Kings of Hell

Kings of Hell

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Octii  [developer] Nov 1, 2024 @ 2:18pm
Kings of Hell Demo Ver 2.7 Update!
Howdy there again, Octii here with the v2.7 update for the Kings of Hell Demo!

  • Added a pause button in Single Player. It does not pause while you are in the waiting room, so you can still see and try the moves from the move list!
  • In Addition to the above, the players move list AND tutorial inputs (such as the ones that float above enemies) change to match your controller Action Button Type!
  • Reduced the likeliness of Analog Drift on the Sticks and Triggers affecting the game.
  • Additionally, added in an option for the controller to adjust its sensitivity which affects the player in game. If you are experiencing any drift, make sure to lower the sensitivity!
  • Added in the Option to show PlayStation or Xbox Buttons for Controller; this can be toggled off be using the Keyboard Buttons, and Switched Back on by using Controller Buttons!
  • Removed a glitch at the end of Episode 3 where the Metal Transition Doors could appear during the Final Player Victory Screen.

FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO PLAN ON PLAYING WITH A PS4/PS5 CONTROLLER; switch to PlayStation controller mode in the Input Options, and then enable Steam Input. Set your steam input to the Default "Game Pad" Mode. This should make your PlayStation Controller (irregardless of what version it is) work!

Keep in mind however, the Trigger Buttons are disabled, and their original inputs have been moved to R1 and L1. This was due Steam Input not innately having a solution for it, as well as the PS controllers having overlapping input issues with Xbox Controller, so just a heads up!

IF the Controllers are STILL giving you issues, I recommend completely rebinding the controls in the steam input menu, or using Mouse+KB. While we have tested this with multiple controllers, PlayStation controllers seem like they can have some inconsistent issues that vary PC to PC, so just keep that in mind, and these kind of issues are sort of out of my control. If everything is fine though, it should work correctly!

If any other issues come up, do feel free to let me know in the forums. I consider this the last update for the Demo, with my focus being shifted on continuing Chapter 3, but if there is any very egregious issues, I will make sure they are resolved!

See you all again soon!
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Gironda Curls Nov 1, 2024 @ 4:37pm 
Now that's what I like to see.
Lionruler99 Nov 2, 2024 @ 8:34am 
Awesome work, cant wait for the early access.
~Arye~ Nov 10, 2024 @ 8:50pm 
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