Mirror Mysteries

Mirror Mysteries

Outmyway 2014년 5월 16일 오전 2시 24분
(Windows 7 64 bit) problem with loading the game
Every time i load the game, I get a black window appear in the top left of my screen, and hear the game sounds, but can't see anything else, and can only close it through task manager.

I had this problem with another game and had to change the fullscreen settings in the game files, but can't find anything like that with this game.
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Udp 2014년 10월 16일 오전 11시 12분 
having this problem too. tried compatibilities/admin/640 window/other small tweaks.. but to no avail. any specific combination of these or other weird solution to this?
Outmyway 2014년 10월 17일 오전 2시 23분 
I had forgotten about this, but I've just tried again and realised that as the game launches, the tab says it is Dark Messiah: Might and Magic. This leads me to believe it is not a problem with my computer or OS at all, and will be asking for a refund. I'll let you know how I get on.
Andhulu [CZ] 2015년 1월 17일 오후 1시 09분 
I have same problem,but when i started game second time,that problem missed.. :)
Brofessional 2015년 3월 21일 오후 3시 44분 
avg shows a virus!!!!!!!
edderiofer 2015년 4월 9일 오전 1시 03분 
Outmyway님이 먼저 게시:
the tab says it is Dark Messiah: Might and Magic.
Funny that, when I opened up NVIDIA Control Panel, it also thought likewise. I believe it is likely a problem with NVIDIA's drivers, then, and so you should try disabling the drivers using Device Manager, or running the game using Intel Graphics (if you have it).
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5개 댓글 중 1-5개 표시
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