MIND Path to Thalamus E.Edition

MIND Path to Thalamus E.Edition

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Carlos Coronado [Koral Dev]  [developer] Jan 21, 2016 @ 2:46pm
Mac OS X bugs and problems reports
Please report your problems here and we will help you as soon as posible!
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
spencer.hargiss Jan 28, 2016 @ 6:46pm 
On my computer, the mouse input is very choppy when the game is launched in big picture mode. When you launch the game from the regular, non-big-picture steam client, the game is fine, even if you launch big picture while the game is running. But if the game is launched from big picture, the mouse input has a very choppy update rate.

This is particularly relevent when using a steam controller.

OSX 10.11.2
iMac 27 inch
FuzzyPuffin Feb 4, 2016 @ 10:55pm 
I'm at the beach level (with the frozen waves) and I can't use the mouse to release the balls, making the level impossible to do. 10.11.3.
Parlyne Feb 6, 2016 @ 12:54pm 
In open environments (this may be especially true of those with grass) it's extremely hard to move while carrying balls without the balls flying out of my grip. This is particularly bad if looking somewhat upwards or moving uphill.

Also, no achievements are unlocking.

I'm running the game fullscreen in 10.10.5.
SqueeBat Feb 7, 2016 @ 4:34pm 
The game is crashing on start up for me. I get the small logo, hear what sounds like an ocean wave(?) and then it brings up an unreal games crash report. Kind of upset because I was excited the specs were fine for an older system.

I'm running Yosemite 10.10.5
SqueeBat Feb 8, 2016 @ 12:36pm 
Just want to add, I do have a full error log if you need more info. However, at a glance, I see an error 'SEGV_MAPERR at 0x30' that may be causing the problem.
Parlyne Feb 9, 2016 @ 2:44pm 
Under further examination, it looks like my issue with the balls is tied to framerate. When the framerate gets too low, balls just go flying off. I think it may be tied to the piece of physics that draws the balls in closer as you move forwards, since (a) it doesn't happen while walking backwards and (b) as the framerate drops, the balls seems to get drawn in farther, until the point where they fly off. The connection to grassy areas seems just to be that the rendering of grass drops my framerate precipitously.

I still don't know why achievements aren't working, though.
Offshore Feb 22, 2016 @ 4:32am 
Achievements also aren't unlocking. And steam overlay doesn't work.

OSX 10.11.3, iMac 27'' (late 2012)
Last edited by Offshore; Feb 22, 2016 @ 4:33am
tyczuczman Feb 26, 2016 @ 10:02pm 
I am also having the same problem with the achievements not unlocking. I hate to even play the game without an achievements unlocking! Please release a patch, the game seems very interesting from the little bit I've played of it!
wizcreations Jul 1, 2016 @ 6:48am 
I posted this in the main Bug Thread but I'll post here as well. I too am having the issue with achievements not unlocking. Also, steam overlay does not work. Mid 2015 iMac Retina 5K, OSX 10.11.5
Last edited by wizcreations; Jul 1, 2016 @ 6:48am
desalzmann Dec 2, 2016 @ 10:41am 
comment avoir les sous titres en français?
amanitam Dec 25, 2016 @ 5:48am 
Was hoping to explore a new beautiful world over Xmas but game just freezes to black with intemittant surf sounds when launched and crashes when I try to change the graphics setting :(

Mac OSX 10.10.5, 4 Gigs memory, GeForce 330M
deukkeunPT Jan 1, 2017 @ 2:29am 
I'd also like to voice the achievements issue. I've played 6 hours of this game with no achievements, which seems like a difficult feat. A look at a couple of achievements guides confirms that I should have at least a couple.

I'm also having the issue where the ball drops very easily especially on grassy terrain and wooden bridges. It was possible to complete the levels with lots of patience, but it would be great if that could be looked into.

Mac OSX 10.12 (Sierra), Mid 2011 iMac
astroshotgun Apr 13, 2017 @ 11:27am 
Can't launch the game! When I choose windows/full screen menu, the game window whites out and stayes like that forever. (with background sounds) Both enhanced and old version turn out the same.

Mac OS Sierra 10.12.4 iMac Retina 5k
louismax1 Jun 29, 2017 @ 4:29pm 
Same issues as above: no steam overlay, very choppy, balls don't stay in hand (esp if I hold them in front, it looks like my body somehow goes through them and knocks them out), and no achievements unlocking.
threeattic Jul 4, 2017 @ 9:44am 
So this was a great game and I played it through to the end, but: one, I had the same issue as other people with the balls flying off, so I turned my graphics settings as low as they could get, and then I had fits trying to get the balls to actually *leave* -- I'd drop them and instantly pick them back up again. Which wasn't a fatal problem, but was annoying and made some of the puzzles that involved rolling them really frustrating.

Two, I didn't seem to have any narration. I think I would have enjoyed it! I'd walk into the field of light particles, hear a tinkly bell sound, and then nothing. So the conclusion felt a little anticlimactic :( In general, though, I loved this game - the atmosphere and storytelling are brilliant. I think fixing those things would have made it amazing.
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