123 Sep 12, 2017 @ 4:31pm
Camera Insanity for Windows 10 users
O-R-B officially hasn't been updated since 2003 and the Steam version is no exception, running official version 1.04.

As a result, O-R-B does not know how to handle some new hardware that we use in this day and age. The most obvious in this situation is the Camera controls.

Orb's camera control is fairly simple, press space for tac map, right click to turn the camera around, alt click to focus on other objects. Yet you may have issues trying to use these basic skills on anything newer than windows xp.

Issue 1- Alt clicking or keyboard shortcuts dont work when left or right clicking with the mouse
Alternately, the mouse may stop responding if holding Alt or any other key

Solution- You may have the microsoft feature "disable mouse movement while typing" enabled in your system. To fix this, go to your system settings (not the game), mouse, and scroll to find "Delay when typing" or "disable when typing." If delay, select the NO DELAY option. If Disable, make sure the setting is not enabled.

Issue 2- Zooming issues- When zooming in or out the game may have insane sensitivity for whatever reason. There are multiple causes of this. Firstly, your windows system settings likely has the setting "choose how many lines to scroll" set to something over three. Orb uses this "line" incriment to determine how much is zoomed in at once. 3 is the default setting for Windows 7 Operating systems and newer. Lowering the line incriment will enable more fine control of zoom, but at the cost of also altering your normal scroll speed when browsing the web or text documents.

Solution- Go to control panel, open your mouse, go to pointer options and lower the lines scrolled per flick of the wheel.

Alternate solution- turn on smooth mouse control in the game's settings. This will make it so the motion is well, smooth, instead of jagged, and may help your perception of fast zoom without modifying your system settings.

Issue three- Camera has a siezure when moving
This is a notorious issue for touchpad users on notebook Pc's. in the long and short of it the issue is believed to be caused by mouse acceleration conflicting with raw input. While not all newer notebook pc's experience this issue, a fair amount do.

Possible Solution 1- Lower your sensitivity in your system settings.

Solution 2- go to control panel, Ease of Acces, and then click on the Ease of Access Center itself, inside you can go to make mouse easier to use, go to mouse keys, and fine tune in the middle of the page, both sensitivity, and mouse acceleration. O-R-B itself seems to use mouse acceleration and does not have an option for raw input only, so lowering your native mouse acceleration may help reduce, if not eliminate the trouble.