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Trekner Jun 19, 2019 @ 2:52pm
Habitat Strategy
hmmm how do i start this...
Do NOT build habitats on space research resources, its a waste of Research resource.

Habitats double Motes, Gases and Crystal strategic space resource gathering, by building a habitat instead of a mine, you can build mines/wells/plants that yield 2 for each deposit. A 2 space gas deposit turns into a 4-5 gasses with a habitat and 2 wells.

Other good places for habitats are low yielding Material and Energy resources, will allow you to build mining/energy districts. (good in midgame, just let em build up and then use the planet/habitat/ring based decision: popluation controlls, no need to look after them after that)

And why did i start of by saying do not build them on top of research resources? because a Research district on a Habitat gives 3 housing and 3 jobs, which is less then 8 housing from a habitat district plus a research building in a building slot. 3-3 vs 8-8
Sure the 8-8 is abit more expensive then the 3-3, but you also gain tons more research.
3-3 total research without bonuses 72, using all 6 habitat slots.
8-8 total research without bonuses 160, using the pop from 1 habitat (of 6) for maintentece, (ameneties, gasses).
The leisure and trade districts are trash, you gain more from building habitation districts and the trade or leisure buildings you want.
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
jeremythejedi Oct 25, 2019 @ 9:58am 
Thanks for the detail. I had no idea of the perks in building these over special resources. Is it just gas, motes, and crystals, or, does it work with nanites, living metal, and zro?

This is great as I have found challenges with Habitats since the shift to Megacorp. I'm curious how you distribute your districts between trade and housing. Trying to figure out an approach that gives me maximum employment and minimal excess housing.
Nightmyre Oct 25, 2019 @ 10:01am 
Yup. The only thing I build habitats on are mining/energy, just to get more resources.
Darklordnj Oct 25, 2019 @ 10:04am 
Originally posted by jeremythejedi:
Thanks for the detail. I had no idea of the perks in building these over special resources. Is it just gas, motes, and crystals, or, does it work with nanites, living metal, and zro?
I've only found it to work with just gas, motes, and crystals. The others have the same rate as a mining station.
Ragnarok Oct 25, 2019 @ 10:18am 
*makes note of what to do in late game to prep for the 5x crisis*.
Nightmyre Oct 25, 2019 @ 10:21am 
I hope your quick notes include taking Defender of the Galaxy, Ragnarok. Without that Ascension perk, you basically have no chance.
Ragnarok Oct 25, 2019 @ 12:31pm 
Originally posted by Nightmyre:
I hope your quick notes include taking Defender of the Galaxy, Ragnarok. Without that Ascension perk, you basically have no chance.

Already done.
ChromePlate Nov 10, 2020 @ 8:04pm 
Originally posted by Darklordnj:
Originally posted by jeremythejedi:
Thanks for the detail. I had no idea of the perks in building these over special resources. Is it just gas, motes, and crystals, or, does it work with nanites, living metal, and zro?
I've only found it to work with just gas, motes, and crystals. The others have the same rate as a mining station.
Sorry for necroing this, but was wondering if i can also get a bonus for alloys?
But then again, that little amount of alloy may not be worth to boost?
Another thing i have to ask, one can not build habitats on moons, right?
Dutchgamer1982 Nov 10, 2020 @ 8:34pm 
Originally posted by ChromePlate:
Originally posted by Darklordnj:
I've only found it to work with just gas, motes, and crystals. The others have the same rate as a mining station.
Sorry for necroing this, but was wondering if i can also get a bonus for alloys?
But then again, that little amount of alloy may not be worth to boost?
Another thing i have to ask, one can not build habitats on moons, right?

habitats cannot be build on moons.

well if a trade node produces some alloys... you do get mining districts...
so you cannot get alloys directly you will have to build metal foundry's for that..

but lets compare 2 things :

robots vs lithoid cattle for the mineral income..

*slaves do not benifit from any bonusses.. but you can reduce the upkeep cost and housing cost of them... getting them down to 0.9 mineral upkeep and 0.2 housing upkeep
effectively producing 1.1 minerals for 0.2 housing and 0.4 sprawl

the robot miners on the other hand do benefit from bonusses... racial and otherwise.. they can get a combined mining bonus of around 40% if used as miner, while costing only 0.9 gold upkeep. so they produce 5.6 minerals each...
But their upkeep is highereven with bonusses 0.4 housing and 0.4 sprawl.

so 1 robotic miner is as efficient as 5 lithoid cattle in output.
thats 1 housing used vs 0.4 (0.6 saved) and 2 sprawl vs 0.4 (1.6 saved)

1 district adds 3 miner jobs.. so it saves 1.8 housing and 4.8 sprawl.

that 4.8 sprawl can be combatted by 0.5 bureacrat jobs... 0.5 robot can do that.
so that adds 0.45 gold and 0.2 housing.

added all together... by building a city district and 15 lithoid slaves, you will sacrifice 1/4th of a building place... to gain 2.25 gold per tick and 3 extra housing. (and won't have to build and work a mineral purification hub)
I'd say thats worth it

also if you use lithoid slaves you can specialise your robots for alloy production instead... giving them that 40% bonus... instead of only a 25% one..

another bonus of using lithoid slaves, is more pop means more building slots unlocked.. using only miners you are unlikely to get sll 15.. with lithoid slave solution.. no problem..

if you spam your habitat full.. you can have really go crazy;) you will need 1 Robot Assembly Plants, 1 Ministry of Production the rest is upto you..

but if I do a suggestion : 6 alloy foundries and 4 chemical plants... plus 3 Paradise Dome
providing jobs for a total of 54 robots and 3 normal population...
and with 298 lithoid slaves with the 0.01 volatile mote trait backing them up.

leave all the admin and merchant jobs vacant.. add no new normal.. population except the1 you must colonise with.

with 82 housing (64 from districts, 18 from the 3 domes)
and you needing exactly 82 housing housing... so you now have an habitat that outputs 144 alloy.. at an upkeep cost of only 48,6 gold 1 food and 1 consumer good

Last edited by Dutchgamer1982; Nov 10, 2020 @ 9:19pm
Originally posted by ChromePlate:
Originally posted by Darklordnj:
Originally posted by jeremythejedi:
Thanks for the detail. I had no idea of the perks in building these over special resources. Is it just gas, motes, and crystals, or, does it work with nanites, living metal, and zro?
I've only found it to work with just gas, motes, and crystals. The others have the same rate as a mining station.
Sorry for necroing this, but was wondering if i can also get a bonus for alloys?
But then again, that little amount of alloy may not be worth to boost?
Re: necroing: Just be aware that some of the information in this thread is outdated.

The boost that is being discussed in the post you quoted is from building specialized extraction buildings that are enabled only if the habitat is located on a deposit of gas, motes, or crystals.

There is no special alloy extraction building, and so building a habitat on an alloy deposit does not do anything special to increase the amount of alloys you can get from that deposit. The alloys in the deposit will be automatically extracted by the habitat, so you won't lose it. You may get a small boost from designating the habitat as a foundry habitat; I haven't checked.

Any habitat, regardless of the presence of an alloy deposit, can build alloy production buildings which will turn minerals into alloys. Building a lot of those buildings on a habitat and designating the habitat as a foundry habitat can be a good way to boost your alloy production. (You can designate a planet as a foundry planet, but that precludes having another designation on the planet and so you may be having to give up another bonus. Moving your alloy production to habitats frees up your planets to get other bonuses.)
Heimdall313 Nov 11, 2020 @ 6:19am 
Originally posted by tempest.of.emptiness:
The alloys in the deposit will be automatically extracted by the habitat, so you won't lose it. You may get a small boost from designating the habitat as a foundry habitat; I haven't checked.

Foundry Station designation is +25% Foundry Build Speed, -20% Metallurgist Upkeep. Doesn't increase the job production at all, and a resource deposit would be unaffected by that anyway.
Building a Habitat on a planetary Alloy deposit gives Mining Districts with the Alloy amount as a special deposit on the planetary features tab of the habitat.
Ah, yes, you are correct. So using the foundry designation doesn't boost alloy output directly (I was wrong about that), but it does reduce the amount of minerals it takes to produce some given amount of alloys. Which is good.
Scyobi_Empire Nov 11, 2020 @ 10:36am 
Research Habitats can make 1 Society into 280 of all 3. DO build them on Space Research points.
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Date Posted: Jun 19, 2019 @ 2:52pm
Posts: 12