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WaaghMan  [desarrollador] 14 ENE 2015 a las 3:19
Enemy suggestions
Post here your enemy suggestions. Please understand that creating an enemy takes a lot of work and it's our final decision to choose what to do.

Things to consider when making your suggestion:

  • Enemy name
  • Enemy type (Boss or minion)
  • Visual looks
  • Gameplay behavior. Try to keep it simple and make sure it won't break on complex room layouts.
  • Estimated difficulty of the monster (Easier enemies = More of them are spawned). Best if compared with existing monsters.
  • Floor where it will appear first.
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Mostrando 1-15 de 47 comentarios
NotYourDamnBusiness 14 ENE 2015 a las 4:31 
Looks - well it should look like large locust[i.imgur.com] only with some demonic doodads.
Behavior - The should slowly scuttle around until gaining LOS to player, when they do after few second delay and audio cue (something along lines of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v7Cs5KEt68#t=3 only deeper/more distorted) they should spread their wings leap/glide at high speed towards the player. Deals heavy damage if directly impacts the player, if they impact wall they are temporarily disabled and unable to move or attack. It also releases seeking low-ish damage projectiles looking similar to Enchanted Butterflies only more locust-like upon spreading the wings.
Difficulty - Medium, while by themselves are relatively easy to dodge multiple ones can easily case problem due to multiple angles.
Floor - Not sure, it really depends on the how high much health/damage you give them.
Última edición por NotYourDamnBusiness; 14 ENE 2015 a las 4:32
Snabel 14 ENE 2015 a las 5:57 
Severed Hand

Enemy type:

Visual looks:
The hand should obviously be gory to fit the game style.
When it walks it should be on two fingers as showcased on this picture:
When attacking it can stand on its thumb and its pinkie finger pointing the three remaining fingers at you whereby nails will shoot out and possibly hit you.

I kind of explained this above

Estimated difficulty:
I imagine the severed hand being an easy creature with low health and damage probably along the lines of a carrot (a nice twist would be that shamans can also spawn the severed hand instead of only being able to spawn carrots - this will add more diversity to the shaman aswell)

Floor where it will appear first:
Being an easy creature it should naturally spawn on the first floor but as many other creatures it can also be spawned on later floors though in much greater numbers to compensate

Enemy type:
Minion (mini boss)

Visual looks:
If you are not sure how a minotaur looks you can find numerous pictures online, an example:

Slow but steady

Estimated difficulty:
Personally i think the minotaur should be ranked really high among the minions in terms of difficulty. The minotaur should have a large health pool and deal a ton of damage if it hits you (keep in mind that it is very slow). An idea would be that since the minotaur is a really brutal monster you put a limit on how many of them can spawn in a room for example; max 2 will be spawned in one room

Floor where it will appear first:
The minotaur should most definitely be a late game creature first appearing at floor 4 where the max amount in one room could be set to 1 then later on floor 5 the max amount in one room can be switched to 2
The Finger of God (or the devil if that fits the game better?)

Enemy type:

Visual looks:
As for the ingame model im thinking something along the lines of a cloud from which gods finger descends when it spawns. When it is defeated it should withdraw back into the cloud after which the cloud will disappear
something like this:
(excluding the hand since it is "The Finger of God" not "The Hand of God")

This can be done in a few ways im thinking that the finger - if it hits you will send you flying backwards - if you hit a wall or some sort of obstacle while you're flying backwards due to the finger hitting you, you lose a bit of HP.
If you want more diversity you can make it so that the boss can also spawn severed hands (the creature i mentioned above) or you can make the boss spawn another cloud from which lighting comes out to hit you if you're close enough

Estimated difficulty:
This can be put anywhere to be honest but being the finger of God i think it should be ranked a bit higher than 1st floor boss so maybe make it a 3rd or 4th floor boss meaning that it needs a good chunk of HP along with good damage (personally i would like more HP than damage to drag out the fight a bit - it is a boss fight after all)

Floor where it will appear first:
As mentioned around 3rd or 4th floor

Enemy type:

Visual looks:
Medusa is a mythological creature - usually portrayed as a lady with the lower body replaced by a serpent's body and hair replaced by serpents. Medusa is also known for turning people to stone with her gaze and i imagine her wearing a bow. A picture that portrays my thought pretty well: http://dowant.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/MedusaARH-15.jpg

Medusa as mentioned above both turns people to stone and usually wields a bow im thinking that the bow attack could be Medusa's main attack while turning you to stone (a short stun) will be an occasional attack that will be used more often by Medusa as her health drops. On a side note a nice touch would be that Medusa can also spawn serpents (this will make for an intense fight when you're turned to stone and watches helplessly as the serpents come crawling closer)

Estimated difficulty:
Due to Medusa's diversity in attacks and even a stun in between im thinking that she is a glass cannon meaning that she will deal a lot of damage but lack a bit in health (though still enough health to drag out the fight kind of like Queen Amanda but with more damage)

Floor where it will appear first:
I would say that 4th floor boss fits Medusa very well
Última edición por Snabel; 27 ENE 2015 a las 7:14
NeonTerminus 14 ENE 2015 a las 15:09 
Name : Wyvern

Enemy type : Boss.

Visual looks :
A scaled down version of a wyvern akin to this. How it looks exactly shouldn't be too big of an issue, just the mechanics it operates on.

Boss Room :
This one is a little inspired, so feel free to disregard this one. I'm aware that all the boss rooms so far are about the same size so this may be an issue. However, every boss has its own room and you didn't seem to mention that so with that in mind....The curavature of the room the boss inhabits would be a dome cathedral-type like area with many large windows. Something Like this without the decor on the bottom floor:

The actual area of the entire floor would probably be about quadruple a regular boss room. Towards the center would be a bottomless pit the bridge stands over and will have many flames rising up just above the length of the bridge.

Railing lines the pit making it impossible to fall to your death. The bridge will be about half a boss room wide and twice the length and will also have about 5 sets of stairs leading up to it. It would look somewhat like this:

Bridge[imgur.com] Keep the shape, change the length and width and add stone railing at the sides.

As for the area around the bridge and pit, Many of those columns I showed in the cathedral picture will go in an octogon fashion symetrically near the middle area between the outermost walls and the pit itself. Between each set of columns will be a large mosaic type painting with many torches and maybe a few chandeliers on the outermost wall. On top of that, to provide cover will be some stone ruins like in some of the other areas. Add anything else if you wish.

Gameplay behavior :
Ok, so considering it is a wyvern it will be able to fly fairly quickly(twice as fast than a bone sentry or whatever those floating skeleton heads are called). It can go around the length of the map fairly quickly, and when close enough to the player it will do one of two things depending on where the player is located:
1) If the player is not on the bridge, then the dragon will never drop down, opting to attack through various fire attacks I'll detail in the estimated difficulty ;)
2) When the player is on the bridge, more often than not the Wyvern will drop down with a small ground pound effect or will stay up in the air sometimes, leading up to different sets of attacks I'll put in estimated difficulty.

Estimated difficulty of the monster : Spawns in the center of the bridge.

Air attacks:
1) Moves around the circumference of the boss room, discharging single fireballs with a very wide AoE every 6-7seconds. Does High damage and can be used at any time during the fight. Has some but weak tracking.
2) An attack that may happen when the Wyvern leaves the ground. It will spray a large AoE blast of fire underneath itself, bending its neck down as it flies upward doing very high damage. Also may happen if the player gets too close to the dragons torso or head.
3) Every time the dragon hits the ground it will produce a small ground-pound effect that damages the player for high damage if on top of them, and lower damage if around it.

Ground attacks:
1) An attack when the player is too close to the Wyverns tail. It will pound the ground around it, doing high damage.
2) If the player is far away from the Wyvern facing them but still on the bridge it will spray a large blast of fire about a length of a boss room and almost as wide. Very high damage but telegraphed easily.

Floor where it will appear first : Low chance of spawning on level 3 and higher chance of spawning on floor 4.

Sorry if that was a little too in-depth, I'll simplify it if necessary.
Última edición por NeonTerminus; 14 ENE 2015 a las 15:27
The Stone Pilot 16 ENE 2015 a las 5:15 
• Enemy name:

Chewing Wanderer

• Enemy type:


• Visual looks:

The pink amorphous mass in a cylindrical shape with various stuff that sticking out of its body and with a lot of small eyes on its surface. For example, it could be swords, chests, bones, brooms or any other ordinary garbage.

• Gameplay behavior:

This creature is very slow and clumsy puffing enemy. It can shoot clumps of cud that will slow down the player from the distance. The melee attack of the Wanderer can throw the player far from its place. Explodes when it's close to die.

• Estimated difficulty of the monster:

The Chewing Wanderer is slow but strong enemy. This creature can rarely appear with the big horde of weak minions such as carrots.

• Floor where it will appear first:

Third floor.

Enemy Name:
Symphonies of Death

An eccentric looking creepy grinning skeleton that as a ranged attack plays classical leaning slightly off tune unsettling eery notes on an enchanted violin that materializes the notes into physical form... in the form of dark matter (unless you can think of something more appropriate) and shoots them at you.

It also has a Scythe that it uses when it's finished playing, it changes form into a cloaked apparition that resembles a grim reaper http://www.metal-archives.com/images/2/4/5/5/2455.jpg?5657 and charges towards you either using an undead horse or as a flying apparition that uses magic in order to charge. It charges in a straight line and takes a devastating sweep with a big Scythe that hit's friend and foe alike in a certain radius.... due to the nature of this attack it charges in a straight line and doesn't change direction while charging in order that you can dodge this attack.

Due to it's nature that it plays music I think having more than one fighting you at a time will sound silly, so maybe have it as a second level boss with lots of skeletons helping it, in a location that resembles a mausoleum or maybe a graveyard? :P

Feel free to take artistic liberties and change details if you decide to follow through with an area.

I kind of thought I'd post this here because I don't know where else to post it.... that skeleton that throws axes... while it looks cool, it is very underwhelming from an animation perspective, it lacks conviction and malice and is very emotionless and underwhelming in the way that it attacks.

Hope this helps!
Última edición por FrierenWasRightAboutLocalizers; 16 ENE 2015 a las 7:59
Sassafras 17 ENE 2015 a las 9:54 
Name: Clinger

Type: Minion

Visuals: It is an amorphous (shapeless) blob that hangs from the ceiling. It is bright yellow with orange streaks so it can be identified fairly easily. It will leave a large, dark shadow on the floor below it, so even in rooms with very high ceilings, the player can identify its location.

Gameplay: It will crawl fairly quickly along the ceiling towards the player and drop bombs that explode when they hit the player or the floor.

Difficulty: They will be approximately the same difficulty as the flying fire golems (Didn't unlock them in the bestiary yet, don't know exact name), but with lower health.

Floor: They will first appear on floor 4, because they have a decent strength, and it will change up the gameplay a little bit, making players more aware of the skies.
NeuralStunner 17 ENE 2015 a las 11:56 
Publicado originalmente por GenNyan:
It is an amorphous (shapeless) blob that hangs from the ceiling.
This will not work well in rooms with an open (sky) ceiling. :/

The effective threat would also diminish slightly in tall rooms, where it takes longer to reach the floor.
Sassafras 17 ENE 2015 a las 14:26 
Publicado originalmente por NeuralStunner:
Publicado originalmente por GenNyan:
It is an amorphous (shapeless) blob that hangs from the ceiling.
This will not work well in rooms with an open (sky) ceiling. :/

The effective threat would also diminish slightly in tall rooms, where it takes longer to reach the floor.

In tall rooms it can be found using the shadow, and your bullets will also take longer to reach it on high ceilings.
Última edición por Sassafras; 17 ENE 2015 a las 14:27
NeonTerminus 18 ENE 2015 a las 0:36 
Name: Orion

Enemy Type: Boss

Visual Looks: A warrior clad in white cloth wielding a large spear. Considerably shorter when compared to other bosses but much faster and still taller than the player.

Gameplay Behavior: Very fast reflexes. He would be able to shoot any elemental type (Fire, Ice, Poison, etc) depending on his stance during combat. As he takes damage, he will be more prone to switching them around more often. He is also able to do many large sweeping and thrusting attacks, moving in up close and personal when the player is far enough away. He is also capable of using his spear like a staff, using ranged attacks as well. Also has dodging capabilities.

Estimated Difficulty: Think of Orion in the sense that you do a glass cannon. Very strong attacks, high speed, but low damage resistance.

Floor: Medium chance of spawning on floor three.


Name: Cursed Sword/Club/Axe

Enemy Type: Minion

Visual Looks: A floating minion that appears as a sword, club or axe at random, the same weapons that the skeleton minions use.

Gameplay Behavior: Slightly slower than the lost souls. They will do standard swiping and slashing attacks but will be difficult to hit.

Estimated Difficulty: Slightly tougher than lost souls and do more damage as well as a result. They have a shorter range for "homing in" on the player and when out of range will simply creep up similiar to how the lost souls function albeit lower to the ground. Can be spawned in by Bone Summoners.

Floor: Floor 3 and higher.


Name: Angelus Mortis

Enemy Type: Boss

Visual Looks: A skeletal creature in a dark hooded garment that obscures its face. Wields a scythe in one arm.

Gameplay Behavior: Fast shooting from range capabilities with its scythe. Shoots a red orb-like attack that steals health. Floats above the ground and will almost always try to attack from range but can do melee attacks with its scythe.

Estimated Difficulty: High damage resistance but low speed. All attacks have tracking but little AoE. The effect of the health being stealed is compounded by the more damage the player takes quickly. May be able to spawn skeletal enemies.

Floor: Some chance of spawning on floor 4.

Name: Minotaur

Enemy type: Miniboss (rare spawn in rooms)

Visual appearance: Large bull-headed humanoid with digitigrade legs ending in hooves, wields a large war-hammer. Gold ring in the nose, along with a few silver rings in its ears and a lioncloth that looks like repurposed curtains.

Gameplay behaviour: Slow mover, high health, with high resistance against Alchemy and low resistance against Spells. Swings with hammer at close range, but can also charge at you if you are far away, though if it misses it will take damage if it hits a wall, possibly with a brief "stunned" animation.

Estimated difficulty/Floor: A challenging fight, only appears on rare occassions on Floors 3 onwards.
arcane 24 ENE 2015 a las 13:52 
Enemy name: Necromancer
Enemy type (Boss or minion): Mini-boss. Mechanic similar to obelisk.

Visual looks:

Dark robe, evil skull staff, glowing red eyes.

Gameplay behavior:

Primarily: Ressurects dead enemies, spawning them around him.
Secondary: Also a ranged caster, dealing frost and poison damage. Attempts to maintain distance in order to accomplish his primary task.

Estimated difficulty of the monster (Easier enemies = More of them are spawned). Best if compared with existing monsters:

Similar to a moving obelisk, but far less HP. Somewhat evasive and also deals his own spell damage when cornered.

Floor where it will appear first:

arcane 24 ENE 2015 a las 14:00 
Publicado originalmente por Stratomsk:
Name: Orion

Name: Cursed Sword/Club/Axe

Woah you just gave me an idea: What about evil animated bookstacks? It would appear to be a regular bookstack until you atacked it/bumped into it. Or Mimic barrels?

Similar to Symphony of the Night, where objects would come alive and attack you. Hard with the Zelda-dungeon mechanic, but keeps you on edge.
zulmetefza 26 ENE 2015 a las 1:55 
Enemy name: Trap Mimic
Enemy type (Boss or minion): Minion

Visual looks:

Looks exaclty like a floor trap from the game.

Gameplay behavior:

Primarily: behaves like a trap except, it can change places. does this when player focuses elsewhere.
Secondary: can die normally, and does not have any special attack.

Estimated difficulty of the monster (Easier enemies = More of them are spawned). Best if compared with existing monsters:

HP same with slime. Damage same with floor trap

Floor where it will appear first:

Mutant1988 1 FEB 2015 a las 13:12 
Bone Jester

Enemy type - Boss.

Visual looks:


A thin gangly skeleton in a combined jester suit and tuxedo, wearing a top hat and wielding as a weapon a staff adorned with a skull wearing a jester hat.

I realize now after drawing that concept that I wanted him to be much more spindly (Especially the hands), to the point where he's not identifiable as human.


Juggling - Creates a collection of 3 circles, each with 3 orbs of differently colored energy that spins in a circle around him, with the orbs circle increasing in radius until they collide with the walls (Or a set time). Launching these takes only a moment, after which he can attack by other means.

If this is too complicated, then just have it spin around him in an increasing circle. The idea is for the projectile to move sideways, rather than directly at the player.

Laughing Skulls - Waves his wand and spawns a small number of modified Lost souls wearing Jester hats instead of helmets that laugh instead of shriek as they charge you. Possibly also have them move a bit erratic rather than float directly towards you, perhaps
in a spiral.

When health reached 33%, his eyes starts to glow red and he launches 3 medium speed projectiles directly at you.

Difficulty: Fairly high I believe, what with players having to keep track of the circling orbs and the lost souls.

Minion - Would be assisted by a small number of

Floor where it will appear first - 4.

Rockon 1 FEB 2015 a las 15:30 
Lost Wizards
Miniboss (appears on rooms with a "Lost Wizard" modifier)
  • Can only appear on large rooms (4 squares or greater).
  • Always highlighted.
  • Regular mobs appear as well, but will also attack the miniboss.
  • Takes the form as one of the character wizards (Apprentice, Acrobat, Seer, Templar, etc.) and will have the bonuses associated with them.
  • The Lost Wizard will have a random, NON-HITSCAN weapon unless they are one of the specialists.
  • They will have their own mana pools, defaulting to the wand once they run out.
  • Their level should be +/- 2 of the player's.
  • They should be extremely agile, like fighting another player.
  • Rewards: A lot of XP and goblets, their remaining mana dropped in crystals, and the weapon they were using.

Yes, I am aware this is extremely complex, but it has the potential to be utterly fantastic. This is the kind of combat depth the game needs; enemies that can go toe-to-toe with the player.
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