Battlezone 98 Redux

Battlezone 98 Redux

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Upcoming Patch
Hey guys, thanks for all your feedback since launch. We are currently planning a patch for early next week. The dev team will be staying over the weekend to make sure we get it out to you as soon as possible.

Listed below are just some of the fixes.
  • Language options being added ingame.

  • Game will now launch in the correct language.

  • Fixed the pilot to stop him running midair.

  • Fixed chat lot being deleted upon entering and exiting the Pause Menu.

  • Fixed Invite Friends button from showing incorrectly.

  • Fixed front end movie running at a low framerate.

  • Fixed DM Crossroads neutral buildings belonging to the host.

  • Fixed intro movie playing over multiplayer lobby if a player accepts invite right after launching the game.

  • Fixed Cockpit of CCA Pak turret blinking out of existence.

  • Fixed Menu icons dissapearing after locking/unlocking pc.

  • Fixed game closing after using clicks OKAY upon being told joystick/controller was unplugged.

  • Readded map Crossroads to Battlezone 98 Redux.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Rebellion_Beldeth; 21.4.2016 klo 7.43
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Näytetään 1-15 / 66 kommentista
blue 21.4.2016 klo 6.47 
Yeaaaah!! Thanks Rebellion for the great game and fixes. :)
And where is the most important feature : "Configurable keybindings" ?
Will you devote some time to polishing the scripts for SP campaign missions? This bug has carried over from 1.5:

Some other bugs I'm going to guess are still present (but don't know, since the cheat to select any mission doesn't seem to work in redux):

In the NSDF escort mission on Io, there's a brief period where you can select Arkin's tug and command it to follow you. Afterwards, it won't try to escape and can be commanded normally

In the second Titan mission (total destruction), if you set up your recycler on the geyser initially occupied by the CCA armory (fun challenge), the CCA stops launching any real attack waves. It will build some Czars but they just sit there. The Howitzers still want to deploy at their usual location though.
geiles game :)
veröffentlicht ihr auch battlezone 2 - combat comander?
ich fand den 2. teil besser, als den ersten....


awesome game :)
released her even battle zone 2 - combat commander?
I found the second part better than the first ....
Black 21.4.2016 klo 13.07 
Can it be that the game is cut in the german version (once again)? If you shot an enemy pilot in the german version than he explodes like a vehicle : ) normally you see a red cloud and parts of him after the take down.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Black; 21.4.2016 klo 13.09
Janne 21.4.2016 klo 16.51 
Would be nice if you could move the input cursor, select and copy/past in the input fields.
Janne 21.4.2016 klo 16.52 
bobqat lähetti viestin:
Will you devote some time to polishing the scripts for SP campaign missions? This bug has carried over from 1.5:

Some other bugs I'm going to guess are still present (but don't know, since the cheat to select any mission doesn't seem to work in redux):

In the NSDF escort mission on Io, there's a brief period where you can select Arkin's tug and command it to follow you. Afterwards, it won't try to escape and can be commanded normally

In the second Titan mission (total destruction), if you set up your recycler on the geyser initially occupied by the CCA armory (fun challenge), the CCA stops launching any real attack waves. It will build some Czars but they just sit there. The Howitzers still want to deploy at their usual location though.
make a mod that fixes these issue, not the most nessesary issue to fix ;)

Doggy lähetti viestin:
And where is the most important feature : "Configurable keybindings" ?
You can.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Janne; 21.4.2016 klo 16.53
Potato_047 🚬 💩 lähetti viestin:
Would be nice if you could move the input cursor, select and copy/past in the input fields.

This. I want to be able to copy-paste text in lobby, scroll up and down the chat, and be able to see full games.
bobqat lähetti viestin:
Will you devote some time to polishing the scripts for SP campaign missions? This bug has carried over from 1.5:

I don't see that as being worth the devs time, it's incredibly obscure and easily explained as the BDogs having stolen CCA Flankers, the player steals units all the time.

bobqat lähetti viestin:
In the NSDF escort mission on Io, there's a brief period where you can select Arkin's tug and command it to follow you. Afterwards, it won't try to escape and can be commanded normally

You can also snipe Arkin and have one of your tanks steal the tug. I think it'd take quite a lot of work to make that mission impossible to break.

bobqat lähetti viestin:
In the second Titan mission (total destruction), if you set up your recycler on the geyser initially occupied by the CCA armory (fun challenge), the CCA stops launching any real attack waves. It will build some Czars but they just sit there. The Howitzers still want to deploy at their usual location though.

I assume you mean the second Europa mission, and I have to say... I am VERY confused how you got your Recycler up there. o_0

The mission script probably just doesn't know what to do if your Recycler is in an unexpected place. Hard to say how difficult that would be to fix.
Doggy lähetti viestin:
And where is the most important feature : "Configurable keybindings" ?

Good question...I would like to know as well, when we will have this included within the in-game UI?
It's good to see you guys are pumping out patches quickly. Might I suggest adding the ammo fix that someone has made a mod for?
any chance at BZ II ?
Also, would it be possible to have co-op added?
Cpt. Rogers lähetti viestin:
any chance at BZ II ?
Also, would it be possible to have co-op added?
I shall quote the with another quote
"They're relentless! They just keep coming!" For those playing home game I believe were up to a total 97 requests for Bz 2 and another 27 thinking this is bz2. And lastly 3 who thought this was just Arcade Battlezone
[quote=The Deus Ex;364039531225696579
I don't see that as being worth the devs time, it's incredibly obscure and easily explained as the BDogs having stolen CCA Flankers, the player steals units all the time.[/quote]

I can accept that explanation :) It's more disappointment that the surveillance cameras don't work at all. I was so excited when I discovered that a mission allowed for different approaches (beyond choice of combat strategy).
Please fix, when you change "view" ie hit Shift + F2(to change to "no cockpit) view, each time ship is all deathmatch games, after you blow up, you are back to default view. So you need to change each and every ship.
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Näytetään 1-15 / 66 kommentista
Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 21.4.2016 klo 2.29
Viestejä: 66