King's Bounty: Armored Princess

King's Bounty: Armored Princess

How is it possible
Hello all,
As I know there are so many people on discord of this studio, but generally no1 wrties there, so I make thread here.

I wonder why this series (without II ofc) is such unknown and underrated ? I remember my first time, with Kings Bounty Legend. My steam friend gave me steam key, and after some hours of gameplay I was really shocked how great game it is:

Amazing world, full of details. Various lands, my favourite were marshan swamps and this graveyard or something where was possible to recruit probably vampires, skeletons or spiders. The only thing I didint like was fact that units were always attacking, even if their forces were much weaker.

Than I played dark side, armored princess or warriors of north (with ice and fire dlc). God.....just show me genius who invented it. Everything is just genious - exploring the world, lots of spells, lots of units. Just full of ideas with beautiful world and exploring it was big fun.

How is it possible that, this great series is unkown and so little marks on steam?
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It's known, just not widely. Made by a Russian developer, and the publisher didn't really properly advertise the games it owned. Right now all of the property of that publisher (1C) is owned by Tencent.
Yes, the man behind these games truly is a game design genius, unfortunately now he makes mobile / browser games, because he was never properly payed for his best games.
He also developed an MMO (Royal Quest), but he left a couple of years into beta due to differences with the publisher. That game is still alive, though now owned by the same company as WoT, and is similarly pay-to-win by now.

If you haven't already, I recommend checking out his other masterpiece - Space Rangers (on steam there is only the latest re-release available - Space Rangers HD: A War Apart).
i need polish language in games
I have this game on steam and also orginal box copy but with Polish language thats why i wont ask why no Polish version on stem if egsist for Armored Princess?
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Zuzia; 2023. okt. 3., 6:11
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