Soul Axiom

Soul Axiom

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ARCHIVE - EA Bug Report Thread (2014-2015)
Please Note: This thread is now innactive.

All bug reports should be reported on this thread:

Thanks, Wi Team.
Laatst bewerkt door Benjayy; 10 feb 2016 om 4:16
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Unable to synch, can't play at all on Ubuntu 14.04. 61 files failed to validate.
Laatst bewerkt door Kraezrael; 18 nov 2014 om 8:20
Hey Baron, we're very sorry to hear about that problem! We think we know what is causing it now and that will get updated for tomorrow. Keep an eye out on the announcements for this patch. Thank you for letting us know!
Location - n/a

Description - Game will not start. [linux]

Notes - Terminal output:

Game update: AppID 279900 "Soul Axiom", ProcID 2829, IP ERROR: object '/home/christopher/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored. ERROR: object '/home/christopher/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored. Segmentation fault Game removed: AppID 279900 "Soul Axiom", ProcID 2829

Computer Specs -
OS: Xubuntu 13.10 64-bit
CPU: Intel core i7-2600K
GPU: GeForce GTX 570

FYI - I mostly game on Windows anyway, so if this is an issue on my end I am not very motivated to fix it. I did try updating my graphics drivers to no avail. Other games run fine.
Hey Doom thanks for sending that our way! We have found the solution to that and we are planning another update with that patch in just a few hours time.
Awesome game, been waiting for this for ages since playing at EGX and it follows on really nicely from Master Reboot. Just wanted to let you know I'm getting some pretty nasty graphics glitches on Mac (running Yosemite). Not sure how to describe it but basically a lot of flickering on the textures, starting on the level where you first see the Angel (not sure what the level is called and don't want to give spoilers away!). Can take a few screenshots next time it happens if that helps?
Hey Art3mis, thanks for sending that our way. Would you mind posting your specs so we can look into that further? Also what graphics settings do you have the game running on?

If you could send us some screenshots that would be very helpful, but we'll look into that asap. Also, the level you're referring to is the Elysium Fields :)
Location - Noted at the hub and in the jungle

Description - Achievements for monkeys and eyes are mixed up. When I examine a monkey it increments the "Eye Flyer" achievement, and when I examine an eye it increments the "Gone Ape" achievement. Judging by their names, I am guessing these are backwards?

Computer Specs -
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
CPU: Intel core i7-2600K
GPU: GeForce GTX 570
Love this game! Unfortunately it still has a few graphic issues on Linux it seems.

My guess it's a z-fighting problem. Basically the greyish/brighter areas flicker like noise (see screenshots below). They flicker rapidly when the view changes.

Location: Pretty much everywhere (at least later in the game). How bad the effect is varies though.
OS: Ubuntu 14.04 (64bit)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4900MQ CPU
As the flickering only seems to happen when you're moving (the textures are weird when standing still, but don't flicker) I recorded a quick video of it happening I can email over if that's any use?

Machine specs are:
OS: OS X Yosemite 10.10.1
CPU: 3.1GHz Intel Core i5
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024MB
Hi, I'm playing on Windows 8 and the game refuses to start. I just get a window telling me that Steam is "preparing to launch Soul Axiom..." that appears and disappears every few seconds. It keeps interrupting me trying to type this :-p

I have verified the game cache, but no change. Any ideas?
Hey Doom and Schwarz! Thanks for the reports. We've logged the acheivement bugs and we'll get that sorted ASAP. Well spotted with the Jungle Arrow puzzle bug and the Play power after falling bug, they have been logged.

Mosaic and Art3mis... The graphical problems seem to be similair on Linux and Mac so thanks very much for sending those through.

I'm Sorry... Can you email with your specs and we'll try and sort it out. Until then, would you mind trying to run the game in Admin mode to see if that helps.

Thanks very much for all your support! We'll be updating the game at the end of the week so watch this space for all the updates!
Okay, I have time to report a few minor bugs today. None of them are game-breakers but I figure you might like to know about them anyway. I think the first three have been around since the initial release build, but I haven't had a lot of time for reporting... sorry.

1. Location - Hub

Description - Sometimes you can outsmart the automatic doors to the hub. If you activate them so they open, then walk away and back before they quite finish closing, so that they close in your face, they will remain closed until you walk away and back again. Other times, they may remain open indefinitely (not sure what triggers this one).

2. Location - Jungle

Description - There is a break in the level boundary near the spawn point. To the right side of the spawn area there are some plants. You can push past one of these plants and fall off the edge of the level geometry. You can then run around underneath the level... there is no way to get back up except to re-load.

3. Location - Jungle

Description - This one amuses me. There is a monkey statue with an item, in a pit of spikes. You have to target the gears behind it and use the Play power to retract the spikes. In my game (this version and every version prior), once you pause the retracted spikes, the monkey statue sinks into the ground a little bit. You can repeat this process and it will sink further a second time. It will not sink any further after the second time.

4. Location - Museum, dino room

Description - There are a couple egg on the right hand side of the room that are easy to get stuck behind. It seems to be possible to wiggle yourself out, but I managed to wiggle through the wall into the next room, the one with the robot.. lol.

5. Location - Museum.. can't remember what room.

Descriptoin - A typo on a poster. It talks about the laser guns you see in "scienc fiction".. should be "science fiction".

6. Location - Museum, Egypt room

Description - One of the hieroglyphs (eye of Horus) on the middle pedestal doesn't fade out when the next one lights up-- I can't remember which one numerically, but this one just stays lit through the rest of the puzzle.

7. Location - Museum

Description - No achievement unlocks for beating the museum :P

Computer Specs -
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
CPU: Intel core i7-2600K
GPU: GeForce GTX 570
Laatst bewerkt door DoomEager; 26 nov 2014 om 13:21
Hey Doom! Thanks very much for the reports! Some of those were well spotted. The Monkey bug with the cogs should have been fixed recently but we'll mark down everything else and get them sorted ASAP.

All you effort in making this game better is very much appreciated! Expect a couple of minor updates with bug fixes in the next day or so.

We hope you all enjoyed the new Museum level, if you want, leave your comments on it in the Ideas and Suggestions Thread or start up a new one. Cheers.

Wi Team
For bug location/description see the video.

You'll notice immediately some small black boxes flickering in various places. That's not too bad, but after few steps the black artifacts are more visible on the water surface.

This is a very similar issue with the one (fixed now) reported by Dreamfall Chapter Linux players.
Although I can't be sure that is the very same issue, in that case it was reported by the devs as a issue caused by Unity not supporting certain shaders on Linux.

Operating System Version:
SteamOS 1.0 (64 bit)

Video Card:
Driver: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce GTX 780
Driver Version: 4.4.0 NVIDIA 340.32

RAM: 15969 Mb

Processor Information:
AMD FX 8356
Speed: 4200 Mhz

Origineel geplaatst door Schwarzstorch:
Hello! :)
I just managed to break two puzzles inside Museum :epicstickman:

Location: Museum.
Description: Projector stoped rotating.
Notes: While raising one of the buildings the projector goes red, therefore that building start lowering down - ok. Managed to raise three of the buldings without alert. While raising the fourth one, it's goes all the way up, but the board with the key card didn't move down. I tried to lower that building and the projector saw it's moving and turned red and stoped rotating. Then the projector just goes yellow again, but didn't continue to rotate. As a result - unsolved puzzle.
Managed to solve it second time without problem.

Location: Museum.
Description: Column with a key card on it does not lower.
Notes: Tried this puzzle twice.
First time just rotate the pyramide. Some of the glyphs (3 at the same time) was lit. As a result - no idea how to solve.
Second time I looked the consistency with which glyphs light up.
And when the last glyph light up, last but one stays on. I turned the pyramid correct side and fixed it. Last but one glyph fade out. After this nothing happened, I could not turn the pyramid, and the column with the card doesn't lower.
Two times tried - 0 times solved :) Maybe I'm doing something wrong, don't know.

Thank you.

Specs: win 8.1 x64. quad i5 3.2GHz, radeon HD6800, 6GB ddr3.
Build: update 3.

Hey Schwarz, thanks very much for spotting those! We're currently looking at the pyramid puzzle and will try to re-create the glitch in the City puzzle. We're hoping to get our next update out Wednesday/Thursday so keep an eye out on these in the announcements.

Your help is very much appreciated here in the studio so 'diolch yn fawr iawn' as we say in Wales.

Wi Team
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