade to Windows 10 first.
Oh ♥♥♥♥ that's the reason.
I'm totally fine with having the version from before,Way better then nothing.
I once read that many games could work even on win 7 if some geo location option wouldn't ♥♥♥♥ that up. But no idea if that's the case here.

And yeah, screw win 10. Not before my memory card explodes.
You can't use Windows7CompatibleOldBuild on Demo version., because there no "beta" options.
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