Unclaimed World

Unclaimed World

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The Last Commando 2014년 3월 27일 오후 7시 59분
request Ideas for devs more craftable Items to put in the game devs plz look
Hey all if you have great ideas for things to be crafted in the game plz plz leave a comment im really loving the game and want more of the community to add there input to make this game great ....

Ok soo the things I would like to see added to the craftable item list

Light Sources Chem lights aka Glow sticks, torches, flash lights ect....

Medkits, we need some sort of way to patch up our people after they get into a fight with Predators ...

Ok now lets talk about Setting up the Perimeter around your camp
with sentry guns, laser fences, early warning sensors to let you know when something is close or inside your camp heres a video im just using for refence if u dont know what im talking about

Note video at 0:53 http://youtu.be/fj_bn62EbRQ
OK next UAVS, GPS, Robots some sort of way to map out the land rather than useing all your people to scout out the land ....

well thats all i could think of for now but will add more stuff later also would like to hear from others on things to add to the crafting options .....
The Last Commando 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 3월 28일 오전 4시 20분
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Refactored Games 2014년 3월 28일 오전 2시 52분 
Yes, put up some ideas here, if they are easy to put in and fit in the game, they could be added quickly.
Ankou 2014년 3월 28일 오전 3시 21분 
Is there a list of already craftable items somewhere?
Because I'm not sure whats already possible.

But when I'm alone on a planet wits big bugs then I would build a shield out of the first shell I can acquire to defend myself better. Platings from the ship will also do.

Maybe this thread should become sticky.
Ankou 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 3월 28일 오전 4시 11분
The Last Commando 2014년 3월 28일 오전 4시 23분 
Ankou님이 먼저 게시:
Is there a list of already craftable items somewhere?
Because I'm not sure whats already possible.

But when I'm alone on a planet wits big bugs then I would build a shield out of the first shell I can acquire to defend myself better. Platings from the ship will also do.

Maybe this thread should become sticky.

Agreed !
♀⛤WitchyWoman⛤♀ 2014년 3월 28일 오전 8시 09분 
I really do not like the fact we have hardly any control over the people. This game is more like watching a movie. Its sad because if this game had full control and micromangement I would love it but I want direct control of most everything like how Banished and other games like this are. At this point its a waste unless you like watching a game play itself. Please add a lot more player control.
nephilimnexus 2014년 3월 28일 오후 11시 44분 
First, add a plant/fungus that has bioluminescent properties. Second, let us make lamps & flashlights with it.

In that vein, chemical batteries made from local materials. Y'know, copper wire in a potato kind of stuff. Just enough to get that thingamajig running for a couple minutes a day.

We need some sort of metal source other than salvaging the ship itself somewhere along the line, or at least better ways to salvage it. Maybe find or build a blowtorch and break that sucker down to the screws and bailing wire.

Speaking of the ship, I bet those fan blades could be folded into machete blades really easy. All you'd need is a hammer to bend it and a handle to wrap around the base.

Devices for storing water. Food preservation. How come we can't eat those head-crab looking things? Or can we? Maybe we can use their shells for canteens?

Bug shells can also be used for plates, building materials, armor... all kinds of things. Sharp bug legs can be used for weapons. Do the "Walking Dead" thing and use critter blood as a decoy scent to keep them from attacking (warning: may attrack said critter's predator species by accident).

Your best bet: Talk to some people from the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism). Yes, those medieval fair weirdos. Why? Because they've got more surivivalist skills & training than you would believe. They really do know how do to do things like old fashioned blacksmithing, salting food in barrels, making soap from tree bark, leatherworking (all stages), animal trapping, etc. They've got all that Lewis & Clark stuff at their fingertips, making them walking encyclopedias of survivalist knowledge.
nephilimnexus 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 3월 28일 오후 11시 49분
Tommygun 2014년 3월 29일 오전 2시 47분 
Here are three ideas:

A still could be an interesting craft able item made from parts of the aircraft.
You could use it to turn salt water or bad water into fresh drinking water.
It can turn wood or plants into wood alcohol for fire bombs or fuel for engines.
Grains, vegetables or fruit could be turned into medical or drinking alcohol.

A wooden club could be made into a sock baton with a little bare wire, a step-up transformer, capacitor and batteries from the aircraft too.

Small electric DC motors can be turned into generators by turning them in the opposite direction they normally run in. So attach small blades onto them and they will generate electricity in the wind.
They are good enough to recharge a cell phone like device in about a day with light but stead wind.
kubluu 2014년 3월 29일 오전 10시 11분 
Tommygun님이 먼저 게시:
Here are three ideas:

A still could be an interesting craft able item made from parts of the aircraft.
You could use it to turn salt water or bad water into fresh drinking water.
It can turn wood or plants into wood alcohol for fire bombs or fuel for engines.
Grains, vegetables or fruit could be turned into medical or drinking alcohol.

A wooden club could be made into a sock baton with a little bare wire, a step-up transformer, capacitor and batteries from the aircraft too.

Small electric DC motors can be turned into generators by turning them in the opposite direction they normally run in. So attach small blades onto them and they will generate electricity in the wind.
They are good enough to recharge a cell phone like device in about a day with light but stead wind.

Great stuff...
celestialwill 2014년 3월 30일 오전 11시 41분 
Hello! may be it will be strange, but I suppose crafting of items to store and share knowlege without computers. I mean something like manual... So an experienced man in some sphere can make a knowledge kit (like manual) for other persons. To rise their experience. Else I think that advance chemical technolgy can give alternative branch of research and crafting. Use of extraterrestrial clay may provide materials better than common earth metals and plastics.

Next - the biological implants which can rise people characteristics. Like retrovirus medcines. It does not have to be irrevertable. If some one does not need specific implant any more he or she can remove it, but will need time for physiological reabilitation.

Crafting 3-D models for 3-D printer if colonists take one in journey, They can develop specific items useful in alien environment even like special water/air filters.

Else - the nano robots for cleaning and food production purposes.
B. Cereus 2014년 3월 30일 오후 12시 19분 
I personaly would like some more buildings, and would like to see the people "hang out" at them when idleing. Such as sitting around a campfire or cooking at a makeshift kitchen. The is so fun to watch!
CanWest 2014년 3월 30일 오후 12시 36분 
AI that doesnt run to their death would be nice lol
Refactored Games 2014년 4월 2일 오전 1시 28분 
What do you think about arrows against quadites? The animals are flat, with a hard shell - Actually, I'd think that the arrows would ricochet right off since they hit at an angle...would there be a way to make arrowheads effective against that kind of shape?
ShardDrake 2014년 4월 2일 오후 8시 23분 
This isnt exactly a craftable but AI for the colonists to not run through quadite nests with thier pathing. It hurts to lose a colonist because they decided to run through a nest because it was fastest straight line distance. At least some sort of self preservation would be nice.
ShardDrake 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 4월 2일 오후 8시 26분
Tommygun 2014년 4월 3일 오전 12시 00분 
Refactored Games님이 먼저 게시:
What do you think about arrows against quadites? The animals are flat, with a hard shell - Actually, I'd think that the arrows would ricochet right off since they hit at an angle...would there be a way to make arrowheads effective against that kind of shape?

"Bodkin point" arrows where made for this type of thing.
Specifically armor plated knights at close range, so quadites should not be a problem.
Basically they are a long square-section arrowhead that were easily made by black smiths.
Game wise I think you can be a bit easy on how much skill it takes to make some things in the game.

Delta 2014년 4월 13일 오전 12시 22분 
this isn't really a crafting recipe but i would like to see some random world generation. I say this because I want to see some variety in the game and whenever I play I am scared to go further because the quadites are everywhere and am trying to stay away from them as much as possible. i find it repetitive
Delta 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 4월 13일 오전 12시 23분
Lightspit 2014년 4월 20일 오전 12시 42분 
The abadis is not really working, but what it would be if the abadis was placed in a moat?
It should stop everything that crawls. And even more, I would put also a bridge like in any fortress so the people can stay protected inside the defenced perimeter.

Also some weapons/tools should be carried by default. Something like a weight/volume factor.
For example, the spear is considered too big to be carried everywhere, but smaller weapons and tools should be carried by default.

for killing the quadites I would consider a hard arrowhead (not necessarly metal) and I would consider a distance factor. Closer range = harder hit.
Also I would consider makeshift crossbows (those were the nemesis of the plated knights) that would need more "ingredients", would be more powerfull than bows, would shoot less often but would be really effective anything that had a hard shell and also I would make them more precise because in real life mastering a crossbow is much more easier than the bow.

Some repellent plants should have the possibility to be grown in specific place through seeds or transplantation. Same way it is done in E Europe by growing garlic near potatos.

How about some animal pets?
Something like a dog that would help with hunting (actually making it much more faster) and something in the role of a cat that would help with pests (are any pest animals in the game? Maybe when farming willl appear?). Ah yes! This is an alien planet! Why not making these pets flying creatures?
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