X Rebirth

X Rebirth

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Any word on Optimizing? DEVs? Bitte...
It would seem if I set everything to the lowest and lowest resolutions too... I get the exact same accordion effect as when I have everything maxed out...

Has anyone heard if the devs are working on optimizing at all... I would think this take priority over adding new features...?

< >
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They just did a little optimization for certain AMD gpus in the 1.3 RC6 patch (unreleased yet). They still have a long way to go to get the game running where it should be across all systems, especially newer ones. Don't think for a second their prioritization skills are logical - they tend to work on what they want to instead of what makes sense.

If I had to hazard a guess for complete optimization - right around the 1yr mark from release, so.. another 7 months of patching. That assumes they are able to keep the doors open at their offices, and they don't crumple financially in the meantime. That should be possible, given the number of duds.. err.. copies they sold.
Give them some time man, they are still fixing the bugs caused by the latest patch to fix the bugs of past patches.

Don't think for a second their prioritization skills are logical - they tend to work on what they want to instead of what makes sense.
Assuming that its you who decides what makes sense, but in the real world things tend to make sense based on things the people involved decide and not random people with little to no insight. While it may be true that there is way to go yet, things get fixed or optimized in a fashion that does make sense to those runing the show.

To the OP, yes its been and will be worked on optimization constatly, depending on when your last experience was things make more or less difference, 1.30 is a good step in the right direction for most, still for me the game brings my PC to work for it quite hard and have to turn off shadows, but my i5 and HD6790 wont allow for more it seems.



Yeah no mater what settings I have I get 60 fps for about 5-7 seconds then 5 fps for 5-8 seconds... awesome... I was just reading around and saw people saying their fps had improved so I reintalled and found out it was all lies (joking)!... then I did a sad hands dance, cried a litttle and then realized I'm dashingly handsom and decided to share my looks with the real world instead... went for a run...

Cheers for the updates and heads up... Nice to see the Devs are still scared of the forums...

Kisses, mein schatz...

Ketraar lähetti viestin:
Assuming that its you who decides what makes sense, but in the real world things tend to make sense based on things the people involved decide and not random people with little to no insight. While it may be true that there is way to go yet, things get fixed or optimized in a fashion that does make sense to those runing the show.

To the OP, yes its been and will be worked on optimization constatly, depending on when your last experience was things make more or less difference, 1.30 is a good step in the right direction for most, still for me the game brings my PC to work for it quite hard and have to turn off shadows, but my i5 and HD6790 wont allow for more it seems.



Are you an egosoft dev by any chance? Because if you aren't, then you don't have any insight either on whats going on with them and their ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game.

So, that means that you are also a random dude just voicing an opinion. That realization migh be a little too much for ya so take your time sweete.

If you are a dev tho, then that would explain why you are trying to convince people not to abandon this ship (without rudder) heading straight to the iceberg. After all, it is your ability to provide food and pay your bills what is at stake here.

If you are just a fangirl, well I feel sorry for ya.

I hope that didn't hurt your feelings much.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Athenas; 13.4.2014 klo 13.04
Ketraar lähetti viestin:
Don't think for a second their prioritization skills are logical - they tend to work on what they want to instead of what makes sense.
Assuming that its you who decides what makes sense, but in the real world things tend to make sense based on things the people involved decide and not random people with little to no insight. While it may be true that there is way to go yet, things get fixed or optimized in a fashion that does make sense to those runing the show.

Riiight.. so... invest time and money working on things like new splash screens, less grannies in stations, other random fluff. Or.. actually fix performance so that people who can't even play the game, can start doing so?

Which one makes sense to you Ketraar? In the real world, people who have a firm grip on logic tend to make good choices - we're not seeing that from Egosoft.
Because if you aren't, then you don't have any insight either on whats going on with them
Well here is where you are educated, as I'm just about to expand your universe, you can thank me later. I'm not a Dev but do have some insight, BAM! I know right, unreal, a thing that can be possible even though you did not realise it, plenty more out there yet for you grasp though, its never to late.

invest time and money working on things like new splash screens, less grannies in stations, other random fluff
Well things that make sense are related to other things, which in turn will justify the previous things to make sense. Simple. Prioritising one thing over the other is not related to make your life hard or just made up for no reason, there are valid reasons to do stuff in the way they are done, usually related to workflow, severity of impact and simplicity to achieve. Most of the time people cant grasp the impact of one single change and juts not always straightforward to assume the simple thing is the easiest one to fix/change, some times things are much harder to to fix than to identify and impact on other things is greater than one can see from a player perspective. Should you care about any of this? Not really, but you will have to trust people will make the best decision THEY deam necessary, you are though free to disagree.
And I do - "severity of impact" as you say... what is the severity and impact of a client completely unable to run the software they purchased from you as was promised them during sales? I'd say that takes priority due to being the highest severity of impact, and yet five months later we are just NOW seeing improvements in that category (performance).

You're right - some things are harder to fix than others. But then we come back to the severity of impact. Given what's transpired with Egosoft, none of us will "have to trust people (to) make the best decision THEY deem necessary". Trust was lost completely - now we question everything Egosoft does, and rightly so.

That's why I call out fixes like less grannies as being superfluous and a waste of time in the grand sceme of "severity of impact". You fix the game for people that can't run it at all, first. Then you move on to fixing less severe bugs that impact everyone.

The truth is - Egosoft didn't bother to test for newer rigs at all, they didn't even own the right hardware to test. Only after the failed launch did they fess up to it, and indicate they were "starting to buy hardware to test on". Had they done that right, they would have had all the new hardware overnighted to their offices, and nothing but crash/performance fixes lined up for the next 30 days.

They did it wrong, which is why the current playing numbers show what they do - 300 or less people on average. The severity of impact has bitten them in the arse.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Jᴧgᴧ; 13.4.2014 klo 14.58
Ketraar lähetti viestin:
Well here is where you are educated, as I'm just about to expand your universe, you can thank me later. I'm not a Dev but do have some insight, BAM! I know right, unreal, a thing that can be possible even though you did not realise it, plenty more out there yet for you grasp though, its never to late.

So.. basically what you said was that:

1. You are no dev (thus you don't have access to info on game status).

2. You claim to have "insight" about the decisions made at egosoft that nobody else have.

And are we suppossed to take the word of a random fangirl at a face value just because she says so? Anyone and their granma can claim to have "insight" about anything.

Time to put the tin foil hat down for a while sweetheart.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Athenas; 13.4.2014 klo 17.20
kingaires (Porttikiellossa) 13.4.2014 klo 17.37 
GaboMD lähetti viestin:
Ketraar lähetti viestin:
Well here is where you are educated, as I'm just about to expand your universe, you can thank me later. I'm not a Dev but do have some insight, BAM! I know right, unreal, a thing that can be possible even though you did not realise it, plenty more out there yet for you grasp though, its never to late.

So.. basically what you said was that:

1. You are no dev (thus you don't have access to info on game status).

2. You claim to have "insight" about the decisions made at egosoft that nobody else have.

And are we suppossed to take the word of a random fangirl at a face value just because she says so? Anyone and their granma can claim to have "insight" about anything.

Time to put the tin foil hat down for a while sweetheart.

He is a moderator on their forums, so one could surmise that he gets more info than the rest of us from his "unpaid" position.

That being said he also has to tow the company line and lick Bernd's rear side or he goes the way of PLYNAK
GaboMD lähetti viestin:
Ketraar lähetti viestin:
Well here is where you are educated, as I'm just about to expand your universe, you can thank me later. I'm not a Dev but do have some insight, BAM! I know right, unreal, a thing that can be possible even though you did not realise it, plenty more out there yet for you grasp though, its never to late.

So.. basically what you said was that:

1. You are no dev (thus you don't have access to info on game status).

2. You claim to have "insight" about the decisions made at egosoft that nobody else have.

And are we suppossed to take the word of a random fangirl at a face value just because she says so? Anyone and their granma can claim to have "insight" about anything.

Time to put the tin foil hat down for a while sweetheart.

You do know that more people than just the developers have access to development information right? He'd a Egosoft mod. Being a mod myself for companies, I know I have access to a lot of information...so I'm guessing he does as well.

Sorry you don't have a clue how things work....but maybe now you do.
Why are we talking about Ketraar? Does that somehow have more bearing and significance on how the latest patch is running (or crashing)? Seems totally off-topic to me.
What does any of this ♥♥♥♥ matter they sold me a game 4 months ago that runs like pure ♥♥♥♥ on a decent system and for you saying "just give them some time" no ♥♥♥♥ that they shoulda beta tested this or something not release it as a "full complete" game then pass out a alpha build and fix things as they see fit. You dont pay for a car then wait 4 months to be able to drive it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ slack ass develpers are retarded these days charging $ for unfinished stuff....
Lets face it... this is a $9 indie title in pre-release as of right now... Ergosoft pulled our pants down and got their full big budget game money out of everyone of us... Done... Lets move on...

I was hoping one of the Devs could have chimed in and let us, the PAYING public as in the reason they can zip around in new cars, or they got to take their family on a nice fancy dinner to ta-co bell that one time... We the paying public would like to know what is being done on optimization and if there is some kind of timeline?

Thats all... I have no idea how this thread went off on a tangent about who knows what... Seriously lads... Please a little dignity?

So again DEVS!? Any ideas?
Viimeisin muokkaaja on GrumpyTanky; 13.4.2014 klo 22.07
This game seriously needs Optimizing.
I have i7 4770 with gtx 780 x3 way sli 32g ram.
I run this at 5760x1080 resolution with surround display and it CTD lots of time.
Also I tried to run this at 4k. There's no hope...
< >
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Lähetetty: 12.4.2014 klo 22.43
Viestejä: 94