Lords of Xulima
resoulutions and dual monitor handling
I have two dual screen monitors in 16:10 aspect, on is 1920x1200 the other is 1680x1050.

I tried to make game run in 1920x1200 but it defaults to 1440x900 leaving black bars at top and bottom, where steam overlay "hangs". also it changes my resolutin setup so i have to "quickfix" by resetting x-server when i finishd playing. this is no big deal, but i would love to see it support 16:10 resolutions also.

also better sual monitor handling would be apriciated.

im running OpenSUSE 13.2 64bit.

Intel I7-5820K cpu
16 GB memory
nvidia gefore gtx 760, 2 gig

also game seems i bit laggish at moments, but i belive this wil improve with further optimizing :)

for the good side this is the kind of game i love to play, so thank you for bringin it to Linux.
Hope it pays of for you to do this. keep up the good work.
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at times i also have wery long loading times after combat. somtimes i have to force quit the game and try again :)
Numantian Games  [dezvoltator] 5 febr. 2015 la 0:28 

OK. The dual monitor support will be improved very soon. Can you test it with only one monitor connected?

Pls., fix this "double monitor" problem asap, its really annoying.
ok, i disabled second monitor. Edited configuration.txt to run game in 1920x1200. Game runs in 16:9 aspact ratio and in game menu shows resolutin as 1920x1200. but it stil have black bars at top and bottom where steam overlay "hangs and flickers"
MeanEYE 12 febr. 2015 la 14:49 
On my system, game doesn't start at all. At first it defaulted to both displays. After manually setting resolution game still doesn't start. I think having windowed mode would help a great deal in my case.
MeanEYE 13 mart. 2015 la 19:19 
It's been a month since this issue was reported. Any progress?
Editat ultima dată de MeanEYE; 21 mart. 2015 la 0:44
Gage 17 mart. 2015 la 7:45 
Patch 1.07 does not seem to have fixed dual monitor issues in Linux. My game starts showing only the left half of the screen and has to be killed manually regardless of what setting I use for <Simple name="FullScreenMonitor" value="0" />. I have two monitors. If I use a value of 2 the game starts but does not appear on either monitor, so this setting is doing something. But a setting of 0 or 1 will always start the game on my right monitor with only the left half of the screen being visible. Disabling the second monitor works fine though. The performance optimizations of patch 1.07 are great, thanks!
MeanEYE 21 mart. 2015 la 0:45 
Postat inițial de Gage:
Patch 1.07 does not seem to have fixed dual monitor issues in Linux. My game starts showing only the left half of the screen and has to be killed manually regardless of what setting I use for <Simple name="FullScreenMonitor" value="0" />. I have two monitors. If I use a value of 2 the game starts but does not appear on either monitor, so this setting is doing something. But a setting of 0 or 1 will always start the game on my right monitor with only the left half of the screen being visible. Disabling the second monitor works fine though. The performance optimizations of patch 1.07 are great, thanks!
At least with you it starts. :/
Postat inițial de Numantian Games:

OK. The dual monitor support will be improved very soon. Can you test it with only one monitor connected?


Was this ever fixed?

I am still getting this on mint 18.1.


Or how about enabling a windowed or borderless windowed mode?
Editat ultima dată de Cíphęr廾awK; 19 febr. 2017 la 14:02
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