Far Cry 4

Far Cry 4

Levikpar Mar 14, 2018 @ 6:04pm
Far Cry 4 not launch whith more than 20 cores CPU??
Hello everyone,

Recently I acquired new PC components for work "and games too" everything was very good, however I was a bit frustrated to find that this game does not launch with more than 20 cores ... all games run very well, but even more curious and ridiculous is that the FarCry Primal and the AC Syndicate do not work either ... (Ubisoft), I then started the system with 20 cores and the games ran perfect, but beyond 20 cores it always comes out error and they do not start.

Any ideas to solve this? If these games are limited, does it mean that in the future we will not be able to play them again?

Thank you very much and excuse my bad English.
Last edited by Levikpar; Mar 14, 2018 @ 8:24pm
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
Cybertox Mar 15, 2018 @ 5:18am 
Your best bet right now is to disable Hyperthreading, when I do that on my 4930K, I get significantly better performance in Far Cry 3 and 4. So yeah, unfortunately the games are not compatible with multithreaded CPUs.
Last edited by Cybertox; Mar 15, 2018 @ 5:18am
Levikpar Mar 15, 2018 @ 8:46am 
Hi, I think the problem is not Hyperthreading, I think the problem is in the number of cores. Previously I had a 6950x and everything was fine with Hyperthreading, I had no need to disable anything. What will happen in the future when the number of cores without Hyperthreading is greater than a number of 20 cores? Now, there are older games from companies not as big as Ubisoft, and they run perfectly without needing to disable anything ... It's as if they told me or forced me to not be able to use premier or power director "among others" without disabling Hyperthreading or physical cores ... I see a problem here of development, or updating, or patching by companies to eliminate this restriction, it is so simple that the app, or the software, or the game, and the developers should decide how many physical or logical cores it can or can not use ... without disabling anything, it happens with the whole development environment. In fact it is also as if they told me that if I have 16GB of RAM, and the game requires 8Gb, I must extract or disable the other 8Gb so I can run the game or software without problems?

Excuse my bad English.

Last edited by Levikpar; Mar 15, 2018 @ 8:48am
Cybertox Mar 15, 2018 @ 12:40pm 
Originally posted by Levikpar:
Hi, I think the problem is not Hyperthreading, I think the problem is in the number of cores. Previously I had a 6950x and everything was fine with Hyperthreading, I had no need to disable anything. What will happen in the future when the number of cores without Hyperthreading is greater than a number of 20 cores? Now, there are older games from companies not as big as Ubisoft, and they run perfectly without needing to disable anything ... It's as if they told me or forced me to not be able to use premier or power director "among others" without disabling Hyperthreading or physical cores ... I see a problem here of development, or updating, or patching by companies to eliminate this restriction, it is so simple that the app, or the software, or the game, and the developers should decide how many physical or logical cores it can or can not use ... without disabling anything, it happens with the whole development environment. In fact it is also as if they told me that if I have 16GB of RAM, and the game requires 8Gb, I must extract or disable the other 8Gb so I can run the game or software without problems?

Excuse my bad English.


Well, considering the fact that it simply doesnt work on CPUs with high core counts, the only thing that can be done right now is to disable them. Complaining wont do much as the game has been released years ago and I doubt they will consider patching it at this point in time. Hyperthreading definitely helps with in-game performance, which indicates that the game has poor CPU utilization and support for multi-threaded architectures.

Concerning the RAM, I am running 64GBs and havent come across any RAM related issues in any of the Far Cry games. So there is no need to worry about that.

But I agree with you that Ubisoft should prioritize making better PC versions which utilize hardware more efficiently and have more compatability with higher-end architectures.
Grimjaw Mar 16, 2018 @ 2:29am 
Game is old now and that many cores in a CPU wasnt possible when it was released, so no its not compatible, disable some of your cores and just live with it. Its like complaining that Skyrim original dosnt suport more than 4gb ram. Nothing can be done unless they re-release the game with suport for newer hardware.
Cybertox Mar 16, 2018 @ 2:26pm 
Originally posted by -=SOF=-WID99:
see this page http://solidlystated.com/software/how-to-disable-a-cpu-core/

He didn't ask how to turn off CPU cores. He knows how and did that already, he is concerned about the fact that this game and possibly, future games wont have support for CPUs with higher core counts.
-=SOF=-WID99 Mar 16, 2018 @ 2:51pm 
the problem = look at the steam hardware survey .. its a niche thing to have a new high core CPU .. this game was made yrs before they were even available


2 cpus 24.22%+1.37%
3 cpus 0.94%+0.09%
4 cpus 71.99%-1.95%
5 cpus 0.00%0.00%
6 cpus 1.63%+0.31%
7 cpus 0.00%0.00%
8 cpus 0.48%+0.07%
9 cpus 0.00%0.00%
10 cpus 0.03%+0.01%
12 cpus 0.01%0.00%
14 cpus 0.00%0.00%
16 cpus 0.01%0.00%
18 cpus 0.00%0.00%
20 cpus 0.00%0.00%
22 cpus 0.00%0.00%
24 cpus 0.00%0.00%
28 cpu 0.00%0.00%
32 cpus 0.00%0.00%

will more multi threded CPU's be needed in a few years? .. maybe

as they become cheaper an more of a market share uses them
but only if the game is programmed to use all cores equally ..

far cry 4 uses an much older engine ..so its no suprrise that no it did not acccount for the new mass core CPU's that really were not made for gaming .. but for learning apps and video development apps and servers
Last edited by -=SOF=-WID99; Mar 16, 2018 @ 2:58pm
Levikpar Mar 16, 2018 @ 3:05pm 
games like borderlands 2 or euro truck simulator or even sacred 2 ... work perfectly ... in fact I've been reviewing most of the library and I confirm that it does not matter if the game is too old, the game works well! !... please !! games like Remember Me or Alan Wake, work very well and even much better than before...What troll writes these game engines I don't know, but they've put some serious effort into writing poor code for sure when CPU core/thread count is an issue, I can't accept such incompetency from such a big company.
-=SOF=-WID99 Mar 16, 2018 @ 3:15pm 
what exact CPU do you own .. is it indeed a server CPU ? or a gameing one .. ?

you never said what exact one you own ??? i'm not here to hold your hand or take warm showers with you ..... just cuz you spent a over a grand for a overpriced CPU

If you continue to have issues PLEASE
open a support ticket or contact Ubi support for your region
you can find phone number\ support options \ and support hours information @ https://support.ubi.com/en-GB/Contact#en-gb

Cybertox Mar 16, 2018 @ 3:47pm 
Originally posted by -=SOF=-WID99:
what exact CPU do you own .. is it indeed a server CPU ? or a gameing one .. ?

you never said what exact one you own ??? i'm not here to hold your hand or take warm showers with you ..... just cuz you spent a over a grand for a overpriced CPU

If you continue to have issues PLEASE
open a support ticket or contact Ubi support for your region
you can find phone number\ support options \ and support hours information @ https://support.ubi.com/en-GB/Contact#en-gb

There are no gaming CPUs with 20+ cores. He mentioned that it is a work station and that he occassionally play games. Which makes sense as nobody buys multi-core cpus for gaming which rely heavily on multithreading for increased performance.
Boju Mar 16, 2018 @ 5:45pm 
Probably Ubi's cpu core checker or whatever it is is freaking out. They do need to fix it, they are the only ones affected. Hope Farcry 5 isn't

Affinity wont work since the game wont launch for you to alt tab and make adjustments.

https://bitsum.com/ This program allows you to set affinity to individual .exe's before launching. Maybe try 4 cores, let me know how it goes.

Levikpar Mar 16, 2018 @ 7:36pm 
Originally posted by Boju:
Probably Ubi's cpu core checker or whatever it is is freaking out. They do need to fix it, they are the only ones affected. Hope Farcry 5 isn't

Affinity wont work since the game wont launch for you to alt tab and make adjustments.

https://bitsum.com/ This program allows you to set affinity to individual .exe's before launching. Maybe try 4 cores, let me know how it goes.

Hi, thanks for your help ... I tried this program before and it does not work either ... the only way that the games work is to deactivate the cores and threads from the bios or from msconfig / boot. it's a shame to have to resort to things like that, also it's lazy to do that just for one or three games and then re-activate .... naaaahhh the problem here is Ubisoft
Uueerdo Mar 22, 2018 @ 12:46pm 
To everyone addressing the wrong issue; he is not complaining about it not using the extra cores, he is talking about the very presence of them breaking the game. I can understand a highly threaded game having a minimum core requirement, and even an ideally threaded game having a limit on the number of cores it will use; but there is no reason for a game to have a maximum cores available ceiling.
Levikpar Mar 22, 2018 @ 1:57pm 
Originally posted by Uueerdo:
To everyone addressing the wrong issue; he is not complaining about it not using the extra cores, he is talking about the very presence of them breaking the game. I can understand a highly threaded game having a minimum core requirement, and even an ideally threaded game having a limit on the number of cores it will use; but there is no reason for a game to have a maximum cores available ceiling.

Exactly! that's what I mean ... as I said before, for example: if the memory requirement of any game is for example 16Gb, and my pc has 128gb for example, I guess I exceed the requirements but not ... I have to disable or remove the excess of ram because it is too much ram and the game does not accept it ??? Noooo .... It's the same with the cores / threads, it's ridiculous that they have limited that ...

At what time they said, or showed, or warned us!

System requirements:
RAM: Minimum RAM 16gb - maximum 32gb (WARNING) with more RAM will not work the game. (Example)

CPU: Minimum processor core i5 @ 3.50ghz - (WARNING) maximum core i7 no more than 10 cores / 20 threads because the game will not work. (True)


It is simple to say that in the FUTURE we will have these games in the library without being able to use them anymore, we will not be able to play again for their "limitations" ???
-=SOF=-WID99 Mar 22, 2018 @ 2:14pm 
again your CPU was possibly unavilable at the time they made the game ..they stated work on far cry 4 after far cry 3 ..and used an upgraded dunia engine from 2008 and far cry 3 shipped in 2012 not 2018

far cry 4 shipped in November 2014 ..and no users had a 20 core i 7 back then
(as far as i know )

also i know your mad bro .. don't blame the messanger .. this games engine was old when they made far cry 3 and 4

and they are not gonna run back and patch old games to run on NEW CPU's , as they have no Dev budget to do so

same thing with alot of my old games .. they do not run on updated hardware if i look back into my old dos\ win 95 \ 98 library

and no none of those are made by Ubisoft ..tech marches on ..some times yea with some games you may need to take extra steps to get em to run

if you feel they can fix it easily ....by all means contact Ubi support .. bet they tell ya the same thing i did man .. they do not have time or a budget to patch FC 4 for a 20 core CPU

no clue why you can not simply disable the cores for the game or any app like this
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Date Posted: Mar 14, 2018 @ 6:04pm
Posts: 18