Xpand Rally Xtreme

Xpand Rally Xtreme


I bought the game fews days ago and after somes configurations, it seems to run well.
But for somes reasons, since yesterday I uncountering a lot of heavy bugs:
-can't exit the repair menu. I click on "back" and nothing happen --> have to restart the game.
-can't win or lose the first special cup in japan. At the end, no mater my time / position, nothing happen. My car stop. I keep managed to wonk/light/reappear but nothing esle. (plus sometime my competitor just rush on left and block itself...)

I just don't managed to understand what's happen. Il already try to uninstall/install the game. Change some configuration. Use a "carrier checkpoint'

thanck for ready,
Hope you may help me.
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having same bug with repair menu, you ever fix it?
Last edited by adnaanmah64; May 8 @ 12:17pm
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