Performance issues.
Hi there. I'm having a rather alarming amount of fps drops, lagging, textures popping in, going blank, and popping back in. As far as I can tell, I'm around the recommended spec (i5-2400 @ 3.1GHz, 8gb RAM, RX 480 8gb). Verified the cache, checked for driver updates. etc. Not even trying to play at the highest settings. Just want 60fps on medium. Anyone have any idea why this might be happening?
Legutóbb szerkesztette: AyeAyeCapn; 2016. dec. 3., 18:09
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Hey! Can you please email me your DXDIAG report like so? Thanks!
-Press the Windows key and type dxdiag in the search box
-Click on dxdiag to run the program
-Wait for it to fully load and then hit "Save All Information"
-Save the DxDiag.txt and then email the file to
I am having the same type of issues exactly with a nvidia 1070. started about 2 hours into the game after I got the bear.
They told me it was because the RX 480 has performance issues. I ended up just getting a refund. So, I'm no help.
On my GTX 960 I had to put everything to Medium and AA to low to get any decent performance. Even then it's not 100% smooth. Everything on low looks like crap and still isn't super smooth.
ellis eredeti hozzászólása:
On my GTX 960 I had to put everything to Medium and AA to low to get any decent performance. Even then it's not 100% smooth. Everything on low looks like crap and still isn't super smooth.

mweb eredeti hozzászólása:
I am having the same type of issues exactly with a nvidia 1070. started about 2 hours into the game after I got the bear.

Please email the files per the instructions here:

In the meantime, please switch from "Fullscreen" to "Fullscreen Window" or "Window" mode and restart the game to see if this helps. Thanks.

Got problems as well. My bottleneck could only be the Nvidia GTX960 graficscard, CPU and RAM are strong (Intel i7 + 16GB), Desktop PC.

Game started at Epic settings what is looking nice but gave me about 40-45 FPS. I like to play at 60FPS though and was fiddling with the options. Every other setting than Epic blurrs the hell out of the game. High was almost giving me 60FPS but visually it's a huge step backwards with this blur. And Medium grants me my 60FPS but looks like an aquarell painting. I tried a few setting differences with the Custom sliders, but these differ heavily according if either Epic or Low was set before you cycle to it. If I come from Epic and turn all custum sliders to low, the game still can't reach 60 FPS. If I come from Low and change everything up to Epic I get 60 FPS but still get the aquarell optics.

Restarted the game a few times after changing the options and also tried Fullscreen and Windowed Fullscreen, that didn't change very much unfortunately.

Here is a screenshot of how the game looks on my PC with the Medium settings

P.S. I am not talking about Motion Blur, btw. Nevertheless I disabled it as been described in the FAQ, but that didn't help with this aquarel blur.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Kamano; 2017. ápr. 11., 11:17
Sorry to keep pushing, but is there a solution in the pipes for the performance/grafic settings issue? Would be happy to play the game without the aquarel painting optics at 60FPS. I don't mind if I am missing some eye candy to get 60FPS. At Epic settings and ~40FPS the game feels like it would be stuttering to me and anything below that gives me the blurred out aquarel optics more or less.
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