Strategic War in Europe

Strategic War in Europe

Näytä tilastot:
Game won't start
Game terminates with an error after I hit start from the launcher. My first time trying to play.
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If you can't get it to run ask for a refund before 14 days.
What is the error message? What o/s are you running? Have you try to adjust the resolution settings?
sio467 lähetti viestin:
What is the error message? What o/s are you running? Have you try to adjust the resolution settings?

Windows 7. I've tried a few resolutions.

The error is Runtime Error.
I opened the game for the first time and a security alert popped up. Only thing with the caution symbol is "The name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site". How do I fix this so I can play the game?
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50