TOLD GOD - The legacy of cthulhu

TOLD GOD - The legacy of cthulhu

PaganElements Oct 27, 2024 @ 12:27pm
Significant Bugs At Luanch
I like the general aesthetic, story, and gameplay of this game. However, the poor translation and game-breaking glitches make it hard to recommend.

There seem to be significant issues with the encumbrance system. When scrolling through inventory for either items or weapons, the inventory tray doesn't scroll, so you scroll to view items that aren't displayed on the screen. Also, it seems that if you pick up more than 7 items, the game will allow it, but it usually deletes an item out of your inventory when you do - I got stuck on the 2nd level because the key to the door out of the level was deleted form my inventory in this way.

In addition, I've found that after I bought upgrades to my encumbrance (both the 1 time +10 bought with Insight, and the repeatable +10 bought with Green Gems), weapons I acquired would sometimes disappear, but still add to my encumbrance, giving me "phantom weight" I couldn't get rid of. In addition, while the game would usually prevent me from picking up items past maximum encumbrance, this isn't always the case. For instance, in the Library stage, I was able to pick up the Scimitar, putting me at 85/80 encumbrance.

Another glitch encountered was losing the ability to interact with anything. When trying to do the green switch puzzle in the Library, after the lights reset due to doing the puzzle wrong, I could no longer interact with anything in the level and had to restart the game. Another glitch happened in the 2nd level, where after freeing the prisoner (Stephanie) from her cell and having the inventory glitch remove the key from my inventory, I intentionally died to restart the level. However when I got to the prison cell, the cell door and Stephanie were already gone. Once I fought the zombie maid in the room, the cell door reappeared with full health, but Stephanie did not. I restarted the game and saved Stephanie again, but she still didn't appear in the lobby area afterwards.

As for the translation, there are grammatical errors in most sentences, but you can still make out a rough idea of the meaning, However, the issues aren't just grammatical. There are no spaces after most commas,like this. Some capital letters seem to not be able to appear, for instance, the letter 'M.' The note about Morres refers to him as "orres" constantly, the letter about Miskatonic University calls it "iskatonic," sentences meant to start with "More" instead start with "ore." There are also basic code formatting issues, where numbers or slashes (/) sometimes appear before words. When looting enemies while carrying max weight, the warning messages about the item weights remain in Chinese.

The core of the game is good, but unfortunately you spend more time trying to work around the glitches and restarting levels because of them than actually enjoying the game. Hopefully these glitches can be fixed.