Pit People

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danpaladin  [developer] Feb 24, 2017 @ 11:29pm
ROADMAP - Update 3: Emperor's Orders
This is a partial/hopeful list of things that I hope to tell you once Update 3 officially rolls around. This list is going to change primarily because it will have new developments on it that are not listed here - (there is also a small chance some of these features will be shifted to Update 4) but, this should give a good overall idea of what's being worked on!

As always - Story is being worked on heavily alongside these updates.

For transparency purposes - We are estimating about 3 weeks between our Updates so that they can be substantial, exciting and generally bug-free. 3 weeks is not a concrete measure and may vary. We've been launching on Thursdays, and the closest Thursday 3 weeks from the last update is March 9th (looking more realistically hovering around the 15th or 16th...or 17th etc..).

UPDATE 3: Emperor's Orders

New features
Daily Tasks have been introduced. The Emissary will list each one's completion when logging in. These tasks include Co-op in each one of the Pit modes (PVP and Unfair Challenge), and will also involve completing a Quest in Co-op. Get ready to work together!

The Emperor's Orders have been introduced. These are tasks that will infinitely swap out once you've completed the current order. Look for the Emissary on the side of your screen!

Both the Daily Tasks and Emperor's Orders will grant gold and items immediately upon completion.

Survival Guide now has two COLLECTIONS pages for unlocks
Survival Guide now has DAILIES and EMPEROR'S ORDERS pages
Survival Guide now has MINI-MAP reference guide
Survival Guide MINI-MAP will show the city, the available quests, and completed quests

House Menu has a completely reworked equipment area ("Paper Doll" interface)

House Menu now shows +DODG, +DEF, and +DMG tradeoff icons

Slightly reworked most pop-ups with dialogue in them

Higher resolution icons for in-fight advanced cursor hover


Small chance to find colored names, wavy names, or shaking names of any possible 'standard' name in the game.

More names added.

Rainbow Horse Horns now have pretty, rainbowy trails

Archers now 'wiggle' in a placeholder struggle animation when encroached. This is to avoid confusion of the archer thought to be 'firing' when they are really just doing a weak melee.

Balance changes to Light Swords, Gnomes, Kobolds, Electrobots, Vampiress, Zombies, Gorgon, Octoclops, Mushroom, Humans, Wraith, The Stinger. Changes are generally small and should not affect the feel.

Added new lines for the narrator in new scenarios to trigger.

Readjusted narrator "impatient" commentary.

Various bug fixes.

A few more Speckled Horse lines.

Possibly a couple more city record tracks to find!
Last edited by danpaladin; Mar 16, 2017 @ 2:43pm
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Showing 1-15 of 72 comments
The Crimson Feb 25, 2017 @ 12:21am 
Originally posted by danpaladin:
Small chance to find colored names, wavy names, or shaking names of any possible 'standard' name in the game.
now i have to re-recruit everything^^
hairy peak Feb 25, 2017 @ 4:23am 
"Concrete measure" sounds like a cool name for fighters.
WILDY Feb 25, 2017 @ 4:36am 
Originally posted by mochilo:
"Concrete measure" sounds like a cool name for fighters.
I really want a hair troll called Lord Crumpet
Sepherix Feb 25, 2017 @ 5:07am 
Perfect. Now its the time to go and get an entire team of random color ! x)
How about names that are color ? Like someone named blue, just for further confusion if you find a green blue. :fhappy:
Chk Chk Boom Feb 25, 2017 @ 4:54pm 
oOOo rainbow trails, sexy, i like much
Jarlan23 Feb 25, 2017 @ 7:54pm 
Daily missions sound good. It'll give me more of an excuse to play it more.
Khalgar Feb 26, 2017 @ 6:04am 
Will it be possible to have colored AND shaking/wavy names, or is it either colored or shaky/wavy?
Will it ever be possible to change the name of your characters or at lest make them wavy or colorful with out changing them?
1982 Honda Civic Feb 26, 2017 @ 12:12pm 
It'd be super helpful if while in a battle there was a small character roster on the side of the screen displaying the healths of your characters as well as their current EXP., and with either their chracter icon, or their class icon as a representation on the side.
Mr.Zm!Y Feb 27, 2017 @ 7:30am 
Why the game gives an error?
Lucia@TheBehemoth  [developer] Feb 27, 2017 @ 3:10pm 
Originally posted by ProstoSurekat:
Why the game gives an error?

What error are you seeing?
!?! Feb 28, 2017 @ 3:19pm 
Please don't do this habit-forming garbage just because every other mmorpg feels the need to be psychologically manipulative about retaining their playerbase.
What's wrong with this just being an arcade game you can pick up and put down?
What's wrong with people playing this just because it is a good game and not because they want their daily piece of candy?
Last edited by !?!; Feb 28, 2017 @ 3:23pm
danpaladin  [developer] Feb 28, 2017 @ 3:30pm 
Originally posted by chris:
Please don't do this habit-forming garbage just because every other mmorpg feels the need to be psychologically manipulative about retaining their playerbase.
What's wrong with this just being an arcade game you can pick up and put down?
What's wrong with people playing this just because it is a good game and not because they want their daily piece of candy?
Hi! There's a lot of thought behind the decision. Boiled down, dailies are purely optional things to be doing, and are meant primarily as something else to pick from (or to keep things fresh for repeat visitors).

The emperor's orders might be something you fill just by playing the game sometimes, so it's like a bonus gift coming in here and there. It also sometimes promotes playing differently, which can keep the game feeling different and interesting.

Having dailies that surround people working together promotes more people working together! That's most likely a good thing, or that's how we see it. It also rewards those who play with others often anyways, and generally keeps the community strong.

Hope that helps!
Last edited by danpaladin; Feb 28, 2017 @ 3:31pm
!?! Feb 28, 2017 @ 3:35pm 
The issue isn't the mission type, it's the timer.
I get mobile game vibes from real-life timers and filling bars and it's pretty disgusting how transparent some companies are about trying to hook people with anything but having a fun game.
You're better than that.

I played castle crashers not because I got a free sword every day and I had to log in every day to do my dailies every day but because that was a good game.
It didn't need that and neither does pit people.
Last edited by !?!; Feb 28, 2017 @ 3:36pm
WILDY Feb 28, 2017 @ 4:03pm 
Originally posted by chris:
The issue isn't the mission type, it's the timer.
I get mobile game vibes from real-life timers and filling bars and it's pretty disgusting how transparent some companies are about trying to hook people with anything but having a fun game.
You're better than that.

I played castle crashers not because I got a free sword every day and I had to log in every day to do my dailies every day but because that was a good game.
It didn't need that and neither does pit people.
I mean, if it's not your cup of tea then dont do them. I for one anticipate they (and similar things) will be a big reason to dip back in to pit people from time to time for a fun change of pace, if im not crushing it in the pro scene ;)
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Showing 1-15 of 72 comments
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Date Posted: Feb 24, 2017 @ 11:29pm
Posts: 72