TheSoupNotsi Aug 20, 2023 @ 7:40am
Lost Entire Boat
Have lost my ship, Built a new ship, declaimed the old ship and claimed ownership of the new ship and named, transfer all my supplies, sail to new region, the new ship is gone and telling me that my ship is in construction mode (old map), finally get back to old map, propeller pack from south boarder to east boarder for my ship, finally arrive at the icon of the ship and its my old ship with no helm sail or anochor, sail all the way to the other end of the map since thats where I built origanlaly built it (east side of map to west friends help me to get there faster with ylandium engine ship, arrive at at the island and my old ship is there again, so my previous ship has duplicated and have new ship is just gone( Nomad 4 One) with all supplies that i have in game (Ship base play no land base).
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
handofthesly Aug 20, 2023 @ 10:40am 
Sorry this has happened, make sure to immediately report bugs using the ingame message system to notify the Devs as this sends them your logs for them to investigate. I think they are able to roll back your ship but you will have to wait for the Devs or the community manager Anna to get in touch with you.
TheSoupNotsi Aug 20, 2023 @ 10:44am 
yep as soon as i found out that my ship was no where to be found i messaged the devs in game wanted to put on on here as well thanks handofthesly
handofthesly Aug 20, 2023 @ 10:51am 
It is a strange bug but I have seen other players say they have encountered it and the Devs were able to fix it. When you say you lost your first ship, what do you mean? It disappeared and you couldn't summon it or it got damaged and sunk?
TheSoupNotsi Aug 20, 2023 @ 11:08am 
So I built the new ship, unclaimed my old ship, claimed the new one then transferred all my resources over to the new ship, once done bring up the anchor and travel to the arctic, once loaded in to the new map, ship did not spawn and the new ship was telling me it was in construction mode, so after traveling to find the ship on old map, only thing left on that map is my old ship hull in construction mode, but the ship that was at the board that apparently i traveled with was also the old ship in construction mode and the claim of the new ship didnt work for some reason
handofthesly Aug 20, 2023 @ 11:23am 
Oh I see, I misread your original post. In my head I read it as you initially lost your first ship which is why you built the second ship haha my bad.

What an odd bug, might have something to do with the internet connection between your PC and steam breaking momentarily and it didn't save your progress.

Are you on the official Ylands Discord server? I suggest adding your post to the #bug_reports channel so that the Devs can contact you easier there and you can upload screenshots as well
TheSoupNotsi Aug 20, 2023 @ 11:30am 
I went to the bug post in discord but unable to post into the bug message.
handofthesly Aug 20, 2023 @ 11:36am 
Odd, there should be a + New Post button on mobile or an area at the top where you start typing the header/title and then press Shift+Enter to create post on PC. If that doesn't work then maybe you need to first acknowledge the server rules in the #rules channel and verify your account in the #offtopic_bot_cmds channel to get the correct permissions to post there?
Last edited by handofthesly; Aug 20, 2023 @ 11:37am
TheSoupNotsi Aug 20, 2023 @ 12:08pm 
hahah my bad so use to messaging being on the bottom completely missed the top part
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