MIND Path to Thalamus E.Edition

MIND Path to Thalamus E.Edition

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Carlos Coronado [Koral Dev]  [developer] Nov 5, 2015 @ 4:11pm

Enabled option to achieve more than 100% screen percentage for supersampling. Values reach until 500%.

Enabled option to toggle Vsync.

Enabled Mouse sensivity toggle.

Fixed some grammar mistakes in russian and english.

Fixed Fog Spheres not working correctly when lower than 50 fps.

Fixed a bug that made the subtitles scale not work in game but work in the menu.

Fixed a problem with Catalan and Esukera files.


Added gamepad button info in the Pause Menu.

Fixed a bunch of no collision mistakes.

Fixed a bug that made Sensivity toggle just work horizontally.


Fixed a game breaker bug that didn't let the player move or rotate the camera when they made "weird" interactions with the physics spheres.

Added 64 bits support.


Enabled sound volume options.

Improved the lighting in the prologue level.

Fixed a bug where no dialogue was played in the 4th sea level.