Heroes Rise: HeroFall

Heroes Rise: HeroFall

Your own superhero
If you were put into the story, what would be your superhero name, power, suit, and bio?
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i've been thinking about that as well but why didn't you make an example yourself?
Name: malaficus shaikan.
Hero name/titel: archon of makar
Powers: reality warping.
Suit: Assasin creed 1 robe.
Combat style: conjured dual sword and conjured dual gun(in any combination).
Altering battlefield to suit my need.
Bio: i came from makar(home dimination) to fix this world.
Its superpowered human has run rampeted for far to long.

I would be playing politce's, manipulate villiance and heroes alike.
I distest straight up fights.
If i must fight i am ruthless at it in order to end it quickly.
Tho most fights are me toying with the target in order to make them do what i want.(manipulation remember)
最近の変更はMalaficus Shaikanが行いました; 2015年8月15日 5時53分
Sarkin 2015年12月22日 23時31分 
dunno though i wish we were given more choices in the first game long the line of it being our own 'hero' :p without our own choice of powers.

Energy is nice and all but >.> it'd be nice if we had more information o.o
Name: Caldizar

Hero Name: The Master of Reality

Power: Omnikinesis

Suit: A long, dark, hooded robe. (like in my profile pic)

Combat Style: One handed dark steel sword (placed in a sheate on back when not in use), A dark steel staff with a blue gem mounted on one end (this is kept in a pocket realm when not in use), Use of Omnikinetic powers (only when I'm extremely bored).

Biography: A recently identified Infini class powered individual who has the power of Omnikinesis. All government attempts to learn more about his past have ended in failure. This has lead officials in the NSA, FBI, and CIA to believe that Caldizar purposefully deleted his past from the minds of those living on Earth.

Motives/Goals: Unkown. To put it simply we know absolutely nothing about Caldizar's goals or motives. The only thing we have is theories (one in particular) which states that Caldizar's mind and desires have been elevated to a level beyond human comprehension.
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