Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

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NikkMann May 16, 2022 @ 12:37pm
PSA: New Black Ops 3 stutter/issues on PC after recent Steam update
Alot of people have noticed Black Ops 3 has been having issues the last week or so. In menus its a consistent stutter every 1 second, once in a zombies map the game will often freeze or crash, and in MP fps will randomly be capped somewhere between 80 and 90.

Its being caused by the May 12 steam update. Steam did something wonky and now whenever the game connects to the internet through Steam's servers it starts having issues. This was a problem for a while in the Steam beta builds, and it appears it was not fixed and rolled over into the new official Steam update.

The only way to fix it for now is to launch the game in offline mode.

It HAS to launch offline, you can't launch it normally and then go offline. And if at any point it goes back online the issue will start again.

There are a few threads on the steam discussion forums about other users having this. Seems like some people have already sent support tickets to Activision and they said they would look into it.

If you're having the same issue please also send Activision and Steam a support ticket. The more they hear about it the faster we'll get a fix, either from their end or Steam's.

UPDATE Feb 28, 2023
After talking with serious, we managed to fix the fps stutter issue his patch used to have. I recommend everyone use his patch now instead of Koalagedon.

Black Ops 3 will also be getting an update in the near future so using Koalagedon may risk a ban.

You can find his patch here:

Thanks to a comment from Zerberus, you can temporarily fix the issue by reverting steam to an older version using this video. Problem is that you can't play online, and any games released after that steam version from 2020 will not be playable since steam did not "support" them back then, and you will not be able to play online. If you want to update steam back to normal after doing this, delete the steam.cfg that you put in there and restart steam, it should then auto update like normal.

Someone made a video showing what is happening. This is the exact issue myself and others are having:

Got a response form Steam Support on May 27 that they are now aware of the issue and their engineers are working on a fix. Said it should be pushed to the Steam Beta in a week or so.

UPDATE 4 (June 9, 2022):
Still no fix, asked steam support if they have an updated ETA and they said they can't disclose future steam beta updates and closed my case.
In the meantime however, I found an....interesting fix.
A user on reddit replied to my post there and said that if you inject an mxt mod menu into the game it fixes everything.
Never used a mod menu before so took me a bit to figure it out but yep, it fixes everything.
I tested this by injecting the mod menu at different points in the game, once on the main menu, once in a custom multiplayer match, and once in solo zombies. I had to restart my game each time because once its injected there's no way to remove it with the game open.
In the main menu, immediately after injecting, the stutters went way.
In the custom multiplayer match, after playing for a bit, immediately after injecting (without moving at all), my fps jumped from 115 to 165 (what it was before this weird issue started)
In solo zombies, after playing for a bit, immediately after injecting (without moving at all), my fps went from 110 to 130 and I stopped getting random fps drops.
I really don't like the idea of having to use a mod menu all the time, so I tried injecting something else like Reshade but nope, it HAS to be the mod menu.
I'll see if I can contact the mod menu's developer for a...less hacky fix lol.
However, I really don't wanna go around advising people to mod their games, especially people who don't have any experience with modding stuff, so I'll just say to google it and figure it out yourself.
I dont encourage or condone any kind of cheating.

So after talking in the mod menu's discord some more, the only feature it has that gets automatically enabled when injected is called "spoofing dlc", where it apparently makes the game think you own all the dlc even if you don't (I just didn't notice it because I actually own all the dlc, so nothing changed for me). If you download a version of it that disables the spoofing, then it does not fix the issue. So it looks like it has something to do with the game's dlc check thats causing the issue.
Maybe the network update from May 13 is causing it to ping steam too much for its dlc check which introduces the issue, and somehow the mod menu forcing the game to think it has all the dlc fixes it. This would also explain why other DLC heavy games like Hitman 3 and Left 4 Dead 2 have also been affected for other people, and backs the idea that one of the big networking changes steam made that update is what is causing this issue.

Talking to one of the moderators on the mod menu's discord, he's confirmed that whats causing the issue is my previous guess of steam pinging the game's dlc too often. What their dlc spoofing does is stop steam from pinging the game's dlc all-together, hence why it stops the issue. So we now know the definite cause . I've asked him if he'll make a dll that only has the spoof, so we don't need to use a mod menu. Waiting for a response.

The mod menu's creator doesn't seem too keen on doing it, but he said the .dll for his mod menu is un-encrypted, meaning anyone who knows how to code can go in and isolate the dlc spoofer part. He said all you need is a basic cpp editor like ida (whatever that means). I'm gonna ask around to see if anyone is willing to take it up, possibly also make it into an .exe that you can start before launching the game so it auto hooks into it once the game starts. Make it as easy as possible.
I can send them the .dll

UPDATE 8 (June 16, 2022):
Tested the new steam beta update that says it "Fixed a case where Steamworks API calls could be briefly blocked by Steam client log file operations leading to micro-stutter in some games under very specific situations".
Found some interesting stuff.
So in the main menu, the stutter still happens IF you do NOT have all the possible DLC for the game installed (I didn't have the campaign and multiplayer DLC). When I installed those, the main menu stutter completely went away.
Unfortunately, the frame drops in zombies and loss of fps in multiplayer still happens (even with all the DLC installed).
Tested this by playing both modes for a bit without the mod menu, and then injecting it mid-match like I did in UPDATE 4, and the issues were fixed the same way they were in UPDATE 4.
So for now, the issue is still not fixed even with the steam beta update.

UPDATE 9 (July 20, 2022):
Since its obvious now that Steam and Activision will not fix this issue, I am offering a commission for a few hundred dollars for a tool that fixes this issue (by integrating the DLC spoofer) and also integrates some other stability and security fixes, along with graphics customization, for BO3.
Here is the design doc for what I want in the tool. Feel free to message me if you want to take the commission and we can talk feasibility and price.

UPDATE 10 (July 22, 2022):
I've come to an agreement with a very experienced coder for BO3 and he's making a tool that should hopefully fix this issue (said he might even be able to fix it without needing to use the DLC Spoofer, but no guarantees), along with other stability and crash fixes and some options to enhance the graphics past what the engine limits them to. Said it will take around 2 weeks to make.

UPDATE 11 (August 5, 2022):
Just giving a status update on the tool. The coder is making good progress, but has run into some unexpected bugs and is trying to sort them out. He's been sending me stuff to test so rest assured it is actually being worked on. He was actually out of town for work the last few weeks and working from a laptop, but got back home yesterday so he can work on it in full now. No ETA right now, but shouldn't go past the end of August and that's accounting for troubleshooting stuff.

UPDATE 12: TEMPORARY FIX FOUND (August 13, 2022):
Thanks to user Khepri, a temporary fix has been found while the tool is made which does not involve injecting mod menus are unlocking paid DLC for free.
I have made a guide here:

UPDATE 12.5 Sept 14, 2022:
There's been alot of buzz recently from youtubers complaining BO3 zombies is unplayable. This is patently false. Please see this video from Serious, the guy who made the current version of the community patch that blocks hackers from crashing you:

UPDATE 13 Sept 16, 2022:
Unfortunately, the current developer of the tool had to drop it for personal reasons, he only got a few of the points in the design doc done so we just decided it wouldn't be worth it for him to keep working and me to pay him.
Fortunately, Serious, the maker of the community patch against hackers (in the video linked in the UPDATE above) has agreed to take on the commission. He is extremely well versed with the BO3 engine and said he should be able to do most if not all of the items in the design doc and also integrate his community patch into it.
He will be able to start working on it at the end of September after he wraps up some stuff for school.
His current version of the community patch contains a wip version of an fps fix, but it has some bugs/issues that I'm trying to help him sort out. Hopefully by the time my tool is done it'll all be fixed.

UPDATE 14 - Sept 23, 2022:
The September 22, 2022 steam update has stopped Koalageddon from working, so the "fix" in my guide above does not work anymore. Simply amazing steam, gg. You can uninstall Koalageddon.
Serious' community patch mostly fixes the fps issues, BUT it has an issue with random fps drops. Serious is aware and I've been talking with him to try and fix it.
Its better than nothing, so for now just use his patch:

UPDATE 15 - Oct 8, 2022:
Found a fix to get the guide method working again thanks to user Battletarkus that's actually really simple, guide has been updated with the steps.
Again, the reason you would still want to use the guide method over Serious' community patch (which also has a version of the fps fix) is because his version has issues on some systems where you will get random massive fps drops in-game (way more than without the patch), the guide/koalageddon method does not have that issue, it is a complete fix.
Of course, you are more than welcome to run both of them at the same time, since Serious' patch is also is great for stopping hackers, but then you will still get the fps drop issues from Serious' patch.
Last edited by NikkMann; Feb 28, 2023 @ 2:19pm
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Showing 1-15 of 1,564 comments
[XNXX] Ahvay May 16, 2022 @ 9:13pm 
This has been a issue however stutters don't relate with Steam. Stuttering has been consistent from the day this game launched I'm guessing that when online it's actively connecting with the servers this is true because if your internet connection goes out the game stops and puts to offline. (Stuttering could be its way of communicating with servers to update). Freezing however is something else I've been on the forum for many years and it's not until now Windows 11 users are freezing sometimes people have overclocked their PC's.

Multiplayer is probably capped for you at 90fps, Turn down some settings, Render res etc. and turn the FPS cap up,

This explains the "launching in offline" mode as there would be no stuttering, no connection to network to tell them you are online so it's all on your PC.

I DOUBT it's anything to do with steam, these problems have been around for years. I do believe there is poor optimization in place by the devs but highly doubt it's steam.
NikkMann May 16, 2022 @ 9:41pm 
It is entirely to do with the new steam update. I am on windows 11 and the game ran fine for me the last year up to the day before the update. After the update with nothing else changing on my computer (literally nothing, I didn't even use my computer in between that time) the issues I described started. The same issues others have had since the update, and the same issues which were present in past versions of the steam beta.

I reinstalled windows 11 thinking it might fix it (I was planning on doing it anyway) but nothing fixed it. And I've been using PCs for years, I triple checked that every fps cap software I had were disabled. And again, the fps cap came in only after the steam update when nothing else changed. Steam is not natively able to limit fps.

Just because you don't have the issue doesn't mean its not a real issue. Its likely a combination of the games poor optimization and something in steam changing that happens to trigger said poor optimization consistently now, so yes in large part it was the steam change that is causing the issue. Likely some kind of backend networking change.

And again, its not the typical few seconds of buffering you get when first connecting online, its constant.
Please stop giving people the generic "you're wrong, lower your settings" advice when its been proven thats not the issue.
Last edited by NikkMann; May 16, 2022 @ 9:42pm
Spooks May 16, 2022 @ 10:14pm 
Originally posted by XNXX Ahvay:
This has been a issue however stutters don't relate with Steam. Stuttering has been consistent from the day this game launched I'm guessing that when online it's actively connecting with the servers this is true because if your internet connection goes out the game stops and puts to offline. (Stuttering could be its way of communicating with servers to update). Freezing however is something else I've been on the forum for many years and it's not until now Windows 11 users are freezing sometimes people have overclocked their PC's.

Multiplayer is probably capped for you at 90fps, Turn down some settings, Render res etc. and turn the FPS cap up,

This explains the "launching in offline" mode as there would be no stuttering, no connection to network to tell them you are online so it's all on your PC.

I DOUBT it's anything to do with steam, these problems have been around for years. I do believe there is poor optimization in place by the devs but highly doubt it's steam.

can confirm launching in offline mode fixes all problems. its a steam issue lmfao.
Zbird115 May 16, 2022 @ 10:25pm 
I hope it gets fixed soon I'm fine playing solo zombies in offline mode but when I want to play with friends it's annoying to navigate on the menus its just constant stutter
Zbird115 May 16, 2022 @ 10:26pm 
at first i thought i was having computer issues so I'm a little relieved ngl
[ZM]45grand47 May 17, 2022 @ 11:06am 
just wanted to chip in that setting steam to offline mode eliminates the menu freezes/stutters and smooths out gameplay to not drop frames whilst playing the giant when "online" results in frame drops to as low as 30fps
Kenny May 17, 2022 @ 2:49pm 
I reinstalled windows 7 times in the span of 4 days, reinstalled drivers, cleaned my pc... I thought my gpu was dying, or the drivers were faulty. Instead it turns out it was a steam update. >.<
Zbird115 May 17, 2022 @ 2:53pm 
Originally posted by Kenny:
I reinstalled windows 7 times in the span of 4 days, reinstalled drivers, cleaned my pc... I thought my gpu was dying, or the drivers were faulty. Instead it turns out it was a steam update. >.<
yeah i was super worried my pc was just dying
Kenny May 17, 2022 @ 3:01pm 
Originally posted by Zbird115:
Originally posted by Kenny:
I reinstalled windows 7 times in the span of 4 days, reinstalled drivers, cleaned my pc... I thought my gpu was dying, or the drivers were faulty. Instead it turns out it was a steam update. >.<
yeah i was super worried my pc was just dying
But I am still worried because I saw some windows flashing for no reason. Turning black for about half a second then back to normal. A sort of reset.

It happened to the browser, explorer and the steam window as well. Have any of you experienced this aswell? Could the steam update be causing this aswell?

Tell me please... I am having a mental breakdown because of this issue and I am not going to touch my pc again if these issues persist or else it will get worse...
Last edited by Kenny; May 17, 2022 @ 3:04pm
Sigloomic May 17, 2022 @ 3:06pm 
♥♥♥♥, I'm so thankful I decided to look at the discussions page to see if anyone else was having the same problem. Reinstalled drivers multiple times, fiddled with virus protection settings, looked at various forums online, etc. Glad the problem's been identified though. Hope Steam or Activision get it fixed soon.
Zbird115 May 17, 2022 @ 3:06pm 
Originally posted by Kenny:
Originally posted by Zbird115:
yeah i was super worried my pc was just dying
But I am still worried because I saw some windows flashing for no reason. Turning black for about half a second then back to normal. A sort of reset.

It happened to the browser, explorer and the steam window as well. Have any of you experienced this aswell? Could the steam update be causing this aswell?

Tell me please... I am having a mental breakdown because of this issue and I am not going to touch my pc again if these issues persist or else it will get worse...
Ive had it happen a few time i cant say for sure for any other versions of windows but it dosent seem to mess with any thing and nothing troubling just flashes for a split second
Kenny May 17, 2022 @ 3:17pm 
Originally posted by Zbird115:
Originally posted by Kenny:
But I am still worried because I saw some windows flashing for no reason. Turning black for about half a second then back to normal. A sort of reset.

It happened to the browser, explorer and the steam window as well. Have any of you experienced this aswell? Could the steam update be causing this aswell?

Tell me please... I am having a mental breakdown because of this issue and I am not going to touch my pc again if these issues persist or else it will get worse...
Ive had it happen a few time i cant say for sure for any other versions of windows but it dosent seem to mess with any thing and nothing troubling just flashes for a split second
I know when something isn't right. This isn't right and it's troubling me in a way I can't describe. I suffer from perfectionism and I tend to reinstall my whole system if I piercieve something to be broken.

Reinstalling obviously does not do anything here so I will be stuck in a loop or worse.

I am not even joking here. I won't turn my pc on until I know this problem is fixed. It is that bad.
Last edited by Kenny; May 17, 2022 @ 3:17pm
NikkMann May 17, 2022 @ 3:52pm 
Originally posted by Kenny:
Originally posted by Zbird115:
Ive had it happen a few time i cant say for sure for any other versions of windows but it dosent seem to mess with any thing and nothing troubling just flashes for a split second
I know when something isn't right. This isn't right and it's troubling me in a way I can't describe. I suffer from perfectionism and I tend to reinstall my whole system if I piercieve something to be broken.

Reinstalling obviously does not do anything here so I will be stuck in a loop or worse.

I am not even joking here. I won't turn my pc on until I know this problem is fixed. It is that bad.
Sounds like maybe your explorer is crashing or freezing.
If you havent already, try running these commands in a cmd or powershell window:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
-this will scan and compare your windows install to the online iso from microsft, and attempt to fix anything it finds wrong be downloading the fixed files from microsoft. If it finds something wrong and fixes it, restart your computer and run it again to make sure it doesn't find any more issues.

Once dism is not giving you back anymore issues run this:
sfc /scannow
-this'll scan your local windows install for bad sectors on your hdd/ssd and attempt to repair them. Same as dism, restart if it finds issues and keep doing it until it doesnt find anymore issues.
After thats done you can run the DISM command one more time for good measure.

These are for windows 10 and 11, but I think the commands are the same for windows 7.

If that doesnt fix it, you might want to do a full disk check. Can take several hours depending how fast your hdd/ssd is. The command is:
chkdsk /r
Last edited by NikkMann; May 17, 2022 @ 3:56pm
[XNXX] Ahvay May 17, 2022 @ 8:45pm 
Originally posted by WeDoALittleTrolling:
Originally posted by XNXX Ahvay:
This has been a issue however stutters don't relate with Steam. Stuttering has been consistent from the day this game launched I'm guessing that when online it's actively connecting with the servers this is true because if your internet connection goes out the game stops and puts to offline. (Stuttering could be its way of communicating with servers to update). Freezing however is something else I've been on the forum for many years and it's not until now Windows 11 users are freezing sometimes people have overclocked their PC's.

Multiplayer is probably capped for you at 90fps, Turn down some settings, Render res etc. and turn the FPS cap up,

This explains the "launching in offline" mode as there would be no stuttering, no connection to network to tell them you are online so it's all on your PC.

I DOUBT it's anything to do with steam, these problems have been around for years. I do believe there is poor optimization in place by the devs but highly doubt it's steam.
It's literally has to do with latest steam update. Maybe next time do some proper research, before posting crap you clearly don't know ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about. "YoUR FpS Is sUdDenLY 90 inStEaD oF 150!?!? WeLL JuST PlAY aT 60fPS/60hZ. WhO NeEDS 144hZ+/144fpS AnYWaYS!?!" (literally your reply in another thread). There are multiple threads throughout the Steam Forums, Reddit etc. about the recent steam update affecting performance in games like CSGO, L4D2, Black Ops 3 etc. but hey, keep recommending ppl with 2070/3080s, Ryzen 7/i7/i9s, etc. to lower the settings in a game from flipping 2015 or raising the fps cap, even though he/she literally said that his/her fps wont go higher than 80-90 🤡

Originally posted by NikkMann:
It is entirely to do with the new steam update. I am on windows 11 and the game ran fine for me the last year up to the day before the update. After the update with nothing else changing on my computer (literally nothing, I didn't even use my computer in between that time) the issues I described started. The same issues others have had since the update, and the same issues which were present in past versions of the steam beta.

I reinstalled windows 11 thinking it might fix it (I was planning on doing it anyway) but nothing fixed it. And I've been using PCs for years, I triple checked that every fps cap software I had were disabled. And again, the fps cap came in only after the steam update when nothing else changed. Steam is not natively able to limit fps.

Just because you don't have the issue doesn't mean its not a real issue. Its likely a combination of the games poor optimization and something in steam changing that happens to trigger said poor optimization consistently now, so yes in large part it was the steam change that is causing the issue. Likely some kind of backend networking change.

And again, its not the typical few seconds of buffering you get when first connecting online, its constant.
Please stop giving people the generic "you're wrong, lower your settings" advice when its been proven thats not the issue.

As I said I've seen this issue of freezing and stuttering pop up more often this year, I explained this. I'm offering solutions that may help achieve a stable experience. Not once have I been against anyone.

I'm stating facts that since day 1

1. There have been stuttering issues since day 1, it's not JUST because of steam.

2. You stated "Just because you don't have the issue doesn't mean its not a real issue" This is not true. The stuttering, the low performance from day 1 has been hard to manage however turning down graphics have helped.

3. You state "It is entirely to do with the new steam update" we don't know this for sure and yet I've not stated against it, There's many variables we have to consider and I don't think blaming one thing with no evidence is sufficient enough.

4: Yes I did recommend a fps cap because yours may be stuck at 90 you can move it to 240 (You didn't state if you used a higher cap at the time) So I suggested it.

5: "And again, its not the typical few seconds of buffering you get when first connecting online, its constant" Yes which is what I explained I believe it to be your PC communicating with the BO3 servers as offline fixes the issues. which could explain the reason for the suttering in menu? (I can't prove this but I'm thinking of this)

Originally posted by WeDoALittleTrolling:
Originally posted by XNXX Ahvay:
This has been a issue however stutters don't relate with Steam. Stuttering has been consistent from the day this game launched I'm guessing that when online it's actively connecting with the servers this is true because if your internet connection goes out the game stops and puts to offline. (Stuttering could be its way of communicating with servers to update). Freezing however is something else I've been on the forum for many years and it's not until now Windows 11 users are freezing sometimes people have overclocked their PC's.

Multiplayer is probably capped for you at 90fps, Turn down some settings, Render res etc. and turn the FPS cap up,

This explains the "launching in offline" mode as there would be no stuttering, no connection to network to tell them you are online so it's all on your PC.

I DOUBT it's anything to do with steam, these problems have been around for years. I do believe there is poor optimization in place by the devs but highly doubt it's steam.
It's literally has to do with latest steam update. Maybe next time do some proper research, before posting crap you clearly don't know ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about. "YoUR FpS Is sUdDenLY 90 inStEaD oF 150!?!? WeLL JuST PlAY aT 60fPS/60hZ. WhO NeEDS 144hZ+/144fpS AnYWaYS!?!" (literally your reply in another thread). There are multiple threads throughout the Steam Forums, Reddit etc. about the recent steam update affecting performance in games like CSGO, L4D2, Black Ops 3 etc. but hey, keep recommending ppl with 2070/3080s, Ryzen 7/i7/i9s, etc. to lower the settings in a game from flipping 2015 or raising the fps cap, even though he/she literally said that his/her fps wont go higher than 80-90 🤡

I can only rely on facts.

"It's literally has to do with latest steam update" We can't prove this.

The ones I do know that have issues are the same performance issues from day one. Stuttering is included the odd freeze on Campaign mode that everyone knows of. Sometimes the game randomly closes and these are all from day 1 not steam.

Yes you are correct I do recommend 60hz 60fps because of the fact that BO3 runs smoothly on 60hz 60fps, going any higher than this then leads to the stuttering which may I remind you has been consistent from day 1 and not because of the steam update.
You must know more than me as you say I should research so you should know that going to a higher frame rate can cause stability issues.

"There are multiple threads throughout the Steam Forums, Reddit etc. about the recent steam update affecting performance in games like CSGO, L4D2, Black Ops 3 etc."

Again, people have been posting this since the dawn of time, every update, every windows update every NVIDIA driver update, every AMD Driver update. People post performance issues for every reason as I say until it's proven I can't rely on false facts until proven again I'll say it until proven.

"keep recommending ppl with 2070/3080s, Ryzen 7/i7/i9s, etc. to lower the settings in a game from flipping 2015"

How else I place my input? That's me helping lowering graphics get know what let's skip this one.

"or raising the fps cap, even though he/she literally said that his/her fps wont go higher than 80-90"

OP did not state anything about in game capped FPS

OP said "MP fps will randomly be capped somewhere between 80 and 90" So I suggested to have a higher cap I didn't state a number but 240 is max fps that can be toggled in the settings...There was no explanation of whether OP was talking about the game caps at 90 even though the OP's cap is 240 or if the OP didn't know there was a cap so I recommended it.

And not to be rude but you didn't have to come at me like that, I'm just trying to help you know. I'm a human just like the rest of you.

But until either Steam or Windows or whatever (there are a TON of variables to consider) release some "we ♥♥♥ up" statement we cant prove or dis prove anything. All I'm saying is that these issues have been consistent from day 1, stuttering, freezing, you name it I've had every single one.

Hope this clears some of the stuff I said.
Last edited by [XNXX] Ahvay; May 17, 2022 @ 8:47pm
NikkMann May 17, 2022 @ 9:38pm 
@ [XNXX] Avhay

Some of this is wrong. You say blops 3 has had stutters since day 1 and runs best at 60hz with anything above that stuttering. That has never been my experience, either on my gtx 1070 or my rtx 3090. Going above 60 hz, as with all games, makes it much smoother and looks much better. With maxed out settings and 4k I am pretty easily able to hit around 130 fps on my 3090 without issue (at least, until before this recent steam update)

If you have consistently been getting stutters when going above 60hz since launch up to now, then there is something else wrong to you specifically.
Also, this might help you if you don't know about it:
The in-game frame limiter in blops 3 is known to be horrendous. Even setting it to its max of 240 fps, to a point where it has almost no way of limiting your frames, will still cause issues as it is still running in the background for some reason.
The only way to truly disable blops 3's horrible frame limiter is to go to your game's install location - players - config.cfg and set MaxFPS to 0. It should be one of the first options. Once you set it to 0, don't ever touch it in-game again. And if you do, just reset it back to 0 in the cfg. It should show as 0 in the in-game graphics options menu.
Now use something like RTSS to limit your frames and get perfectly smooth, consistent frametimes. Or use nvidias/AMDs built in frame limiters if you don't want to download another piece of software, they are still miles better than blops 3's native frame limiter.
Runs like a dream.

If you still get stutter above 60hz after that, try disabling the game's vsync and do it through nvidia/AMD instead. I've heard blops 3's vsync implementation isn't that great either, but I haven't ever had to use it since I've always had gsync so I can't speak to how bad it actually is and what issues it might cause.
Last edited by NikkMann; May 17, 2022 @ 9:46pm
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Date Posted: May 16, 2022 @ 12:37pm
Posts: 1,564