Hunters Of The Dead

Hunters Of The Dead

Traptics  [developer] Dec 16, 2014 @ 1:35am
Dracula's appearance chance
Several people have been confused about Dracula's chance to appear in battle. It is exclusively based on the number of completed quests. The more quests, the higher the chance. We are sorry if it has not been made clear enough in game, we will work on it

Happy Hunting!
Last edited by Traptics; Dec 16, 2014 @ 1:36am
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
Trip Fisk Dec 16, 2014 @ 9:26am 
Originally posted by Traptics:
Several people have been confused about Dracula's chance to appear in battle. It is exclusively based on the number of completed quests. The more quests, the higher the chance. We are sorry if it has not been made clear enough in game

I don't believe its mentioned in the game at all! If it is, its not listed in the instructions

another thing that needs a better explanation is the gadet shop. You can't tell what it does based on the description.
Traptics  [developer] Dec 16, 2014 @ 10:32am 
We are sorry for this and thank you for reporting it. Each gadget store increase your gold, exp and score rate by 5%.
mikeydsc Feb 16, 2015 @ 6:54pm 
And he appears often way to soon like the 3rd or 4th battle with 1 hunter still
Sephiroth Feb 17, 2015 @ 3:14am 
Your hunters are not relevant to Dracula's chance, only the number of completed quests. Keep in mind that you are not supposed to defeat him easily. Consider your first runs "survival" where you are trying to collect resources for your later battles.
mikeydsc Feb 17, 2015 @ 1:46pm 
Had ol Drac appear on the very first battle ...this game is not balanced lol.
Hassat Hunter Feb 17, 2015 @ 3:57pm 
They stated the chance of that is around 3%
Guess you're very unlucky... or lucky not the be part of the 97%? :p
dvalmont Feb 20, 2015 @ 5:30pm 
I really want to like this game. I like the concept a lot. After grinding for a couple hours i'm not sure i've the will to continue.
Dracula on the first battle? Sure, every once in a while. Dracula on the second battle? Happens. Dracula in (seems like) 1/3 the battles, or consecutive battles? Yup.
Dracula comes was too early IMHO and way to often. At least from my couple hours playing, often i'm having a rough enough time just keeping up with the enemies in battles to be dealing with him this frequently.
I don't know, maybe it works as there doesn't seem to be a lot of "substance" to the game. But it's definately interesting and caught my attention, just wish there was a bit more to hold my interest including better balance.
If this were an Android game i'd probably grind it all day when I should be working though! ;)
Traptics  [developer] Feb 21, 2015 @ 1:35am 
Dracula's chance to appear without any quests completed is 5%, so getting him 3 times consequently that's 1/8000. You probably had done some quests already. Please keep in mind this is a roguelike game (we consider it so at least :)). You will die a lot of times, that is granted. The point is to make as efficient a run as possible. You don't need all the upgrades to beat the game, you need about half of them. Getting all of them is like playing it at "easy" mode.

Many people are having a different view of the game than we are. That's reasonable. What we designed as a "survival" people are seeing it as grinding. And that's probably our fault.

But at the end of the day we believe that the description of the game is very accurate, and we don't "hide" anything behind it.

We are not trying to get defensive, you have every right to judge the game and creators, we are just showing you our view.

Please do not take this the wrong way.
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