This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Joeveno  [developer] Sep 11 @ 9:40pm
Topic for Suggestions, Bugs, Critiques and Ideas/Tópico para Sugestões, Reporte de Bugs, Críticas e Idéias
Olá pessoal, o game está em early access, então se tiverem qualquer sugestão, relato de bugs, críticas e idéias pro jogo, podem deixar nesse tópico e irei prontamente ver e melhorar no game, estou a ouvidos para todas as idéias pra tornar o aviãozinho num game melhor. Já tenho recebido algumas sugestões e quero muito ouvir todos vocês. Muito obrigado por jogarem o game :)

Hello everyone, the game is in early access, so if you have any suggestions, bug reports, criticisms and ideas about the game, you can leave it in this thread and I will quickly see and improve the game, I'm listening for any ideas to turn brazilian drug dealer 3 into a better game. I've already received some suggestions and I really want to hear from you all. Thank you guys very much for playing the game :)
Last edited by Joeveno; Sep 11 @ 9:40pm
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Showing 1-15 of 28 comments
to curtindo mto a demo
Joeveno  [developer] Sep 19 @ 6:05pm 
Originally posted by Ronnie Lessa:
to curtindo mto a demo
Obrigado, fico feliz q esteja curtindo
Saukr Sep 21 @ 10:09am 
when i want to play, its said W_LoadWadFile: couldnt load gfx.wad
Originally posted by Saukr:
when i want to play, its said W_LoadWadFile: couldnt load gfx.wad

I am having the same issue.

Just bumping.
Joeveno  [developer] Sep 21 @ 4:09pm 
Some users are reporting that the game a bug saying "W_LoadWadFile: couldn't load gfx.wad" One fix that has been working for users is reducing the name of the game folder to something shorter, that points it's one of the bugs related to long folder name size, so, that's how you can solve this issue, reduce the name of the game folder from "aviãozinho do tráfico 3" to something shorter, and with that you're gonna need to open the game directly from the folder by pressing AVIAO3.EXE and It'll work.

Another way to solve this without probably needing to change the name of the file, is installing the game into a HDD/SSD drive, like, installing the folder directly to C:/D:/E: and other letters, this way you can circunvent the name bug.

I'll see with steam if I can reduce the folder name size without changing the name of the game on store. Sorry for the inconvenience mates, and thanks for being interested in the game.
Last edited by Joeveno; Sep 21 @ 4:15pm
Joeveno  [developer] Sep 21 @ 4:22pm 
Changed the name of the game folder on steamworks, please, but you need to uninstall and reinstall to solve this. those with this issue uninstall and reinstall the game, it should fix. If anyone still has the issue, please say here.
Joeveno  [developer] Sep 21 @ 4:23pm 
Originally posted by FauxPsalm:
Originally posted by Saukr:
when i want to play, its said W_LoadWadFile: couldnt load gfx.wad

I am having the same issue.

Just bumping.
Changed the name of the game folder on steamworks, please, but you need to uninstall and reinstall to solve this. those with this issue uninstall and reinstall the game, it should fix. If anyone still has the issue, please say here.
Joeveno  [developer] Sep 21 @ 4:23pm 
Originally posted by Saukr:
when i want to play, its said W_LoadWadFile: couldnt load gfx.wad
Changed the name of the game folder on steamworks, please, but you need to uninstall and reinstall to solve this. those with this issue uninstall and reinstall the game, it should fix. If anyone still has the issue, please say here.
Uma ideia foda seria adicionar suporte a Oficina Steam ao jogo. :GDNormal: Além disso, o jogo tá mt pika, curti muito as novas soundtracks.
Some sort of mission select would be nice! A "previous weapon" key as well. :badcat:
GhostBR Sep 22 @ 8:40am 
Seria maneiro adicionar uma loja de pontos Steam e uma fase da Grande Família.
Alguns modelos (como gibs) faltam a retexturação abrasileirada
B1G0D3 Sep 28 @ 12:37pm 
Relato de bug:
Depois de ter jogado por mais de duas horas madrugada a dentro, acordei hoje e tentei abrir o jogo, mas ele apenas abre e fecha logo em seguida. Já tentei desinstalar e instalar de novo, reiniciar o computador, verificar os arquivos pela steam, nada, o jogo continua abrindo e fechando em seguida.

Ademais, fiz uma review com alguns outros detalhes que podem melhorar, tá nas avaliações do jogo.
Tenta depois adicionar conquistas sejam elas de fases, ou de matar os inimigos um número de vezes ou até mortes com uma arma específica. Quanto a gameplay poderia arrumar alguns bugs pfv? Pois tive alguns bugs de colisão durante a jogatina tipo na fase 2 e numa fase antes da boate
Joeveno  [developer] Sep 28 @ 7:05pm 
Originally posted by B1G0D3:
Relato de bug:
Depois de ter jogado por mais de duas horas madrugada a dentro, acordei hoje e tentei abrir o jogo, mas ele apenas abre e fecha logo em seguida. Já tentei desinstalar e instalar de novo, reiniciar o computador, verificar os arquivos pela steam, nada, o jogo continua abrindo e fechando em seguida.

Ademais, fiz uma review com alguns outros detalhes que podem melhorar, tá nas avaliações do jogo.
Curioso, pode tentar ver se roda em uma pasta diferente? Obrigado por me informar isso.
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