Vlad the Impaler

Vlad the Impaler

Bug thread
Anyone find any bugs?

- Little detail, but the choices in the main menu still highlight even when inside the options menu.

- Typo in the cannibal priest quest: one of the choices is "Kill the son of ♥♥♥♥♥" (needs an "a")
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Thank you! We will be looking into both of these issues.
I am on the quest where you save the girl in the bazaar and it will not let me go any further. No action buttons to press.
Are you still having this issue?
I've got one:

In the Basilica, if you get the event where it asks you to climb the tower either from the inside or climbing the walls, if you select the second option the first 2 pages of text you get are the ones corresponding to the cannibal priest event
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Elrogos; 2014. szept. 20., 5:38
I noticed a couple new bugs since the update.

1. In the Catacombs you can do a couple of the quests multiple times.
2. The animated transitions between chapters are choppier.
3. Not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but I charmed the last boss as the Knight and apparently won, but afterwards it says I died? Not sure from what.
Since the update the counter for the weapons achievements is frozen. I'm sure i got new weapons but the number won't increase anymore.
The same here - weapon achievements stopped coming.
Says I died as well, after killing Vlad... No Achievments are unlocking as well... Very stressful:cgpout:
76561198146097426  [Fejlesztő] 2014. szept. 29., 14:29 
Thanks for your feedback. We are looking into the achievments issue currently.
Thank you, really enjoying the game. Would be a shame to not 100% Complete it... Appriciate you letting us know.
Love this game, great patch today, really fleshes out the first part of the game. Wish there was more with the castle area but still a great improvement.

That said, on my first play through as an explorer-emisarry, I got to vlad and chose "dodge" but the game just went blank. So I had to alt-f4 out... now when I restart the game it's just a black screen.

Reinstalling will probably clear this (it didn't but maybe restarting my rig will), but just wanted to mention it.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: RadKit; 2014. okt. 9., 16:17
Hmm, Update? Says my problem was fixed! :tgrin::rcry: Time to boot up the game again! Thank you Developers! :)
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Zuko77Elendil; 2014. okt. 9., 19:36
Every action I try to make against Vlad makes the game either freeze or crash. Loading up the game/save again carries on from the point after the action was used, though.

It started with the game crashing after trying to charm him, I don't know if the rest were caused by that.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Thor; 2014. okt. 9., 21:58
Thor eredeti hozzászólása:
Every action I try to make against Vlad makes the game either freeze or crash. Loading up the game/save again carries on from the point after the action was used, though.

It started with the game crashing after trying to charm him, I don't know if the rest were caused by that.

Same happened to me with an explorer/emissary with dodge and throw dagger.
Same happening for me......
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