Far Cry 4

Far Cry 4

SpeedFreak 28. nov. 2014 kl. 23:17
Killed everyone at Yuma's fortress, no capture
Hey guys, so I've tried this twice now, going to Yuma's fortress before it's weakened, and wiping it clean with the sniper rifle, and both times it hasn't given me the capture on the fort. I've walked around in the the fort, setting off explosions, blowing up the gates, buzzing it with the little chopper, and I can't find anyone else alive. Is anyone else getting this bug?
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Viser 1-15 af 18 kommentarer
Muckel 19. dec. 2014 kl. 10:46 
Yeah, same story here on a friends' account
-=SOF=-WID99 19. dec. 2014 kl. 10:49 
did ya go underground ..think that was the one that had a tunnel under it
westbusa1300k4 19. dec. 2014 kl. 10:51 
ive had times were they didnt come find me,i had to search them out,they were hiding and not saying anything,
-=SOF=-WID99 19. dec. 2014 kl. 11:35 
yea that should work slofish ..good point ..but i do remember in one fort i came in from under it and there were guys underneath it...in caves that you would not see if you atacked it any other way ..as they scared the piss out of me when i came to the surface of the water
TOK 19. dec. 2014 kl. 12:24 
Funny coincidence that this thread got bumped today... I just took over Yuma's fort before it was weakened and couldn't get it to complete. It was the first one I tried to take over before it was weakend, even blew the front and rear doors open with C4 and it didn't trigger completion.

Even flew her Buzzer back to a captured outpost, and when I returned Yuma's was repopulated as if nothing ever happened.
Akunamatata 19. dec. 2014 kl. 12:38 
What do you mean by "weakened"?
I took both Noore's and Paul's fortresses when they were still alive several times both in my game and as a guest in co-op. No issues like that...
May be it's a North thing?.. I can make an experiment and load older save before "Payback", then try to conquer Yuma's fortress...
Sidst redigeret af Akunamatata; 19. dec. 2014 kl. 18:20
Gaius 19. dec. 2014 kl. 14:02 
I cleaned out Yuma's fortress twice too. Glad I'm not the only one with this problem. I don't think there is an underground there.
TOK 19. dec. 2014 kl. 14:27 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Akunamatataa:
What do you mean by "weakened"?
I took both Noore's and Paul's fortresses when they were still alive several times both in my game and as a guest in co-op. No issues like that...
May be it's a North thing?.. I can make an experiment and load older save before "Payback", then try to conquer Yuma's fortress...

After you've done whatever mission involves the fortress owner, you get a message that it is now weakend and it would be a good time to take it over. Yuma's was relatively easy with a sniper rifle, but it was the first time I took one on before doing the mission involving its owner.

I'm going to try it one more time before waiting until her mission is done.
TOK 19. dec. 2014 kl. 15:13 
OK, I just went back through and completed it. There is no underground section for Yumas fortress. Its actually pathetically easy with a silenced sniper rifle, you just shoot about 10 guys and a dog.
-=SOF=-WID99 19. dec. 2014 kl. 16:21 
yea sorry i said it had a cave .. i thought one of them did ..was unsure which one
Gaius 20. dec. 2014 kl. 8:52 
Noor's, De Pleur & Pagan's forts have undergrounds not Yuma. Well that I can find any way. De Pleur's is a well with access from the landing stage. Pagan's and Noor's both have cave access. As the bulk of Noor's fort is underground it has a huge hole in the roof for the fire. There are plenty of ledges around this for sniping spots. I just wait up there with a bow, sniper rifle, grenade launcher and throwables. As the enemies come into view below pick them off. The cave access to this fort is on the right hand side of the chamber.

SpeedFreak 25. dec. 2014 kl. 11:30 
FYI, I did get past this bug, I believe I either went and took Pagan's fort first, or I weakened Yuma's fort and then took it successfully. I don't know what caused the bug, but it pretty much sorted itself out after I did something else for a bit.
Dukmiester2 25. dec. 2014 kl. 12:18 
I had the same thing happen with Yuma's fortress. I Killed most guys with a silenced sniper, but a few, including the Dog, I set them on fire with Molotov's.

Now, when the Dog at Yuma's died from being set on fire, he whimpered like they sometimes do and since I had him tagged with the camera, I could tell he died because the red enemy tag disappeared.

Then, I ran around for about 10 minutes looking for cave's, inside buildings for hidden enemies, and found NO ONE!

I could, however, distinctly hear a dog barking at a specific spot while walking on top of the wall of the fortress near the front gate. Ran around the inside and outside of the fortress for another 10 minutes looking for where this dog was that I could hear barking.

Animals at fortresses and strongholds DO count and must be killed to trigger the capture.

I even looked around on the ground exactly where I KNOW I took him and 2 other enemies out with the fire from the Molotov's. The bodies of the other enemies were laying there on the ground, but the dead dog was NO WHERE.

I could still hear him barking, but he was not there.

Finally ended up committing suicide by running out the front gate right through the landmines.

When I re-spawned just outside Yuma's fortress, I was VERY careful to AVOID using Molotov's, and just took everyone, including the dog, out with a silenced sniper.

When I shot the last enemy, the capture finally triggered.

Very strange bug indeed. I should mention this was also BEFORE the fortress was weakened and Yuma was still alive.
P4NDA 18. aug. 2015 kl. 13:27 
Reviving thread as I just encountered it fir the first time in play through 4. I went in guns blazing using AMR, Buzzaw and the M-79. Killed everything and managed to get them all before sounding alarm. No capture.

Suicide, spawned outside fortress and did it again, this time the alarm went off. The counter went to zero but no backup nor any announcement as to where they were coming from.

Again Suicide. Spawn, kill, alarm, and this time reinforcements came. Took out the choppers with a couple of explosive arrow and voilà, capture.

Bad bug :(
So, I'm not sure if this is the reason why I was able to take the fort, but after reading these I attempted to take the fortress a second time. I did one thing, that was kind've random. I left the dog alive until it was the last enemy at the fort. I shot it, and it captured. Again, not sure if this is confirmed, but its worth a try.
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Dato opslået: 28. nov. 2014 kl. 23:17
Indlæg: 18