Diehard Dungeon
Is it a bug or is it my luck?
When I get a green chest roll and it finaly lands on something but its something I dont nead/want (+2 hearts and such) and use a token to re-roll I always fail the re-roll. I know my luck isnt the greatest but when I win something that recquires 2 rolls, One for how many spins (again hored luck always gets me 0s and 1s) and another roll for actulay getting the perk. I would think the re-roll would always be a hit on something, not a miss. Because of this I can never chance a re-roll knowing I still have a chance to miss and now have an ubserd amount of tokens that I never use.

I could see that its my luck thats failing me but personaly hopeing its a bug, ither way a posable fix/soultion is to have a re-roll cap or increase the cost for each sucesive re-roll. These are to keap it from being a blue chest if you get a hit. And if missing the re-roll was part of your plan then could you add a "x" value where x is tokens and the more of them you gambit the better your odds for a hit?

I take pride in what skill I have but in this game luck seems to be a bit of a requirement and that I have none of.
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3 yorumdan 1 ile 3 arası gösteriliyor
Tricktale  [geliştirici] 9 Eki 2014 @ 1:46 
Hi Techno Brownie, yeah there's definitely an element of luck to the token re-rolls. The system is coded so that you're much more likely to win than not, but of course there's always a chance that re-rolls fail more often than they win.

I'm going to modify the re-roll behavior for the next patch. When I first introduced the token re-rolls, I was considering the inclusion of a percentage number to indicate how likely the re-roll is to result in a win. So for instance, the first re-roll would be 100%, the second 50%, the third 25%, and so on. I can't remember the exact reasoning for not including it, but this would be a much fairer system and would always guarantee at least 1 win as you suggest.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll include this change in the next patch.
This game is terribly annoying. Not only do I ever rarely get an upgrade, but it's always something terrible. Every so often I will get something decent, but since I am always so incredibly underpowered I die shortly there after. I really think the game should give you more upgrades and also better ones much more often.
Question: What rank are you? Depending on your rank and what route you take you have a better chance of finding a chest or token well (Death bone routes are harder but has a better chest/well rate. At Diehard rank both routs are death bones).
If chests were everywhere this game would stop being hard. The random chest are also part of what makes this game "Rouge-Like".
My best suggestion: Dont rely on perks. If you do then your fate is out of your hands. Invest your time on skill. This way no matter what you can hold out.
Also when you restart right after you die you imedatley get a green chest chance so theres always that.
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