Ballistic Overkill

Ballistic Overkill

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Acá está como funciona el sistema de caída de cajas fuertes (Post made by zanenga, translated by me)
Hola chicos!
Puesto que muchos de ustedes han estado preguntando en varias discusiones diferentes y en nuestro servidor de discord, explicaré exactamente cómo funciona la colección de cajas fuertes.

En primer lugar, me gustaría decir que aunque queremos dar progresión y eventos relacionados con bonos (cajas adicionales y / o desechos), actualmente no podemos hacerlo debido a las limitaciones de Steam. El sistema actual es el más confiable y no explotable que encontramos que todavía da una cantidad razonable de cajas para cada jugador. Si alguna vez encontramos un camino seguro, fiable y dentro de nuestro presupuesto, mejoraremos este sistema.

Tenemos dos variables principales para determinar si tendrás una caja fuerte al final de una partida. Estas son:
Intervalo mínimo entre caída de caja(48 horas)
Tiempo mínimo de juego (2 horas)

En el momento en que ocurre una caída, su temporizador de intervalo comienza y sus "créditos de tiempo de juego" pasan a cero. Durante las próximas 48 horas, será imposible para ti obtener cualquier caída de caja fuerte. Una vez que el temporizador sobrepasa el intervalo mínimo, la caída estarán disponibles de nuevo. Ahí es donde entra la segunda variable.

A partir de ese momento, en el primer partido que tiene un tiempo de juego acumulado de 2 horas, su próxima caída sucederá. Los "créditos de juego" se reinician cada vez que ocurre una caída. Eso significa que si, si desea tener la cantidad máxima de caída de cajas fuertes posible, debe jugar al menos 2 horas cada dos días para activar la próxima caída tan pronto como esté disponible.

Puesto que una semana tiene 7 días, eso significa que la cantidad máxima de gotas por semana es 3.5. Eso no es realmente posible, así que, en realidad, la mayoría de los jugadores que juegan a menudo obtendrá 3 artículos una semana y 4 en la siguiente. Ahí es donde vienen nuestras 2-4 cajas por semana. Los jugadores que juegan menos ganarán probablemente de 1 a 3 cajas, mientras que los jugadores que jueguen más tendrán consistentemente 3 a 4.

Y eso resume nuestra explicación. Si tiene alguna duda o tiene amigos que tienen preguntas relacionadas, señale a este hilo. Además, si quieres unirte a nuestro Discord Server para hablar con otros jugadores y / o desarrolladores, esta es una invitación:

Gracias por el apoyo y esperamos que todos disfruten de la actualización 1.3!
Naposledy upravil PrettyBeard; 5. dub. 2017 v 16.05
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Here's How the Lockbox Drop System Works
Hey guys!
Since a lot of you have been asking in several different threads and in our discord server, I'll explain exactly how the Lockbox drops work.

Firstly, I’d like to say that while we want to give progression and event related bonuses (extra boxes and/or scraps), currently we can't do it because of Steam limitations. The current system is the most reliable and un-exploitable that we found that still gives a reasonable amount of boxes for each player. If we ever find a way that is safe, reliable and within our budget, we'll improve this system. Now onto the system itself.

We have two main variables to determine if you’ll have a drop at the end of a match. Those are:
  • Minimum Interval Between Drops (48 hours)
  • Minimum Gameplay Time (2 hours)

At the moment that a drop happens, your interval timer starts and your “gameplay time credits” goes to zero. For the next 48 hours, it’ll be impossible for you to gain any drops. Once that timer surpasses the Minimum Interval, drops will be available again. That’s where the second variable comes in.

From that point on, in the first match that you have an accumulated gameplay time of 2hrs, your next drop will happen. Those “gameplay credits” are reset each time a drop happens. That means that if, if you want to have the maximum amount of drops possible, you need to play at least 2 hours every two days to trigger the next drop as soon as it becomes available.

Since a week has 7 days, that means that the maximum amount of drops per week is 3.5. That’s not actually, possible so, in reality, most players that play often will get 3 items one week and 4 in the next. That’s where our 2-4 boxes per week comes from. Players that play less will probably gain 1 to 3 boxes, while players that play more will consistently get 3 to 4.

And that sums up our explanation. If you have any doubts or have any friends that have related questions, point them to this thread. Also, if you’d like to join our Discord Server to talk with other players and/or devs here’s an invite:

Thank you for the support and we hope you’re all enjoying the 1.3 Update!
Naposledy upravil Zanenga; 25. lis. 2016 v 5.29
Explains alot. There is still some flaws, but this makes sense.
Naposledy upravil If u read my name u cant read; 25. lis. 2016 v 6.07
It does explain a lot. I'm not a fan of the 48 hour limit though.
Thnx for the explanation
huh. i wonder if why thats why csgo crates are so rare to come buy without buying em.
Thanks for the information!
Avyctes původně napsal:
It does explain a lot. I'm not a fan of the 48 hour limit though.
nah dude its great, if it was less time the prices of skins on market would be lower
TheOnlySwag původně napsal:
You should have daily boxes that give crap, and make the drops actualy decent.
but what would be in those boxes? nevermind that, huge pack of new skins coming soon
you think maybe you guys can add like challanges or quests per say that can add lockboxes? at least something in the future possibly ?
Neon Demon původně napsal:
you think maybe you guys can add like challanges or quests per say that can add lockboxes? at least something in the future possibly ?
dude its all about keeping the value of skins. if lockbox drops happen more often the skins would be much cheaper and there would be no need for them in the market since there isnt much skins. payday 2 for example has a system in which you get only 1 safe (box) per week, and it can even require a drill (key). their prices on the market are good, earned my first 2 euros by selling an uncommon skin
BOTFS AVAQ původně napsal:
Neon Demon původně napsal:
you think maybe you guys can add like challanges or quests per say that can add lockboxes? at least something in the future possibly ?
dude its all about keeping the value of skins. if lockbox drops happen more often the skins would be much cheaper and there would be no need for them in the market since there isnt much skins. payday 2 for example has a system in which you get only 1 safe (box) per week, and it can even require a drill (key). their prices on the market are good, earned my first 2 euros by selling an uncommon skin
not everyone cares about that stuff though, do the devs even make money off the skins sold in the marketplace ? Shoulda just done full csgo route then and have an option to just buy crates too.
Neon Demon původně napsal:
BOTFS AVAQ původně napsal:
dude its all about keeping the value of skins. if lockbox drops happen more often the skins would be much cheaper and there would be no need for them in the market since there isnt much skins. payday 2 for example has a system in which you get only 1 safe (box) per week, and it can even require a drill (key). their prices on the market are good, earned my first 2 euros by selling an uncommon skin
not everyone cares about that stuff though, do the devs even make money off the skins sold in the marketplace ? Shoulda just done full csgo route then and have an option to just buy crates too.
nah dude, this way people who dont spend money on cratesand keys can earn money from scratch. its a good system. but as i said before, theres hell of a lot new skins incoming, about 10-15 i think
非鱼 původně napsal:
Do you care about playerbase?
Csgo as an example, attracted a lot of players with its economy. Lots of people buy things from market. Attract more people to enter. It peaked the 800,000 unique players for a period. Then the gamble ban came, destroyed the economy. Lot of people stop playing csgo and its average player online now is only 500,000 and it's still decreasing.
Another thing is that how the dev make money through ingame economy. More and more games are training their fans to be used to skins and cosmetics. Once people are willing to pay for those skins,In the future they can make keys for openning lockboxes. At this time because we are still in EA stage they make this lockbox without using a key because this is given as an award for EA fans. Let's see in the future.
csgo=gambling, just in a soft way that noone realises it. you spend piles of money on crates for in game skins which you dont even care how they look, you just want to resell them (lets be fair, if dragon lore was a common skin nobody would think it looked cool)
some people spend bigger percentage of their csgo time on buying crates than playing the game
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Datum zveřejnění: 5. dub. 2017 v 16.04
Počet příspěvků: 47