Project Temporality

Project Temporality

Mr_Twister May 20, 2014 @ 2:51pm
No key rebinding ?
Am I missing something obvious here, or it is impossible to rebind keys ? I don't see anything keyboard-related in the options-menu.

This makes the game practically unplayable for users with a different keyboard layout, like myself. Some of the differences on Azerty-layout is that Q and A are reversed, as are W and Z. Quite a problem, considering A and W are movement keys.

Was really looking forward to playing this game, but now I'm very dissapointed. I can live with a limited options screen, but one would at least expect key bindings.
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
DefrostGames  [developer] May 22, 2014 @ 12:17am 
I am so sorry for your experience, We didn't think about different key bindings but I promise you a simple key rebinding screen will be part of the first patch, It's a legacy from the fact that it started as a Xbox title.

So please be patient and in 2 weeks it should be fixed sorry for the inconvenice.
Mr_Twister May 22, 2014 @ 12:41pm 
Thanks for the reply. I appreciate the intention to include this in a patch, and also that you took the time to respond.

I have played a lot of Braid, The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom and The Swapper, so I really like games built around a clone/time travel mechanic. But this is the first game I know that implements this in a 3D environment, so I'm really looking forward to giving it another shot when the key rebinding is available.
DefrostGames  [developer] May 23, 2014 @ 10:51am 
Sadly the only one of those games you mentioned that I have played even a little is Braid, when making a game you don't really have time to play. But if they are good I will certainly play them post launch :)

Thanks for understanding that things take a little time at the moment I am basically the only person working on this project so.
vodkins May 28, 2014 @ 8:29am 
Yes, please make rebind menu! No matter where and how it will looks- even as pre-game screen/launcher. Can't play via WASD absolutely.
Last edited by vodkins; May 28, 2014 @ 8:31am
vodkins Aug 5, 2014 @ 9:10am 
Thaks so much for rebind menu! Sadly you can't bind mouse buttons... Will dig in config files:)
Malidictus Sep 9, 2014 @ 6:33am 
OK, question: IS there a key rebinding feature in the game now? Because the thing looks pretty interesting from the various videos I've seen, but there is NO WAY I can use Shift for long jumps. The way my hand stands on the keyboard, I cannot reach it, so without the ability to switch that to, say, the F key, I literally couldn't play this game.

I'd like to buy it, but I need to be sure I can play it before I spend money.
vodkins Sep 9, 2014 @ 7:59am 
Malidictus, yes, now we have keybindings menu. Now you can remap all actions as you want. But you can't reassign actions on mouse (only default layout on mouse is present).
Last edited by vodkins; Sep 9, 2014 @ 8:00am
Malidictus Sep 9, 2014 @ 4:49pm 
Ah, good, good. So long as the damnable Shift key can be reassigned, the rest is roughly where I want it. Good. Better get the game before the sale ends, then :)

Thank you.
jellobiafra Oct 22, 2014 @ 3:11pm 
Can someone please tell me how to rebind the keys?
I can´t find a menu for this.
vodkins Oct 23, 2014 @ 4:58am 
Only 2 clicks (shorter than a lot other games:):
Options>Keybinding (in very bottom/center of the screen)
Last edited by vodkins; Oct 23, 2014 @ 5:04am
jellobiafra Oct 23, 2014 @ 5:35am 
Originally posted by vodkins:
Only 2 clicks (shorter than a lot other games:):
Options>Keybinding (in very bottom/center of the screen)

Not if you have a controller attached.
Keyboard rebindings mode select able in the option screen if a controller is not plugged in (needed to work this way to comply with steams full controller requirements)

But thanks.
vodkins Oct 23, 2014 @ 8:03am 
I don't have a working controller at all... Some new feature anyway.
RX-0 Jul 21, 2015 @ 7:03am 
You can change Keybind manualy here :
//Documents\SavedGames\Project Temporality\Project Temporality Save\AllPlayers\TemporalityOptions.xml
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