Heroes Rise: HeroFall

Heroes Rise: HeroFall

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Qvnt Jul 12, 2014 @ 12:13am
Finally - A text adventure without ecchi or waifus
I had never seen this series before! Good to know that there are games that are not only very affordable...but well written! Without porn! Heck, I may even buy the series. "It's only a dollar!"
< >
Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
DoctorEss Jul 12, 2014 @ 5:03pm 
This isn't a text adventure. Those involve inputting commands. This is a multiple choice quiz.
Qvnt Jul 12, 2014 @ 5:04pm 
Originally posted by DoctorEss:
This isn't a text adventure. Those involve inputting commands. This is a multiple choice quiz.

Hey, troll, I'm sure you get this a lot but... you don't matter. :tgrin:
Bakimono Jul 13, 2014 @ 12:08pm 
Yay! A video game without any of the pesky video to get in the way!
robomagon Jul 13, 2014 @ 12:09pm 
Originally posted by •☾ Teddie ☽•:
Originally posted by DoctorEss:
This isn't a text adventure. Those involve inputting commands. This is a multiple choice quiz.

Hey, troll, I'm sure you get this a lot but... you don't matter. :tgrin:
Well he's right. This isn't a "text adverture" AKA IF (interactive fiction), it's a CYOA (choose your own adventure).
Avalanche Jul 13, 2014 @ 12:53pm 
Its a good game, you can be a full on hero, that either works alone or works as apart of a team or you can be a lawless murderer, i don't think any of those normal books allow that.
Qvnt Jul 13, 2014 @ 1:15pm 
It is interactive fiction. Technically, games such as Mass Effect and others are basically CYOAs. Doesn't disqualify them from being interactive. Only shines light on the snobs.
Avalanche Jul 13, 2014 @ 1:48pm 
Originally posted by •☾ Teddie ☽•:
It is interactive fiction. Technically, games such as Mass Effect and others are basically CYOAs. Doesn't disqualify them from being interactive. Only shines light on the snobs.

Well, technically, most video games with choices are interactive fiction...since most of the video games are just fiction....it depends on how you look at it.

I was ultimately talking about the difference between this ebook and a normal book, in the ebook, you can actually change some things, the normal books, you just can't.
Qvnt Jul 13, 2014 @ 1:49pm 
Originally posted by Jamie:
Originally posted by •☾ Teddie ☽•:
It is interactive fiction. Technically, games such as Mass Effect and others are basically CYOAs. Doesn't disqualify them from being interactive. Only shines light on the snobs.

Well, technically, most video games with choices are interactive fiction...since most of the video games are just fiction....it depends on how you look at it.

I was ultimately talking about the difference between this ebook and a normal book, in the ebook, you can actually change some things, the normal books, you just can't.

If you are going to use a line such as 'it depends on how you look at it'...then why continue the argument? Let bygones be bygones and agree to shut up. These forumn chats with you people are getting dumber by the day. Monotamous....
DoctorEss Jul 15, 2014 @ 2:05pm 
Black Dahlia - Hey, person who struggles with genre - this isn't a text adventure.

Just like you can't call NBA Jam an RTS.

Zork is a text adventure. Colossal Cave Adventure is a text adventure. Hell, The Count on the VIC-20 is a text adventure.

A game where you are presented with a textual description of your location, and can input simple text commands into a parser to take your actions is a text adventure. Go north. Get key. Unlock door. Etcetera.

A game where you read a brief description and choose one of a few options is not.

You can call it a CYOA, a gamebook, or a dozen other names, but you can't call it a text adventure, and pointing that out doesn't make one a troll. Sorry.
Qvnt Jul 15, 2014 @ 3:25pm 
My actual issue is that I can't delete threads like these for whatever reason. I realize it has only been three days but I don't have any reason to continue with this conversation. Especially with people who have to feel so high and mighty in their opinions.

CYOA is a book genre. Interactive Text is a game.
Last edited by Qvnt; Jul 15, 2014 @ 3:39pm
robomagon Jul 15, 2014 @ 4:02pm 
Originally posted by Jamie:
Originally posted by DoctorEss:
Temper temper. Something that's still on the front page isn't really an "old thread", and less than 2 days isn't a "necro".

Black Dahlia just doesn't want anyone disagreeing with their opinion, hence the temper loss.
Some people just can't admit when they're wrong. He's getting angry because he said something foolish and can't get rid of the evidence. Now he's just attacking people and making himself look worse.
Qvnt Jul 15, 2014 @ 4:32pm 
Originally posted by robomagon:
Originally posted by Jamie:

Black Dahlia just doesn't want anyone disagreeing with their opinion, hence the temper loss.
Some people just can't admit when they're wrong. He's getting angry because he said something foolish and can't get rid of the evidence. Now he's just attacking people and making himself look worse.

Yeah, that's it.

I can still delete and edit my comments. It is the thread itself that I want gone since I do not plan on changing my opinion any time soon nor do I want to see more posts that had to drag this out from this post.
I'd like it even better if it did have porn. But it's great all the same :D
Dr.Prinny Sep 12, 2014 @ 11:49am 
Prodigal is my waifu :3
I really enjoy all three games in the series would like to see(You Charcter name here ) have least a few more goes giving all thats happen
< >
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