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MegaDeth 10 apr, 2023 @ 3:26
Mod is causing a crash when the AI evaluates a building.
Just had a game crash appear consistently today, it seems to be applying retroactively to older saves as well.

"[ai_economic_strategy.h:632]: Conflicting of Possible/Allowed triggers with Destroy trigger for buildable `Ministry of Production` during AI evaluation"

Any suggestions on how to track down the culprit mod which is causing this? Or maybe delete the planet/empire via console, if I could determine which one that is.
Senast ändrad av MegaDeth; 10 apr, 2023 @ 13:33
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I am Goot 10 apr, 2023 @ 6:54 
If you think its a mod, perhaps you'd care to enlighten the community as to how many mods you are using, and which ones you have in your affected playset, before anyone can even suggest, it might be this mod, or that mod
MegaDeth 10 apr, 2023 @ 7:37 
Right you are,

Here is my mod list:

Mod_1: ! Reworked Advanced Ascension
Mod_2: ! The Merger of Rules 3.7
Mod_3: !!!Universal Resource Patch [2.4+]
Mod_4: 36 Building Slots
Mod_5: Amazing Space Battles
Mod_6: Anomaly 100%
Mod_7: Bug Branch/GVP Compatibility Patch
Mod_8: Carrying Capacity
Mod_9: "Destructive Bombardment: Death from the Heavens"
Mod_10: Diverse Rooms
Mod_11: Dynamic Political Events
Mod_12: "Ethics & Civics: Bug Branch"
Mod_13: "Ethics and Civics: Bug Branch Compatch: Forgotten Queens"
Mod_14: "Expanded Gestalts: Forgotten Queens"
Mod_15: Extended Aquatics
Mod_16: Extended Humanoids
Mod_17: Extended Machines
Mod_18: Extra Events 3.7 Continued
Mod_19: Extra Ship Components NEXT
Mod_20: Gigastructural Engineering & More (3.7)
Mod_21: Government Variety Pack
Mod_22: Ground Command
Mod_23: Machine & Robot Expansion
Mod_24: Machine Shipset
Mod_25: Masters of Nature
Mod_26: Megastructure Remover 1.3
Mod_27: More Events Mod
Mod_28: More Ship Sections
Mod_29: Mote / Gas / Crystal Jobs
Mod_30: Names for Primitive Planets
Mod_31: New Job Manager [3.7]
Mod_32: No Vassal Opinion Based On Size
Mod_33: Obsessions
Mod_34: Remastered Human Portraits Combined
Mod_35: Sovereign Advisor
Mod_36: Strike Craft Diversity
Mod_37: The Undying
Mod_38: Tidy Tradition 3.7
Mod_39: UI Overhaul Dynamic
Mod_40: UI Overhaul Dynamic + Bug Branch
Mod_41: "Uncivic: New Mechanics for Vanilla Civics"
Mod_42: 工整传统:63传统槽+64飞升槽

I've checked which were updated recently, and those were:
Merger, Uncivic and New Job Manager , all on the 9th, so I disabled those without any impact to the crash.
Also, trying to disable too many mods will generally make the save fail to load so that troubleshooting step is kind of hard to pull off, unless I can reproduce the situation in a new game.

Tried a clean install, but have not tried yet to roll back to a previous game version.
Senast ändrad av MegaDeth; 10 apr, 2023 @ 13:33
MegaDeth 10 apr, 2023 @ 9:55 
I did a rollback and the same happens, so it's almost certain not an update issue, but a mod.

The crash happens on the same date, even if I load an earlier save, so it's related to something queued up.
MegaDeth 11 apr, 2023 @ 10:27 
Any one seen anything like this? Any way to tamper with the AI evaluation, to see what's breaking it?
MrFreake_PDX 11 apr, 2023 @ 10:39 
It has been my experience that when you experience a modded crash, you very rarely get the error message that caused the crash. (because, the game is crashing and can't log errors at this point).

Your best bet is to go through your modlist, disable any out of date mods, and see if that resolves the issue. If not, you can disable them in batches to see what group of mods is causing the problem, then disable them one by one until you find the culprit.
KILLEM ALL 15 apr, 2023 @ 11:52 
Has this issue been solved? i am experiencing the same error on a set date and really dont want to lose this save
[ai_economic_strategy.h:632]: Conflicting of Possible/Allowed triggers with Destroy trigger for buildable `Ministry of Production` during AI evaluation
Mcscuba 16 apr, 2023 @ 15:11 
@MegaDeth I think I may have found the root problem, and a solution - one that's happily very quick and not destructive. I'll explain in more detail below, but the issue is that an AI empire has "invalidly colonized" part of a broken ring world, and the solution is to remove that planet by either resettling or killing all the pops there (in my case, only 3). I hope this is in fact what you and Gods sploink are dealing with too.

So basically with that error message, which I also got, it suggested to me that the issue was with (a) an AI rather than something related to my empire, and (b) the logic for choosing what buildings to build, so the issue was with a planet or multiple planets. What was also weird to me was that, alongside the "inevitable" fixed date as you've noted, this is actually my second save file on 3.7.4, with an unchanged mod list. The first save I played past the end game date, while this time the crash was happening shortly before even the mid game date.

These are the mods we have in common:
! The Merger of Rules 3.7
!!!Universal Resource Patch [2.4+]
36 Building Slots
Amazing Space Battles
Diverse Rooms
Dynamic Political Events
(Ethics & Civics Classic 3.7 - NOT Bug Branch, but I felt it was worth noting cause this mod is known for compatibility issues)
Gigastructural Engineering & More (3.7)
Masters of Nature
More Events Mod
UI Overhaul Dynamic
The error message doesn't seem mod related to me since the ministry of production is a vanilla building, but it's highly possible as a lot of mods overwrite seemingly unrelated aspects of gameplay. If the issue lies elsewhere for you I hope this shorter list might make troubleshooting easier.

Basically I went and killed all AI empires (play 1; kill_country; play 2; kill_country...) and resumed the game on my empire which confirmed the issue was with one of them, not me. Then I did a binary search of sorts, eventually narrowing it down to one empire - just killing that empire made the game able to play on.

Looking at their planet list, one stood out which was just named "Ring Section", and upon closer inspection, didn't have a capital building. It did have 3 pops on it, but no jobs for them.

Screenshots, with additional descriptions:

As mentioned above, simply removing the pops by resettling or kill_pop prevents the crash. It seems like the lack of a capital building caused an issue with the AI trying to decide what it was allowed to build on the planet. The fact that the error code mentions "ministry of production" is weird for a new planet though.

I don't know how long this will last but as mentioned above, I played another save on the same patch with the same mods almost a century farther with no issues. The specific empire in this case is also a custom empire of mine which was in the previous game, so it's not like a randomly generated empire was bugged.

I hope this helps. @MrFreake_PDX if this issue becomes more prevalent I hope this might help fix it.
BreadandYeast 22 apr, 2023 @ 7:49 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Mcscuba:
@MegaDeth I think I may have found the root problem, and a solution - one that's happily very quick and not destructive.....

got the same problem and i did the same method of diagnosing when i saw the exception being the AI economy manager, in my case an AI nation uplifted primitives which were on a methane planet (uninhabitable((you are NOT supposed to have pops there))) and as such the planet had screwed properties that made the AI crash the game, so some mod is causing pops to appear in places they shouldn't but at least it is an easy fix

so if anyone gets the same exception or error in their log, just do what mscuba did and tag switch 1-30 and try to find an AI empire that has a very dubious planet in their outliner, missing designation or obviously incorrect planet class and then just move the pops elsewhere
Senast ändrad av BreadandYeast; 23 apr, 2023 @ 2:56
Thaxll'ssillyia 22 apr, 2023 @ 15:57 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Mcscuba:
@MegaDeth I think I may have found the root problem, and a solution

That was exactly my issue too. Some stupid xeno were trying to colonize uninhabitable ring section... what a mess.
You saved my game. Thanks!
Senast ändrad av Thaxll'ssillyia; 23 apr, 2023 @ 8:32
tryzato 26 apr, 2023 @ 20:12 
*I am Japanese, and I use translations.
Thanks to everyone on this topic. Especially to Mr. Mcscuba.
My case was also caused by an AI empire.
It seems to have crashed when I completed the intelligentization in a broken ringworld.
In this case, I had to "AI" to stop the project, deactivate the special project, wait for the time to expire, "AI" again, and return to the player country.

The strange thing is that the AI empire in question had no such project until half a year ago. There was no Ascension Park to trigger it. It is really a mystery.

Again, thank you all.
I am going to make a goodwill visit to the AI empire in question with my star eater :<
EmmyBee 17 maj, 2023 @ 15:05 
THANK YOU @Mcscuba you have saved for me a week and 3 entire save games where this kept happening; somehow pre-sapients were spawning on shattered ringworld segments that made the AI think they could colonize them.

I would like to find out which mod is causing that, but using "effect destroy_colony = yes" while selecting the bugged ringworld fixed it flawlessly. I can't thank you enough!!!!!
Had the same problem, in my case destroyed Ring World in Broken Clock system (from more Events Mod) was causing it. For some reason game spawned pre-sapients there and AI decided to uplift them.
Senast ändrad av Polski Pogromca W Trumpkach; 16 jun, 2023 @ 17:30
If anyone is wondering how to quickly fix this problem.
1. Save game one day before it crashes
2. TAG every empire and check their respective situation logs
3. Look for uplifiting project that ends in one month
4. Cancel that project and wait for it to expire
5. After the project expires game should ping it's location on a map (remember system's name)
6. Load your save from day before crash
7. Go to system that was previously pinged
7. execute debugtooltip command
8. However your mouse over every planetary body in that system and search for one with
[pre_sapient_planet] under it's ID (Here is an example: )
9. Click on this planet/ring segment/whatever and type effect remove_planet = yes
10. Cancel the uplift project
11. You can now TAG back to your empire
- For some reason this bug seams to appear mostly on destroyed ring world segments
Senast ändrad av Polski Pogromca W Trumpkach; 16 jun, 2023 @ 18:20
corisai 16 jun, 2023 @ 21:17 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Polski Pogromca W Trumpkach:
If anyone is wondering how to quickly fix this problem.
Disable Events Mod.
MegaDeth 26 jun, 2023 @ 9:40 
Ursprungligen skrivet av corisai:
Ursprungligen skrivet av Polski Pogromca W Trumpkach:
If anyone is wondering how to quickly fix this problem.
Disable Events Mod.

Yeah, you spend so much time cleaning after it it's surreal; not worth the hassle to use it.

Ursprungligen skrivet av Polski Pogromca W Trumpkach:
Had the same problem, in my case destroyed Ring World in Broken Clock system (from more Events Mod) was causing it. For some reason game spawned pre-sapients there and AI decided to uplift them.

Yup, that was it.
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Datum skrivet: 10 apr, 2023 @ 3:26
Inlägg: 18