Star Ruler 2

Star Ruler 2

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Moon Base Starting Option gives no max pop ?
so .... the moon base starting option, gives more surface to your homeworld but lacks the +2 pop bonus that comes with constructing a moon base ?

that's awful if you ask me
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
IllyiaSvara Feb 8, 2017 @ 10:14am 
It's not aweful.

1- It adds a reasonable bit of space, which helps make your homeworld a lot more useable as a primary planet in the event of no good sized scaleables.

2- If you did get +2 max pop on your starting planet that is quite a huge boost and worth a lot more than just 1 point That would give you a major starting advantage.
Originally posted by IllyiaSvara:
It's not aweful.

1- It adds a reasonable bit of space, which helps make your homeworld a lot more useable as a primary planet in the event of no good sized scaleables.

2- If you did get +2 max pop on your starting planet that is quite a huge boost and worth a lot more than just 1 point That would give you a major starting advantage.
it all depends where you come from.
and it makes zero sense, all moon bases give +2 max pop
but this one doesn't ?
that's why it's awful

in a large galaxy, the additional space is just meh
and if all it gives is additional space then it should instead be an option :
-"guaranteed X x Y tiles"
IllyiaSvara Feb 8, 2017 @ 10:16pm 
If you want it to give 2 max population then it can not cost just 1 point because that is a massive boost to a players early game.

The game is balanced around its recommened settings just because you play in larger games than that does not mean the game should be balanced around the sizes you want. Different galaxy sizes require diferent levels of balancing in different areas. The game is balanced around it's recommened size.

It is not awful it is only aweful you just don't understand how useful it actually is on the recommened settings and even more so in a PvP environment where it helps to redce a large piece of uncertaininty as to if you will have a strong primary planet or just passable.
Originally posted by IllyiaSvara:
If you want it to give 2 max population then it can not cost just 1 point because that is a massive boost to a players early game.
you already said so before, saying it once was enough already.

Originally posted by IllyiaSvara:
The game is balanced around its recommened settings just because you play in larger games than that does not mean the game should be balanced around the sizes you want.
never ever talked about the fact that the game should be balanced around what I want, so ... don't really know why you bring that up...

Originally posted by IllyiaSvara:
It is not awful it is only aweful you just don't understand how useful it actually is on the recommened settings and even more so in a PvP environment where it helps to redce a large piece of uncertaininty as to if you will have a strong primary planet or just passable.
why imply that I'm not understanding ? I sound like an idiot ? are you trying to insult me ?
And, yes I understand in smaller galaxies than what I play & maybe in MP, it's a good bonus.
Though YOU completely avoided my latest post reasoning that explained why it's awful & the suggested "approach" which wasn't to rebalance the game in any way.

gg wp, try to start a flame war more *rolleyes*

anyways, it's not like I care, now that I know I'll just avoid that modifier for my own games in solo large galaxies (hint hint).
IllyiaSvara Feb 9, 2017 @ 10:28am 
Except your not providing a solution your just wanting to buff an already strong and competitive pick without increasing its cost, claiming it's aweful and dismissing that it is not aweful for what the game is balanced around.

You don't go look at chess decide that the Knight should now be allowed to stop on any of the 3 squares it passes/lands because only being allowed to stop on the last one is just simply aweful since you decide to play on a compeltely different sized board.

The moon base pick is not aweful it is strong, it is strong for any situation and even on large galaxies allows you to get an early lead on the research front right out the gate which in turn puts you in a much better position for clearing out remnant forces and holding off till late to make mid game fleet sizes allowing you to put your money elsewhere. Something that is very good for the races that are inherently slower going.

You just simply don't know how to make use of it so instead claim it is aweful.
Originally posted by IllyiaSvara:
your just wanting to buff an already strong
excuse me, which part of "guaranteed X x Y tiles" did you not manage to understand ?
(which could incidentally coincide with the moon base size increase)

which part of it exactly is a buff ? and how is its effect different if the size increase is the same in the end ????


edit: next time, read more carefully & try not to read what you want to read & understand, but instead read what others write, & try to understand what they mean instead of putting words in their mouth that they didn't say !
Last edited by [DBH].Whismerhill.{SSgt}; Feb 9, 2017 @ 6:31pm
IllyiaSvara Feb 9, 2017 @ 10:25pm 
Clearly you refuse to face the fact that it is sueful and wish to live in denial. good luck in not understanding.
Originally posted by IllyiaSvara:
Clearly you refuse to face the fact that it is sueful and wish to live in denial. good luck in not understanding.
where did I say that ? please quote me xD

edit: to be clear I never said that so please quote me.
also I listened to your arguments from the second post already. don't know why you keep insisting on putting words in my mouth that are not there.
Last edited by [DBH].Whismerhill.{SSgt}; Feb 10, 2017 @ 8:52am
IllyiaSvara Feb 10, 2017 @ 10:32am 
The fact you have insisted that it is aweful and useless in each of your posts so far.

Once again provide an actual reason as to how it is useless even on large galaxies well beyond the recommened having immediate bonus space with all the tiles already developed allows for a major early boost to research or labour if mono.
Originally posted by IllyiaSvara:
The fact you have insisted that it is aweful and useless in each of your posts so far.
I said quote me, provide proof
you're just moving empty air here !
FACTS need to be backed up by PROOF or they are not facts
only my first post contained this kind of reasoning.
you keep trying to read between the lines of what I'm saying & putting words in my mouth I didn't say : THAT is the problem you have.

Originally posted by IllyiaSvara:
Once again provide an actual reason as to how it is useless even on large galaxies well beyond the recommened having immediate bonus space with all the tiles already developed allows for a major early boost to research or labour if mono.
but .... why should I provide this ? since it's not what I think ?!?!?! ?
for one I didn't say "USELESS"
in my first post I said "awful"
I didn't "keep insisting" either
in my second post I said that the reason why it's awful is that it is not consistent and you have no information that warns you of the fact that it's not the same as an in game built moon base !!!!
in my second post I said it's "MEH" not "USELESS"
you may interpret stuff as you wish to, but you can't say I said things I didn't.
and as a matter of fact I never meant useless
in my third post, I mentioned how good a bonus it is for smaller scales
I also mentioned I'll avoid it in my own games, but I didn't give a reason behind that and besides it doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things.

It's just in those kind of games, I tend to go for late game advantage
this moon base is an early game advantage, On large galaxies there's much much more important factors that contribute to or hinder your growth as mono.
therefore the moon base is dispensable in my opinion.

There's also another reason why I didn't like the moon base compared to some other bonuses/maluses (which AGAIN, does NOT mean it's useless or awful)
the reason being that I chose the "start with no money on first budget cycle" maluses to get the moon base in the bonuses
And in my humble opinion which only impacts myself and does not represent the opinion of anyone else, and with which I do not expect any game rebalance, and this opinion is probably not shared by everyone else :
so ... in my opinion "moon base" is not worth the "start with no money"

but again I do not expect nor want any kind of rebalance
this post was just meant to express my genuine surprise and how awful that UI fault is for new players.
And also this moon base thingy present a clear lack of consistency with the rest of the game
so if anything my opinion is that I'd like it to be called something else than a moon base or at least precise somewhere that it doesn't give +2pop and only increased building space

because this moon base bonus may or may not be that relevant once in the game:
for example I once started right next to a decent FTL planet with some tiles & a moon
well my homeworld stayed @ 3 max pop for the majority of the early game, while I developped that FTL instead.
While I didn't have the moon base starting bonus in that game, it would have been kind of wasted in that option.

now if you mr or miss IllyiaSvara could stop trying to read in between the lines & thinking what you read between the lines is what the person actually said that would be awesome !!!!
ho and also one small addendum:
I do not have the pretention to be THE master of star ruler 2 strategies.
particularly given that I'm a rather new player.

and this whole discussion has been so useless -_-
Last edited by [DBH].Whismerhill.{SSgt}; Feb 10, 2017 @ 8:44pm
Zorak May 20, 2022 @ 12:49pm 
I know this is 5 years old, but I agree. It's completely counter-intuitive and nonsense to say you start with a moon base when secretly this moon base doesn't actually function like every other moon base in the game. For the point cost they may as well just start you off with a floating continent instead (or your idea of implementing a certain number of tiles on the surface). At least you'd know what you were getting.

To add another, so far unmentioned criticism, is it the case that Homeworlds NEVER start with a moon? Because if there's a chance they can start with a moon then you're giving up the chance of building a real moon base by picking the starting moon base trait, forever losing 2 pop. As a new player, I have no idea if that's the case or not.

Also that guy arguing with you is a moron. People with no reading comprehension shouldn't comment.
KaiserTom Jan 5, 2023 @ 9:09am 
+1. It's awful that the game doesn't inform you this moon base functions differently. That should be specified in the pick.

I have no disagreement with it already being a very strong pick, I absolutely agree and doesn't need a buff. But the game should absolutely be informing the player this specific one doesn't function the same. Players shouldn't have to assume, and be wrong, what exactly the starter moon base does.

It's just an annoyance and the game is pretty dead so I doubt it will be fixed. But this is still an instance of bad UI/game design.
well maybe in the version that's open source it can be reworked/reworded if there's still active development going on (on UI side only)
Last edited by [DBH].Whismerhill.{SSgt}; Jan 5, 2023 @ 10:04pm
bearhiderug May 12, 2023 @ 10:39am 
you could use the in game mod tools at your disposale, to MAKE the starting moon gives +2 pop..
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