Rain World

Rain World

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Normal Primate 11/dez./2017 às 10:09 
First up, "flatmode":

For players who have framerate issues in the menus, this build contains "flatmode", which renders the CPU intensive parallax menus into simple 2d illustrations. This can be activated by creating an empty text file called "flatmode.txt" and putting it into your RainWorld directory, where RainWorld.exe is located.

Deleting specific slugcat savs:

In addition to the classic 3 save slots of the previous builds (accessible in the options menu), each sav slot contains individual sav files for each of the 3 playable slugcats. If you wish to delete a *specific* slugcat sav, simply press R in the character selection menu, and an option to "restart game" will appear. Click that to run a fresh slugcat!

There were a million minor bugfixes, tweaks and additions, far too many to list, but I want to mention that the most notorious ones, such as the depths random death bug, the Underhang lightening storm not firing and the behaviour of the Raindeer, were all (hopefully) fixed.

Let us know if anything seems to be amiss! We have a v1.51 patch on deck and ready to go.

Matthanic 11/dez./2017 às 10:47 
So I've looked around on the forum boards and on the new announcement. But I can't find a real way to clarify. Is the multiplayer online or only local? If this is not the right place to ask the comment can just be deleted <3
Aecx 11/dez./2017 às 10:50 
Escrito originalmente por Matthanic:
So I've looked around on the forum boards and on the new announcement. But I can't find a real way to clarify. Is the multiplayer online or only local? If this is not the right place to ask the comment can just be deleted <3
only local
Matthanic 11/dez./2017 às 10:56 
Escrito originalmente por Aecx:
Escrito originalmente por Matthanic:
So I've looked around on the forum boards and on the new announcement. But I can't find a real way to clarify. Is the multiplayer online or only local? If this is not the right place to ask the comment can just be deleted <3
only local
Ah damn. Oh well. The game is amazing nonetheless. Was kinda hoping it would be online though.
cicyractu 11/dez./2017 às 13:01 
Escrito originalmente por NormalPrimate:
Let us know if anything seems to be amiss!
Well. The most obvious omission right now is lack of promised macOS and Linux versions of the game. As your Kickstarter backers we would like to actually play it.

I recall a message (posted around April this year) about first dealing with the full release on Windows and Playstation. With that out of the way now, can we get an update on the progress of any kind?..
Has no-one else noticed being unable to do headbutts onwards from beta(atleast using a keyboard)?
I did mention this during beta, but to elaborate; Eventhough devs mentioned there being no changes to controls.. Still the horizontal movement and changing directions is unlike from the time before beta.. So, considering what mr NormalPrimate said in beta thread:
Escrito originalmente por NormalPrimate:
Hmmm the controls haven’t been touched at all, nor has this come up in any of the other testing. So that’s a new one! We’ll look into it.
There could be something like a simple error that makes the game treat keyboard like a controller.. -Of course I'm unable to say one way or another about the code.. Other than the devs have made one magnificent game, and I'd love to get back to it.. 'coz as it is now, some significant portions of slugcats movement arsenal is not doable, and all the practice with smooth transitional movement & tricks have been made obsolete.

I'm just clad I got all the achievements done before this, as it seems like if there is no others who suffer from this, this isn't going to be fixed soon. Yet, I do not wish that to be the case.
I'm sure it's not top priority right now and that a lot of developers like to wait until after they've applied smaller fixes to their larger updates, but please ensure that this build gets uploaded on Humble Bundle at some point. Hate to be a nuisance but a lot of developers totally neglect to do it at all.
Mashymoo 12/dez./2017 às 0:59 
When grabbing a dead wolf spider in a tunnel makes you move much faster.
DreamCarver 12/dez./2017 às 3:19 
I'm blazing through the world as the Monk right about now. I'm a bit concerned with the immersion breaks that the blue unlock crystals cause... Feels less like wonderous exploration and more like achievement hunting.

... I dunno. Maybe I'm just burned out on slugcat. Or maybe the lower difficulty is making it less interesting for me now that I've completed the game at the base difficulty.

I'm looking forward to the Hunter's level of difficulty, though. It'll be a heck of a ride.
zero hope >:( 12/dez./2017 às 5:22 
Cant get unlockables in Memory Crypts

Clearly those things near mee look like token holders. They even spark as I get near, but they never yield any tokens. Is it a bug or everything is working as intended?
Última edição por zero hope >:(; 12/dez./2017 às 5:26
AndrewFM  [desenvolvedor(a)] 12/dez./2017 às 6:13 
That token can only be obtained when playing as Hunter.
zero hope >:( 12/dez./2017 às 6:18 
got it, thanks
happygiggi 12/dez./2017 às 9:00 
Sorry for my bad english.

When i go to a hibernation chamber, I get a black screen, i hear the menu sound but can't continue or doing anything but it's saved. Exiting and launching the game again let me take back my progress. It's just annoying to launch and exit the game everytime.

edit: Using flatmode.txt is doing that.
Última edição por happygiggi; 12/dez./2017 às 9:03
MaskedGandalf 12/dez./2017 às 9:08 
I am unable to use grappling worms. Is this a bug? Few days ago it was working just fine, grabbed worm, pointer in right direction, pressed X (keyboard) and tongue went out.
Now i can grab the worm, but whenever i press X nothing happends. I am able to throw other things in my hands, but it looks like grappling worms are bugged?
Am i the only one experiencing this?
Normal Primate 12/dez./2017 às 9:14 
Escrito originalmente por happygiggi:
Sorry for my bad english.

When i go to a hibernation chamber, I get a black screen, i hear the menu sound but can't continue or doing anything but it's saved. Exiting and launching the game again let me take back my progress. It's just annoying to launch and exit the game everytime.

edit: Using flatmode.txt is doing that.

ah! yes, we've seen some other reports of this. its already fixed on our side and will be in the upcoming v1.51 patch

Escrito originalmente por MaskedGandalf:
I am unable to use grappling worms. Is this a bug? Few days ago it was working just fine, grabbed worm, pointer in right direction, pressed X (keyboard) and tongue went out.
Now i can grab the worm, but whenever i press X nothing happends. I am able to throw other things in my hands, but it looks like grappling worms are bugged?
Am i the only one experiencing this?

huh! thats a new one on me. testing it now and they work fine on all the systems over here. anybody else have this issue?
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