Paper Dungeons

Paper Dungeons

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Paifu  [developer] Mar 26, 2014 @ 9:16am
Welcome to the BUGS/TECH support forum!

Early Access is a fantastic way - especially for our two persons’ team – to have a wide player base help us track down these damn bugs and eradicate them! Who better than you, our dear dedicated players, can explore our dungeons extensively and report any problems encountered?

Found a bug? As Paper Dungeons’ programmer, here are the infos that'll help me fix them efficiently:

Technical Info
- Give me some informations on your playing plateform (WINDOWS / LINUX).
- Your Operating system? (32 or 64 Bits, Win7, XP, Ubuntu…)

Then of course a description of the bug you've encountered. Please be as descriptive as possible, like:
- What type of bug is it? Crash? UI? Control? Graphics?
- When did you encounter the bug? Adventure/Puzzle/Rogue/Editor modes, Online Levels…?
- What were you doing? I.e. killing the final Boss in zone I, with an Ice Blast…
- Can you replicate the bug?
- If you send some screenshots, even better!

Note: You can find a file named output_log.txt inside the folder Paper Dungeons Data, where the game is installed. Look into it to find the line of the error and give me an excerpt of it.

Thanks so much in advance for your contributions!
As usual, we will keep our eyes and ears wide opened and will work as fast as possible to tune Paper Dungeons at its best!
Last edited by Paifu; Mar 26, 2014 @ 9:26am