X Rebirth

X Rebirth

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kingaires (Banned) Nov 21, 2013 @ 5:51am
Comment from Developer
When asked if Egosoft was going to run away with our money when sales drop to zero, pjknibbs on the Egosoft Forums responded:

"You've been around for seven years and you don't know the answer to that question? Has Egosoft ever *not* patched up the games after release? The current flood of negativity reminds me very much of when X2 was released in a very buggy state--it's just the sheer volume of it that's different this time, not the actual content of what anyone's saying."

Can anyone else accept that the nonchalant response is what is wrong with Egosoft, they never learned from their last half dozen releases?

Although I would argue this is far far different anyways.
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Showing 1-15 of 22 comments
Dr Sys Nov 21, 2013 @ 5:55am 
Nope - I actually am in full agreement with the comment - because I remember more than one launch that didn't go well with them - but support and patches continued for YEARS. The first few months were "fixes" - the rest of the time it was usually additional content.

Note - if your going to "quote" someone - have the courtesy to link to your source.

Actually - X2 was MORE buggy in many ways than this. What is different is the volume of sales - and thus the volume of customers that are on forums like this screaming bloody murder.
Nats Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:00am 
No 'sorry' to their community then.
Grispinne Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:01am 
Sounds alot like they knew it was as buggy as it is.
DCBenton Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:03am 
He isn't a dev, he is the website admin.
Interloper-69 Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:03am 
Also, game isn't even week old releae yet. Egosoft has what, 20 people, some of them actually working on X3 Albion to polish the last bugs from it etc.
20 people working on game, not all of them are programmers, is a bit different on bug fixes than army of codemonkeys on big companies. Testing was bad on egosoft, agreed, human resource issue I bet.

Already some minor fixes, lots of community activity, testing and bug reporting.
Ego soft can fix this if they want and I would think they want. They have been doing X series so long that we can speak "life work" here. No one want to end his/hers life work on dissaster.

Next X Rebirth2 might be early access game ;) if that ever happens
RamenAndVitamins Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:07am 
Originally posted by Wuffles:
The key words here are "sheer volume". That should speak loudly, as that means people hate this game much more than any of the other X games. That was a poor admission to make by Egosoft.
Or that they have many, many more (disappointed) fans now than they did when X2 came out.
kingaires (Banned) Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:12am 
Originally posted by Larn Conner:
Originally posted by Wuffles:
The key words here are "sheer volume". That should speak loudly, as that means people hate this game much more than any of the other X games. That was a poor admission to make by Egosoft.


The sheer volume means there was a major difference between this release and the other games.

Other complaints were about bugs... the complaints we have today are about design and lack of competent features.

They don't get it, they seem to think all we care about is the FPS.
Grispinne Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:16am 
Bernd just posted a new stickied thread on here, http://steamcommunity.com/app/2870/discussions/0/648812304968237307/

It seems they are indeed listening to what people want, this gives me some hope about the future of the game.
Jonboy Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:17am 
If they listen to their fans and community, they can turn it around. It not where you start its where you finish. The most important thing is to acknowledge the issues and then address them.
kingaires (Banned) Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:18am 
Originally posted by {Triari} Jonboy:
If they listen to their fans and community, they can turn it around. It not where you start its where you finish. The most important thing is to acknowledge the issues and then address them.

Yes and no... I never went back to play SOTS2 even after the game was "fixed" one year later. It sits in my steam account and I shutter every time I see it.

Sometimes you just lose people and never get them back.
michaelyak Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:20am 
It hasen't been a week and they are on their third patch. I am sure we will have 115 by the end of the week. We all know they just released this junk knowing it was not ready and I am an X fan. :( Hate to seem like bashing but it's the truth.
kingaires (Banned) Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:20am 
Originally posted by Grispinne:
Bernd just posted a new stickied thread on here, http://steamcommunity.com/app/2870/discussions/0/648812304968237307/

It seems they are indeed listening to what people want, this gives me some hope about the future of the game.

They were smart and saved Bernd the embarrassment of a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in his own thread. They locked it immediately lol
Iridium Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:23am 
Originally posted by kingaires:
Originally posted by {Triari} Jonboy:
If they listen to their fans and community, they can turn it around. It not where you start its where you finish. The most important thing is to acknowledge the issues and then address them.

Yes and no... I never went back to play SOTS2 even after the game was "fixed" one year later. It sits in my steam account and I shutter every time I see it.

Sometimes you just lose people and never get them back.

While SOTS2 was a complete and utter failure (I too never looked back), The Pit was a great little game developed by Kerberos without any publishers to wreck timelines etc. Completely different genre, but it was nice to see that the Devs could make a well thought out, and interesting game (if you're into roguelikes).
Last edited by Iridium; Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:24am
Schwivid Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:29am 
With Rebirth, they took all that was good and enjoyable out of the game. The formula they had dating back to X2 was a hardcore win. I won't theorize as to why Rebirth exists, except to say that it's pretty convincing that it appears to be them weighing in on the console market, which is an epic fail.
Darth Leathertush Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:32am 
If it's one thing Egosoft are good at, it is fixing things. So Chill out, power down your rage train and let them patch the game, report bugs and post crash logs. It's all we can do.

If you're wondering why they are frank with you, you should try reading your own and other peoples posts aloud and remember who you are dealing with, not some gods or faceless drones but real life human beings, with feelings and everything. The support staff and community managers you will speak to on a day to day basis are at the very, very bottom of the games industry, they are the least paid and the least respected dicipline. They don't need you to give them ♥♥♥♥ too. They get enough of that from above.

Seeing people make wildly untrue, speculative, unconstructive and just plain offensive comments about the game and towards my front line staff (as if they were responsible for the whole damn thing) would wear away at me if I were in there shooes... makes me glad I became a programmer and not a community manager though.
Last edited by Darth Leathertush; Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:33am
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Date Posted: Nov 21, 2013 @ 5:51am
Posts: 18